My Darling [Raditz x Saiyan Reader] pt 1 🍋🌸🍋

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Gasping for breath, you finally concluded your rigorous solo training session for the night. The impending journey to a mysterious place called Earth loomed just fifteen hours away, and you were determined to be fully equipped for whatever awaited you. With any luck, you would stumble upon a desolate planet, ripe for auctioning to the highest bidder by the oppressive Lord Frieza. However, there was a slight complication: your mission partner. Apparently, his younger brother should have already seized control of Earth and eradicated its entire population.

As you wiped the perspiration from your forehead, your attention was drawn to the entrance of the dimly lit training room. Relief washed over you as you recognized the figure approaching—a Saiyan with very long and spiky hair, known as Raditz. "Hey, Raditz. I just finished training, in case you were wondering. Unless, of course, you fancy a friendly spar," you greeted, a hint of playfulness in your voice. Raditz smirked and gently placed his hands on your waist, pushing you back until your back met the cold wall. "Sure, but I actually came to check on you, Y/N," he replied, his voice filled with mock concern.

You let out a soft huff, mirroring his smirk as you cross your arms, your Saiyan tail swaying behind you. Raditz follows suit, unraveling his tail from his waist and wrapping it around yours, causing both your tails to sway in perfect synchronization. "Oh, really? After training alone for two hours, you suddenly decide now is the perfect time to check on me?" you playfully tease, rolling your eyes. Raditz chuckles, his hand gently stroking your cheek before cupping your chin. "You're a strong woman, I wasn't too worried. But since you haven't returned to our room yet, I wanted to err on the side of caution," he murmurs, tilting your chin up as he leans in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. You melt into the kiss, uncrossing your arms and resting your hands on his broad, sturdy chest. Raditz uses his free hand to lift you slightly, his towering height of 6'3" compared to your own, deepening the kiss.

The kiss escalates into a passionate makeout session, and you find yourself wrapping your arms around Raditz's neck as he lifts you, locking your legs around his waist. Your fingers tangle in his long hair, lightly scratching his scalp, eliciting a deep sigh from the Saiyan against your lips, relishing in the sensation you provide.

Breaking the kiss momentarily, you become aware of Raditz's hips rolling against yours, causing your face to flush. "Whoa, hold on a second. We're in the training room, mister. Plus, I need to take a shower. I'm all sweaty," you mumble against his lips, trying to regain your composure. Raditz chuckles, his breath warm against your skin. "And you'll be just as sweaty after your shower, so it doesn't really matter," he teases, seizing the opportunity to kiss you again, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You respond with a low hum of agreement, engaging in a playful battle for dominance until the sound of approaching footsteps interrupts your passionate moment.

With a gentle motion, Raditz sets you back on your feet, and you both separate as Vegeta enters the room.

Despite your distaste for Vegeta's arrogance, you still offer a respectful bow to the young prince. "Good evening, Prince Vegeta," you greet warmly, but Vegeta only responds with a dismissive huff. "Are you both finished with your training? If so, you can leave. Your presence is not required here," he states, his tone dripping with superiority. Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you glance up at Raditz and subtly nod towards the exit, silently signaling for both of you to leave. Raditz complies without complaint, following you out of the training room, leaving Vegeta to have it all to himself.

Instead of allowing Raditz to accompany you to the showers, you playfully push him towards the bed in your shared room on the ship. "I'm not letting you join me in the shower, Raditz. We both need plenty of rest before we depart tomorrow. Besides, Lord Frieza despises wasting water," you mutter the last part to yourself, but Raditz's groan of disapproval elicits a giggle from you as he begrudgingly stomps over to the bed, resembling a sulking child. "Fine," he grumbles.

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