thirty six

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Surprisingly, Lance didn't have to look for long until he found some decent clothes. He picked out some dark blue jeans and a plain white shirt, which was slightly on the smaller side than what he's usually used to, but he couldn't afford to be picky. He's just glad he didn't have to settle for all black, which is what he imagined would be all be would find, because black doesn't compliment his skin tone very well.

Lance quickly hopped into the shower, making sure to not get too much water on his head. His wound was in enough pain as it is already, he didn't need it to sting as well. Standing in the shower as the hot water hit his body, all he could think about was Keith's scar. Usually people with scars as big as that would have them healed with the help of doctors and they wouldn't exactly look too great, but Lance figured Keith couldn't go to the hospital with it or they would have locked him up, yet his scar was so well healed. Is that why Keith knows so much about first aid? Maybe it's why he's so keen on being the one to help Lance with his head injury. Maybe he had to tend to his own wounds and knows what it's like, and he doesn't want Lance to have to go through that too.

But why would Keith care? And why does Lance care? God, being with Keith for this long was messing with him. He was tired, in pain, hungry, confused. And he just remembered he still needs to call Allura. Fuck.

He reached out of the shower to grab his phone which he left on the toilet seat and called Allura, she answered after a few seconds of ringing.

"Lance!" She shouted excitedly.

"Hey Princess."

"Are you- wait are you in the shower right now?"


"Hmm. That's interesting. Very interesting indeed."


"Nothing. Don't worry about it. How's staying at Keith's? Are you okay? He told me you passed out a few times."

"Ah, yeah, I slammed my head against his window a couple times. No biggie."

"No biggie? You passed out."

"Keith said it'll leave a scar. I don't know how I feel about that."

"About the scar or Keith?"

"The scar. Why would I not know how I feel about Keith?"

"I dunno, how do you feel about Keith?"

"What are you trying to get at Allura?"

"Nothing." Lance could hear she was smiling as she said that. He didn't exactly know why, but he knew she couldn't be up to any good.

"Alright Princess. Whatever you say."

"So, you staying round his for the day then?"

"Don't remind me."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad. You guys spent hours together yesterday before the event and were fine."

"That was before the event. Before he found out I'm Blue. God, I keep forgetting he knows. And on top of all of that bullshit we also argued this morning."

"About what?"

"Uh-" Lance paused for a minute. "Well I kind of accused him of getting drunk after he left me in his room half unconscious."

"Accused? Why?"

"When I went to check on him after I woke up he was sleeping on the couch with a half empty glass of whiskey on the table and some opened bottles scattered around. But he swears he stopped himself because, and I quote, 'he wouldn't do that to me'. Whatever that means."

"Whatever that- Oh Lance. You're hopeless."


Allura sighed. "I need to get going now, but thank you for calling me. I'm glad you're safe. Be nice to Keith, okay? I'm sure you guys will figure it out." 

"Pft. He should be nice to me. He's the one who almost got me killed yesterday."


"Okay okay. I'll try."

"Thank you. I love you. Be safe okay?"

"Yep, love you too. Bye bye."

Lance hung up and turned off the water. He carefully stepped out and dried himself off, got dressed and went back into the bedroom. As he walked closer to the bedroom door, he could smell something coming from the kitchen. Whatever it was, it smelt amazing and definitely didn't help ease his hunger. He quickly left the bedroom and walked towards the kitchen, forgetting to put a new bandage on his head.

"Hi." Said Keith when he heard Lance enter, not turning around to look at him because he was busy doing something at the stove.

"What are you doing?"

"Just a sec." Keith turned off the stove and turned round to Lance, looking him up and down quickly. "See, I told you not all of my clothes are emo."

"Well I don't know what you expected me to think when all you ever wear is black."

"Hm. Okay, I guess you're right." He paused, turning back round to the counter to pick up a plate and passing it to Lance.

"You made pancakes?" Lance said, surprised.

"Is that okay?"

"Wha- Yes of course its okay!"

"I figured you'd be hungry. And besides you need to get your energy up anyway. Don't want you fainting again."

"Thank you Keith." Lance smiled.

Keith smiled back as Lance sat down at the table.

"Do you want me to wait until you're out of the shower?" Lance asked.

"Oh, no no, I already ate. I had some while I was making yours."

"Oh. Okay." Lance's face sort of dropped and Keith picked up on it, but he wasn't sure why Lance reacted like that. Did he want to wait for him?

"I'll go get ready now."


Keith quickly left the kitchen and went into the bathroom. Was Lance upset that he had to eat alone? Keith thought he'd prefer that. He thought eating together might be a bit weird, just the two of them. Maybe he thought wrong. Damn.

Oh well, too late now. Keith got into the shower and suddenly only one thing was on his mind. He actually had to spend the whole day with Lance.

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