Reader x Goku Dragon Balls Work! pt 6

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"I'm feeling pretty alright, all things considered," you casually remark while lounging in Bulma's lab, fixated on the transparency in your arm with a mix of curiosity and intrigue rather than fear.

Ever since the accidental chemical leak beneath the kitchen sink a few days ago, this peculiar phenomenon had begun. Goku, being the concerned sweetheart he is, had fetched Dende in hopes of his healing powers resolving the issue. Unfortunately, even the young Namekian's abilities couldn't make the transparency vanish.

"Well, it's definitely not ideal, but hopefully it'll stick around for a while," Bulma comments, nonchalantly marking your arm with a sharpie to monitor the size of the transparency. "It's strange, like a form of camouflage, considering we can literally see through your arm down to the floor, yet it remains solid flesh," Bulma muses. "Just wear a jacket or a light sweater to keep it concealed for now, alright? And if any more 'spots' appear, make sure to come back to me."

You nod quietly, rising from the operating table. "I should go find Goku," you mutter, feeling a growing concern for the Saiyan.

Bulma finishes tidying up her things and glances at you. "He's probably training with Vegeta in the gravity room. Oh, and you might want to consider taking a pregnancy test," she says with a playful tone, causing your cheeks to burn with embarrassment. "Huh?" you blurt out, caught off guard.

Bulma grins mischievously. "What? Don't think I didn't notice you and Goku sneaking off from the birthday party and never coming back. Plus, Goku accidentally spilled the beans while you were unconscious. I'm surprised he didn't freeze up in panic," she chuckles, making your embarrassment intensify.

"Alright, alright, enough already..." you mutter, feeling even more concerned now that the possibility of being pregnant is brought up. After all, Goku is a pure-blooded Saiyan with two kids already. And considering the way he was going at it that night, you were pretty sure he had more than a few potential Olympic swimmers in his system.

"I had that same look on my face when I first started getting involved with Vegeta," Bulma teases, causing you to quickly avert your gaze. "I-I'm fine, seriously!" you stammer, trying to brush off the topic.

You hastily exit the lab, pausing in the hallway to cool down the flush in your cheeks before venturing outside.

Locating the gravity chamber doesn't take long, but you realize that attempting to enter it with your feeble strength would be futile. Plus, you don't have the access code.

"Damn, I forgot..." you mutter, letting out a sigh of frustration.

Luckily, the doors open a moment later, and you find yourself enveloped in a pair of powerful arms. "Y/N!" Goku's voice booms with joy in your ears, causing you to laugh bashfully as you return his embrace. "Good to see you too, Carrot Cake," you tease, enjoying the playful nickname derived from his Saiyan heritage.

Suddenly, you catch a whiff of something unpleasant, causing you to recoil slightly. "However, smelling you is a different story," you remark, pulling back from Goku's hug and realizing just how sweaty and overheated he is from his training. The scent of Vegeta lingers as well, prompting you to take a step back. "Oh, you guys literally smell like you've been training nonstop for over twelve hours."

"We definitely have!" Goku exclaims, his face lighting up with a happy grin as he cutely rubs the top of his nose with his thumb. "But we don't smell that bad, do we?" he asks, looking at you expectantly. You scratch your head, contemplating his question. "I think you're just accustomed to it. I mean, even during my most intense training sessions, I can only last a good hour or two, and I know how bad it can get."

Goku tilts his head, resting his hands on his hips. "That's not true, you always smell great. And you lasted a good three and a half hours with me that night."

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