forty six

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Keith couldn't reply. He didn't know how to, because Lance was right. But it was too late to fix anything now, Lance had stormed out of the apartment.

"Fuck!" Lance cursed to himself when he stepped outside. Not only was it raining, he had forgot his phone in Keith's kitchen. Wonderful, just fucking wonderful.

Allura's house was probably an hour walk from Keith's apartment, if he remembered the way correctly, so Lance wouldn't normally mind the walk if it wasn't pitch black, raining, and without a phone. But there was no way Lance was going to go back up to Keith's apartment to get his phone back. He would have to manage the walk without it.

Beginning his walk, Lance was trying so hard to remember the way to Allura's house. He thought it would be easy. Lance is great at remembering where he's driven, but maybe that was the problem. It wasn't him driving. He was in the passenger seat, with his head bleeding out. Great.

It also didn't help that Lance has never been in this part of the city before, surprisingly, so that made it even harder. Fuck. Why did he have to forget his phone?

Maybe it was a sign he should go back? No, Lance did the right thing by storming out. Keith was being a dick, and Lance wasn't going to let himself get hurt. Well, more hurt than he already was.

Despite feeling absolutely destroyed by Keith's rejection, Lance couldn't help but still feel sort of warm inside. They kissed. And better yet, Keith liked him.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Lance reached his next issue. A turning point. Shit, was he meant to go left or right? There wasn't even any fucking road signs anywhere. Keith lived in the furthest point in the city, where no one really lived. Road signs were either taken down or just simply forgotten to be put up, so Lance couldn't even get a clue as to where he was meant to go.

Part of him really wished Keith would show up behind him, telling him he wants him to come back and that he's sorry and then they'd go back to Keith's apartment and make out or something. But that wasn't going to happen, so Lance had to think for himself.

Left or right? Hmm. 50/50 chance.

Lance decided to go left. Why? He didn't know. He was basically losing his mind at that point. It was freezing cold, the strong autumn breeze hitting him relentlessly. Not to remind you that he's walking in this weather at night in just a tank top by the way, the same one he was wearing when modelling to Keith.

God, Keith. Lance couldn't stop thinking about him. He wanted to turn back and tell Keith to forget everything that happened, to pretend like Lance didn't just ruin everything, but he knew that wasn't possible. Keith probably never wants to see Lance again.

Was Lance in the wrong? For confessing his feelings and then storming out like that? No, he can't have been. Keith was being completely irrational, saying they can't be together and that Lance would get hurt. What a bunch of shit. They like eachother, why isn't that enough?

Lance started hoping that maybe Keith realised that Lance left his phone, and maybe he cared about him enough to finally go after him or even call Allura, but after another half an hour of walking, Lance lost hope.

However, the universe finally decided it had enough of watching Lance suffer, as he spotted a road sign which had Allura's street name on it.

His face lit up and suddenly the whole world seemed brighter. He knew where he was. Quickening his pace, Lance rushed down the street towards his best friends house, tears streaming down his face and merging with the rain striking his face.

Reaching the door, Lance took in a deep breath before knocking. Within a few seconds, it swung open, revealing Allura.

"Lance?" She exclaimed, tears welling in her eyes the second she saw Lance's state. He looked like he's been dragged through hell and back. "What the fuck happened?" She asked as she pulled him into her house.

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