Normal Isn't Easy §Gohan x OC Female Saiyan Reader§ pt 3

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Amidst the ambient chatter and the clinking of cutlery, you and Gohan engaged in light conversation, relishing the delightful array of food and drinks that graced the table. Gohan, enamored with the flavors of the meal you'd chosen, savored each bite of the small sandwich complemented by a strawberry whipped cream crepe funnel and a matcha milkshake. His appreciation was evident. "This is really good, Y/N," he complimented, eliciting a delighted motion from your tail as you beamed in response. "Thanks. It's my go-to stress relief before work. Food always does the trick," you chuckled, sheepishly rubbing your neck, a sentiment Gohan didn't dispute, smiling knowingly. "Saiyan genes probably predispose us to finding solace in food, apart from the whole fighting aspect," he mused, earning a cheeky grin from you in agreement.

Exiting the cafe, Gohan, now executing his tweaked plan, seized your wrist and playfully pulled you along, leading you to a secluded spot behind the buildings. Without a word, both of you scaled the roof of a discreet structure. Gohan, scanning the surroundings cautiously, caught your raised eyebrow and smirk but remained silent.

With a mischievous grin, Gohan cupped his hands around his mouth. "Nimbus!"

You blinked at Gohan's exclamation to the sky, only to witness an unexpected sight—a miniature, golden, cotton candy cloud with a tail descending from the distant clouds. Swiftly descending, it halted by Gohan's knees, eliciting a happy grin from him as he affectionately patted the fluffy golden cloud. "Hey there, Nimbus."

Wide-eyed, you watched the surreal scene unfold, Gohan introducing you to the cloud in a moment of disbelief. "Hi, Nimbus," you greeted tentatively, cautiously patting the cloud as Gohan had done. As you stepped forward, Gohan explained the catch—that only those with a pure heart could ride Nimbus—before abruptly stopping, observing as you effortlessly joined him on Nimbus's back, perfectly balanced without sinking into the cloud. His soft smile mirrored your own happiness, reaffirming to him that your heart was indeed as pure as his.

As Nimbus soared into the sky following Gohan's instruction to head towards Bulma's house, a name that tickled a faint sense of familiarity in your mind, you chose to divert your attention downward. The breathtaking sight unfolded beneath you, the cityscape glistening like a mosaic from this elevated vantage point.

Gohan, observing your face alight with innocent wonder, mirrored your joy with a delighted smile until Nimbus playfully swerved mid-flight. Reacting with a startled squeak, you instinctively leaned back against Gohan, seeking balance. Unconsciously, Gohan clasped your hand. "Sorry about that. Nimbus enjoys a bit of mischief now and then," he explained, and you chuckled sheepishly. "Is that so? Well, I won't get scared—"

Abruptly, Nimbus executed a sudden dip before resuming its path, causing another, louder squeak to escape you, your tail fluffing up in response. Gohan chuckled, trying to stifle his laughter. "S-Sorry, Y/N," he apologized amidst light snickering. Blushing shyly, you laughed at your own reaction. "Yeah, not fazed at all!" you declared confidently, prompting Nimbus to behave, granting the rest of the journey a serene calmness.

Moments later, your realization struck—a realization intertwined with a subtle warmth from the continued hand-holding with Gohan, his slightly larger hand enveloping yours seamlessly. Shyly clearing your throat, you caught Gohan's attention. Sensing your discomfort, Gohan swiftly released your hand with hurried apologies.

Smiling faintly at the endearing moment, your attention shifted to the next city approaching—West City, a vast metropolis that held you in awe. However, it was the descent toward Capsule Corps HQ that truly captivated you.

The realization struck like lightning—Bulma Briefs. The name resonated as the destination became clear. Jaw slackened in disbelief, you comprehended the significance of this location. Gohan, exhaling a quiet sigh of relief to diffuse the embarrassment, suggested moving forward as Nimbus settled and darted away into the clouds. "Shall we?" he proposed, inviting you to step into the realm of Capsule Corps HQ.

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