Reader x Goku Dragon Balls Work! pt 2

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As the first rays of dawn gently filtered through the curtains, you stirred from your slumber, greeted by the harmonious melodies of chirping birds and a gentle breeze caressing your face. It was a stark contrast to the usual cacophony of blaring car horns and the clamor of bustling neighbors.

As you slowly regained consciousness, you struggled to piece together the events of the previous night, until suddenly, it all came rushing back to you.

Inexplicably, you had been transported into the fantastical realm of Dragon Ball, where you found yourself face to face with Goku and his loyal companions. You had undergone a series of tests, and then, to your delight, you had savored the most extraordinary meal imaginable. And just when you thought the adventure couldn't get any more surreal, Goku had whisked you away, soaring through the sky to his very own abode.

Your drowsy eyes fluttered open, only to be met with an unfamiliar kitchen that bore no resemblance to your own. Everything within your field of vision seemed foreign and unknown.

A warm and tantalizing breath brushed against the nape of your neck, awakening your senses further. Someone held you in a tender embrace, their touch enveloping you in a comforting embrace. The sensation was undeniably pleasant, but the identity of this mysterious presence eluded you.

With utmost care, you maneuvered within the embrace, ensuring not to disturb the slumbering figure that held you. As you shifted, your eyes widened in astonishment, for there, right before you, lay Goku, peacefully lost in dreams.

A soft smile graced your lips as the memories of the previous night flooded your mind. The hours had slipped away as you and Goku engaged in heartfelt conversations, baring your souls and sharing the intricacies of your lives. It pained you to learn of the hardships Goku had endured, particularly the profound hurt inflicted upon him by ChiChi. He had confided in you, expressing his weariness of always putting on a brave face and embodying unwavering positivity.

In that moment, you chose not to pass judgment or offer empty words. Instead, you held him tenderly, allowing him to release his pent-up emotions, his tears dampening your shoulder. Your hand traced soothing circles on his back, providing solace and comfort. It was a testament to the immense burden this extraordinary man carried upon his shoulders.

In the wake of that vulnerable exchange, you made a silent vow to stand by Goku's side for as long as he needed, or until you discovered a way to return to your own world.

With utmost tenderness, you reached up, your fingers delicately weaving through Goku's iconic spiky hair, savoring the texture as you studied his serene countenance.

A whirlwind of emotions swirled within you, a mixture of admiration, affection, and the remnants of a long-standing crush that had developed over years of watching the show. Now, faced with the reality of Goku's existence, those feelings intensified, leaving you in awe. It was a profound connection, albeit sudden, considering the circumstances.

Aware that Goku was aware of your admiration for him through the show, you silently acknowledged the unlikelihood of a genuine love blossoming between you. Perhaps it was destined to be fleeting, a beautiful but transient encounter. Nevertheless, you resolved to cherish every shared moment, ensuring that Goku's pure heart experienced happiness during your time together.

In that moment, Goku's eyes fluttered open, his gaze meeting yours with a sleepy yet radiant smile. "Good morning, Y/N," he murmured, his words causing your heart to flutter and a swarm of butterflies to dance within your stomach.

"M-Morning, Goku," you stammered softly, feeling the warmth rush to your cheeks.

Goku pulled you closer, nuzzling your face, causing your cheeks to instantly ignite with a blush. "You smell good... I'm kinda hungry, not gonna lie," he mumbled sleepily. You rolled your eyes playfully, gently pushing him away as you rose from the floor of the living room. "Somehow, I'm not surprised. I'll make breakfast... if you have actual food," you mumbled, a shy smile gracing your lips.

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