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"Voltron Street Racing Event." Replied Keith in a rather calm yet still nervous tone. There wasn't a use in trying to make up a lie, everyone knew who Keith was anyway, but he still felt kind of awkward saying it.

"Oh! That's today!" Romelle said. She used to be against Keith Street racing, but now she finds it quite cool. Besides, Keith is her friend, and she'll always support her friends.

"Yeah it's at eight tonight." He said back.

"Oh wait, I saw Blue's tweet earlier I think." She paused, taking out her phone from her pocket.

Lance and Allura looked at eachother, panicked. God this was going to haunt Lance forever wasn't it? Why did he send that stupid tweet. All because he wanted to divert the attention back on himself. Stupid, stupid Lance.

Keith felt even more awkward. Honestly, hanging out with people made him forget about that tweet for a bit. He completely forgot he was going to have to face Blue tonight. Not that that was anything new, but this time it would be a proper face off. Until now, their races either ended in a tie, or a very close tie. It was never predictable which one would win. They both had basically the same number of wins against eachother. But now all of that wouldn't matter. This race would determine it all. Keith wasn't ready.

"There! Found it. You've seen it right Keith?" Romelle asked him.

"Yeah." He said bluntly.

"What about you guys? You follow Blue right?" Romelle asked Allura and Lance.

"Yep, we saw it last night." Replied Allura for the both of them while Lance grabbed his drink from the table.

"Hmm. Who do you guys think Blue is? Like, behind the mask?"

Lance suddenly started choking on his water. There is no way she just asked that.

"You alright Lance?" Asked Keith rather concerned, but also holding back a laugh.

"Yep, fine."

"So? Who do you guys think?"

"Honestly could be anyway. No way of knowing." Allura said.

"Yeah but like, do you think it's someone we know? That would be awesome, don't you think?"

"Awesome? How would that be-" Keith suddenly got cut off.

"I think it's Lance." Said Coran, popping his head into the Lounge.

Everyone's head turned to Lance.

"What? What made you say that? It's not me. Why would you think that? I'm in auto racing. I would never do something like that. I don't know what made you think that." He rambled.

"Relax, it was just a joke. That's what you young people do right? Pick out the least reasonable person and say its them?"

"Right. Yes. Least likely. Exactly." Lance said in relief.

Coran left again. Romelle laughed about how she'd never believe it was Lance. Allura agreed and they changed topic onto something else. Keith however, didn't want to change topic. Coran joking about Lance being Blue made him question whether it could actually be true.

Keith didn't exactly spend a lot of time with Lance, and even though he's known Blue for years because of the events, they never actually came into contact and they didn't really say much to eachother. Never directly at least, if they did say something to eachother it was in the presence of a large audience.

And yet still, Keith couldn't help but try to see if he could connect any dots. Thinking back to his time at VLD auto racing, Lance's style was, and still is from what Keith has seen online and through watching the VLD auto races, quite similar to Blue's, except obviously more strategic and by the book. Keith also now realised that they seem to be a similar height, build, and even though Keith could probably never distinguish Blue's voice in a crowd, Lance's seemed sort of familiar. But was that because Keith used to know him at VLD auto racing, or was it because he was actually Blue?

God. Thinking. Who invented it? It made Keith's brain ache. He really wasn't used to thinking while sober. This was nothing a good bottle of whiskey couldn't fix. Damn Keith for promising himself to race sober. Damn Keith for agreeing to go out with Romelle. If he didn't, he would've have met Lance. And then none of this would've been a problem. What was he meant to do if Lance is really Blue?

Keith looked over at Lance. He was also sat clearly deep in thought, definitely not paying attention to the girls conversation.

Then, the door bell rang.

"Food! Finally! God I'm starving." Shouted Romelle in excitement.

Allura dashed to the door to get the food and set it on the table. Everyone got their orders and Allura and Romelle returned to their chat about Allura's last photo shoot with her hot photographer, Lotor.

Lance sat picking at his food in silence. Clearly not enjoying himself. Keith felt the same. He was trying to figure out whether Lance seemed uncomfortable because he was worried that he got busted, or whether he just generally wasn't feeling great.

Thinking about it for a while longer, there's no way Lance is Blue, right? No. Can't be. Blue is a cocky, bratty, selfish, loud and obnoxious person. Keith could admit Blue was a really good racer, and he respected him. But as a person, there was nothing to like. He showed up like the owned the place even though no one could see his face, flirted with all the girls who were drooling over him even though they didn't even know what he looked like and he always had to show off.

Actually, Keith's memory of Lance at VLD auto racing could definitely be Blue. The younger Lance that Keith remembered resembled all of the traits that Blue has. If someone told Keith five years ago that Lance was Blue, he'd definitely believe it. But this Lance? This Lance was different.

Spending these few hours with Lance made Keith question what he'd been up to since they last saw eachother. What made Lance lose that confidence he was so well known for? On the Internet, Lance still seems to have that old personality. Keith has seen videos of Lance racing, modelling, doing interviews, flirting with girls. Keith has seen plenty of pictures of Lance plastered around the whole city in so many places advertising clothes and auto racing. Keith would never believe that Lance was this sad in person. What happened to him?

Keith was curious. Really curious. It was like Lance was a whole different person in his personal life compared to his social media present life.

Wait, so wouldn't that mean it's still a possibility that he is Blue? God. No. He needed to stop. Why was he thinking so much?

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