Cuddles New Broly x Lycan Reader pt 2 🌸 🍋 🌸 🌸

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It had been six months since you welcomed Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo into your humble abode. Lemo had managed to secure a part-time gig in bustling West City, while Cheelai often found herself engrossed in the company of Bulma. As for Broly, he found solace in your presence, rarely straying from your side unless he engaged in intense sparring sessions with Goku. The only instances he wasn't by your side were when you were engrossed in tasks that demanded your undivided attention.

Noticing Broly's unspoken affection for you, Cheelai and Bulma couldn't help but devise mischievous plans to bring you and the towering Saiyan closer together. They observed how your tail wagged with delight whenever Broly approached, a silent testament to his fondness for you.

Today was no exception. While you trained alongside Vegeta and Goku, Cheelai and Bulma exchanged secretive smiles and hushed whispers as they approached Broly. Perplexed, Broly followed their instructions and took flight to an undisclosed location.

Curiosity gnawed at you as you wondered where Broly had disappeared to after your training session.

Without hesitation, Bulma suggested that you treat yourself to a relaxing shower and indulge in some self-care. Though uncertain, you followed her advice and made your way back home.

After a refreshing shower, you took the time to pamper your wolfish nature. You meticulously brushed your hair and tail, ensuring they were free of tangles, and applied nourishing products to soften your skin. Dressed in a comfortable tank top, shorts, and long socks, you found yourself in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

As you focused on cooking, your ears perked up, sensing Broly's energy before you heard his gentle landing outside. Your tail wagged softly, but you remained focused on the task at hand. Tonight's meal was nothing extravagant, just a hearty meat stew accompanied by freshly baked bread, perfectly suited for the late fall season.

Broly entered your home and paused, momentarily entranced as he observed your figure from the kitchen doorway. A peculiar sensation washed over him, one he had only experienced in fleeting moments before, but now it seemed to consume him entirely.

As you continued cooking, a soft twitch of your ears alerted you to Broly's presence behind you. Startled, you turned around, only to find the towering Saiyan standing mere inches away. A smile graced your face, and your tail wagged with increased enthusiasm as you tilted your head to meet his gaze, noticing a faint glimmer in his eyes. "Hi, Broly. How was your day?" you asked genuinely, curiosity lacing your words. Your attention then shifted to the hidden arm behind his back. "It was okay," Broly replied softly, before unveiling the mystery he had been concealing, just as Bulma and Cheelai had instructed him.

Your eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief as you beheld the sight before you. An exquisite arrangement of the most breathtaking flowers you had ever laid eyes upon, none of which were native to your region. The realization dawned on you that Broly must have gone to great lengths to acquire them. It explained his prolonged absence. "For you," Broly stated simply, and a rush of warmth surged through your entire being. Your furry tail fluffed up in shock, mirroring the intensity of your emotions.

Your cheeks grew hotter as you hesitated, but eventually, you delicately accepted the flowers from Broly's hand, your fingers grazing against his. A surge of warmth coursed through both of you, causing a shared shiver of surprise. Cradling the bouquet in your arms, you couldn't help but stare at the vibrant blooms. No one had ever done something so thoughtful for you, and the fact that it came from Broly, of all people, intensified the swarm of butterflies fluttering in your core. Your tail curled around your leg, a gentle display of your excitement.

Broly's eyes widened as he noticed the glistening in your eyes, the shine reflecting his own feelings of warmth and joy. Instinctively, he moved to raise his hand, intending to caress your cheek tenderly. However, just as he made the motion, you turned back to the stove, realizing that the pot of stew was boiling. Panic laced your voice as you exclaimed, "Oh, crud!" With careful precision, you held onto the flowers while swiftly adjusting the stove dial and stirring the stew with your free hand, ensuring it wouldn't burn.

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