Goku Black x Reader Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day had arrived, and you despised every aspect of it. The nauseatingly affectionate couples, the overwhelming abundance of pink hearts and love-themed decorations, and even the Meal for Two coupons distributed by local restaurants for the evening - it all made your skin crawl.

"Ugh! This day would hold more significance if people weren't so predictable and self-absorbed!" you exclaimed, venting your frustrations to the empty apartment. With no one to keep you company, you had to find a way to entertain yourself.

The excessive commercialization of the holiday annoyed you to no end. The constant stream of sappy romantic movies and shows on television only added to your irritation. Even the horror movies seemed lackluster, as they were all centered around Valentine's Day.

"Uuuuugh," you groaned, surrendering to your exasperation and collapsing face-first onto the couch.

Perhaps it wouldn't have been so unbearable if he were here to mock the day alongside you. And by "he," you meant Goku Black.

That scoundrel had managed to secure a random Tinder date, and he was actually looking forward to it on this particular day of all days!

"Of course he would go, he thrives on tormenting me like this," you muttered, letting out a heavy sigh.

You couldn't help but feel frustrated with yourself for getting upset over Black's antics. After all, he had always enjoyed messing with you.

"Stupid jerk. With his stupidly spiky hair and that infuriatingly infectious smirk... and his annoyingly infectious laughter... and his stupidly adorable face whenever he does something remotely cute... and those infuriatingly attractive muscles he flaunts in that tight gi he always wears... He's such an ass!"

You whined softly, tears welling up in your eyes. "I've been his best friend for years, but he's never shown any interest in me... Why did I have to fall for him, out of all people?" you questioned yourself, closing your eyes.

It was true. You had been harboring feelings for your best friend for a while now, and it was only with Black's presence that you finally admitted it to yourself. The way he made you feel, the way he left you speechless and flustered with just a glance... It all seemed to be in vain.

You let out another exasperated sigh before springing into action. "You know what? No! I'm going out, I'm going to have a blast, and I'll show him what he's missing out on! I don't need him! We can just remain friends, and he'll never have to know about my feelings!"

With newfound determination, you quickly change into an outfit that contrasts with the sickeningly sweet atmosphere of the day, ensuring you don't look like a complete mess. Grabbing your keys and wallet, you embark on a spontaneous adventure!

Unfortunately, your attempts at finding excitement only lead you to purchase a random box of chocolates, a takeout box of Italian food, and a slightly morbid yet undeniably adorable love-themed plush doll. It wasn't a complete failure.

Upon returning to your apartment, you're taken aback to find your roommate already home. Your eyes widen at the sight of Black sitting on the couch, and you can't help but notice the smudged dark red lipstick on his neck.

That sight extinguishes any remaining hope within you, causing you to roll your eyes and huff in annoyance. You close the door behind you and head straight to the kitchen, determined to put the disappointing encounter out of your mind.

"Where the hell were you? I expected you to be here, waiting for me to come back so we could vent about today," Black asks, his tone filled with confusion. However, you barely spare him a glance as you take a seat at the small dining table, ready to enjoy your meal.

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