Android 17 x Healer Reader 🌲 Rangers In Arms 🌲 pt 3

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"I'd classify them as mammals, considering their live birthing process. They'll undoubtedly fall into the highest tier of protection as rare and endangered," you mumble, penning down notes while on your routine rounds with 17 across the island. This time, the two bug-like androids, the Cell Jrs, had joined you, promptly brought along by 17. With 17 driving one-handed, his other arm propping his cheek, he remarks, "You don't waste a second in getting things organized."

You let out a huff but can't suppress a smile. "Got to. Can't delay these matters. What kind of—" You're cut off as the Android interjects teasingly, mimicking your signature ranger rhetoric. "What kind of Ranger would I be if I didn't do my job properly, yeah yeah."

You chuckle softly, glancing back at the bug-like droids presently devouring both your and 17's bento box lunches… and the bento boxes themselves. "Poor things must have been starving," you murmur softly. While relieved that the Jrs hadn't harmed any endangered creatures, it's disheartening to realize they hadn't eaten properly either.

Upon concluding the initial half of your usual routes, you and 17 returned to the compound, the Jrs in tow, to formally register them as protected species.

While your calm reaction to 17 bringing in the Jrs didn't faze you, your coworkers' exaggerated reactions bordered on sheer panic. Some excused themselves hastily while others sprinted away, prompting a raised brow from you. "Alright, that's rude," you mutter, offering a kind smile as you gently pat the heads of both Cell Jrs. "Ignore them and stick close to me and 17, alright?"

The Jrs gaze up at you with wide, innocent eyes, their demeanor resembling that of actual children despite their remarkable intelligence and capabilities.

Observing you, 17 realizes your prolonged isolation might have left you unaware of the Cell Games' history that led to the current situation. Had it not been for the Z Fighters' triumph, none of this would have unfolded.

In due course, it became evident that both Jrs were highly adept and more intelligent than even some college professors. Yet, they still required guidelines on whom not to harm and other basic directives. Furthermore, they needed accommodation, leading you logically to the decision to have them reside with you.

The subsequent weeks unfolded as a blend of challenges and newfound joys for you. Your home, now housing both Jrs - one identifying as Vegeta Jr and the other as Cell Jr, was no longer the haven of silence it once was. They took pleasure in your cooking and nurturing, contributing their share by assisting around the compound and the island. Vegeta Jr stuck closely to you, while Cell Jr shadowed 17, a routine that simplified your responsibilities, except for the occasional prank they'd pull.

Interestingly, 17 found himself more inclined toward you than usual. Blanke's conspicuous flirtations with you irked 17 silently, rendering him less talkative and visibly irritable. Consequently, you distanced yourself from 17, focusing solely on your duties. You wished he'd confide in you, yet as time passed without him opening up, you surrendered, immersing yourself in your work and caring for Vegeta and Cell Jr, striving to keep your mind occupied. Despite your concern, delving into 17's troubles seemed unattainable amid your responsibilities.

Regrettably, a severe cold struck you one week. Perhaps an early seasonal shift or the mounting stress and exertion had taken a toll. The revelation came when Vegeta Jr had to wake you instead of the usual scenario, leaving you feeling dreadfully sluggish and disoriented.

Unable to assist you on his own, Vegeta Jr sought out 17 for aid. When 17 and both Jrs entered your bedroom, a sense of anxious apprehension settled in 17's gut. You'd never fallen ill before, not once.

17 muttered a curse under his breath, his cooler hand gently resting on your feverish forehead. "You pushed yourself too hard, didn't you?" His words were muttered, but his concern radiated through them. After a brief moment, he glanced at both Jrs, straightening up with his hands on his hips. "Listen up, both of you," he commanded, prompting the Jrs to snap into attention.

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