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That definitely worked. Keith stopped the second he heard his name come out Lance's mouth. Why did Lance have this affect on him by literally just saying his name? It was weird. But the way Lance said Keith's name, it felt so welcoming and safe. He said it in such a soft way, a way Keith was definitely not used to.

He turned around to see Lance standing up from his seat, taking a step towards Keith.

"Am I allowed to ask?" Lance asked calmly, looking at Keith's scar to indicate what he meant, not that he needed to, Keith wasn't stupid. Everyone always wants to know about it.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean I'll give you an answer."

"Right." He paused for a couple seconds. "You'll tell me another time? When you're ready."

Another time? What was Lance suggesting? That they were going to hang out again? Again is a stretch. They weren't even really hanging out now, wait, were they? No, it was too awkward to call it hanging out. God, what was Lance going to do tonight when he sees Keith again as Blue. And he called him out, which he'll probably have to address due to the whole globe going into shambles over his tweet.

"Another time?" Keith asked.

"Uh." Lance didn't know what to say. Does he admit to wanting to meet up again? Or does he play it cool and pretend that's not what he meant? "Yeah?" Great, no turning back now. Normally Lance was so confident in asking people out, wait no, not asking people out, that suggests something entirely different to what Lance intended. Normally Lance was so confident in asking people to hang out. There. But this time, Keith made him feel so nervous. Why? Lance is literally 26 for gods sake, how is he nervous from talking to another guy casually?

"Okay. Another time." Keith replied, his facial expression not changing from his usual resting sad face. But Lance could tell from Keith's tone of voice that he wasn't sad while he said that, he just apparently didn't like to show much emotion. Lance respected that. He's not surprised that someone like Keith knows how to hide their emotions, and themselves in general.

Which raised another question for Lance. Where has Keith been all these years? Obviously he's seen him at the events, but other than that? Never. Lance never took that into consideration, because he never paid attention to Keith or thought about him. But spending even just the last hour with him made Lance chance his mind about Keith entirely. Lance wanted to know more. Actually, no, he needed to know more.

"Really?" Lance gave him a half smile to try lighten the mood, and because he actually just felt like smiling.

"Don't make it weird." Keith rolled his eyes, but in a playful way. Lance could sense that Keith felt less tense after Lance smiled at him.

"You're the one making it weird by telling me to not make it weird."

"No, you're making it weird by smiling at me."

"Are you really that emo that you find smiling weird?"

"Oh so you are calling me emo now?"

"So what if I am, mullet?"

"Oi you leave my hair alone."

Lance laughed. Keith couldn't help but give a small laugh too, which was suddenly interrupted by his phone pinging.

Where are you?

Cafe downstairs.

Okay! coming down with
Allura now! Do you know
where Lance is by any

Yeah. With me.



Sorry, Allura stole my phone.
She was reading over my
shoulder and let out a
very surprised gasp.

Right, makes sense. Honestly
I'm surprised too.

We'll be down in a sec!


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