🍋 Vegeta x Yamcha's Sister Reader 🌸 pt 2

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Vegeta had had a day rougher than he'd been used to. Not that he didn't like a challenge, but he knew that he had been off his game today. Him, the Saiyan Elite Prince, messing up during training?! Bah, Kakarot laughing at him had been a blow to his pride, even if the clown of a Saiyan was always laughing at something.

To say Vegeta was in a bad mood was an understatement.

He pulled out a keychain from his pocket with a grumble as he stood in front of your apartment door as it was nearly 10 at night already, staring a bit at the cute little accessories that adorned the keychain so he wouldn't lose it, your idea. With a tch, Vegeta unlocked the door and let himself in, closing the door with a firm enough slam. He glances around as he removes his shoes by the door near a pair of your sneakers, considering he was a neat freak, he noticed that you had put on a crockpot dinner in the kitchen, and the sound of shuffling in your bedroom confirmed that you were still here. 

At least until you were coming out of your room, dressed up a bit better than usual in casual clothing and an apron, putting the strap of your handbag over your shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Vegeta asks, making you startle a bit as you look up at him quickly before relaxing, though you had some annoyance in your gaze. "Oh, hey. I'm headed to work. Food should be ready in half an hour." You tell Vegeta, before looking him over. "Well, now I can see why you never showed up." You grumbled, going to head out before Vegeta gripped your wrist firmly. "What's the matter with you?" He asked gruffly, his usual scowl present. "I'll let you figure it out, I'm not going to be late just cause I gotta explain it to you." You say, pulling your wrist away from his grip before heading to the door and slipping your shoes on.

Vegeta scowls more before scoffing as you leave, listening to your footsteps fading away from the door before he goes to take a shower. Like he cared about what you were upset about!

But, you were more upset than usual with him when he would come home late.

As Vegeta stands in the shower with his arms crossed, the water trickles down his hair and sculpted body as he ponders the reason as to why you're so upset. He didn't care, he didn't. Human women were strange and confusing when it came to their emotions. It could range anywhere from being that dreaded time of the month, or just because they felt like it, so that's what he was going to go with as to why you were upset. Besides, you hadn't yelled and you had still made him food. So surely you weren't angry with him.

But why was she acting as if she was? Vegeta internally questions again, before sighing loudly. He'd figure it out, and he just knew it would be something rather trivial.

As Vegeta finishes in the shower and puts on clean, normal clothing, he checks on the food and notices that it's one of his favorite meals. Not that he cared for food in any way other than for it to be fuel for his Saiyan appetite, but he did enjoy eating this particular meal much more than anything else.

Vegeta then looks around a bit more, scrutinizing the area with a keen eye.

A large blanket, a card on the coffee table next to a small stack of action packed movies, an unlit candle..

Vegeta then scans the kitchen better, before opening the fridge. A particular chilled bottle of wine, and a large round dessert cake, with words written in sloppy and tiny frosting. 'Happy birthday, Vegeta!'

Vegeta's eyes widened after a few seconds, before he shot up straight with a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks. He was utterly flabbergasted and flattered at the same time, before he realized what today actually was. Not that it was his actual birthday date, but this day was when you had decided that he needed an actual birthdate to celebrate.

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