Android 17 x Healer Reader 🌲 Rangers In Arms 🌲 pt 4

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In just a few days, your health showed remarkable improvement, the fever finally relenting, allowing you to stir and regain consciousness for much more extended periods. Throughout your recovery, the Jrs meticulously managed the routes, diligently recording notes, mirroring your routine. Meanwhile, 17 took charge of meals, household chores, and surprisingly, initiated a makeover of your surroundings. Worn-out items were either replaced or discarded, an unexpected change you found astonishing. The animals on Monster Island, including Honeycomb, continued thriving under his watch.

Freshened up and changed, you were taken aback when 17 announced, "We're going to a nearby city."

His words left you visibly rattled, your fear of urban life and social interactions evident in your expression. "W-What? But... but there's no need, 17. I-I mean, you've already done more than enough, even for my home. I-I don't need anything else. And, I don't have a flying car or any means to get to a nearby city—"

"Shh." 17 interrupted, his tone coy as he gently held your chin, his thumb pressing against your lips to halt your protests. "Took me a year to realize you've neglected yourself for over ten. The Jrs will oversee everything for a few hours, and they're more than capable of handling poachers. We're getting you new clothes and whatever else you need. You've got to stop fearing people too."

"As for transportation, I've got a ride already," 17 added, the warmth of his hand vanishing as he slipped his hands back into his pockets, grinning down at you.

You felt flustered, your nerves getting the better of you, prompting you to avoid meeting his gaze as you hugged yourself tightly. "B... but what if..."

17 observed you for a moment, his usually sharp eyes softening slightly. He started walking out of your room, his voice now coaxing. "You seriously gonna stay holed up in here even with the best partner by your side? Come on, before I decide to carry you the whole way there. And since you can't fly, you'll be stuck clinging to me the entire time."

Your cheeks flushed deeper, a hesitant sigh escaping you as you reluctantly followed 17. His words rang true; if there was anyone you'd want to be with, it would always be him.


"Need to hold my hand or something?" 17 teased when the two of you stood just outside the city limits of a bustling metropolis, the journey surprisingly shorter than expected. You glanced around warily, uncomfortable with the stares from passersby, even though it was standard in a city.

But this time, you surprised 17 by moving closer to him, gently taking one of his hands while keeping your head down. "J-just... don't let go, okay? I... I don't... I don't wanna get lost. Plus, I'll never forgive you," you hastily expressed.

Watching you, 17 lightly squeezed your hand. "You're such a baby. I'm not leaving you alone, but I want you to look around and actually enjoy yourself instead of staring at your feet the entire time."

Guiding you along, 17 pulled you gently, encouraging you to explore while you followed him, pouting shyly.

After a while, 17 found himself observing your reactions to everything with a mix of amusement and guilt. You resembled a child in a candy store, fascinated by every sight and sound, and he couldn't help but watch, feeling a hint of remorse.

Thankfully, your unspent earnings had accumulated significantly, yet 17 still used his own money to buy items, one of which was something you hadn't indulged in for a very long time—pizza.

"There's no way they stuffed cheese into the crust, with extra pepperoni... Oh! We've gotta bring some back for Vegeta and Cell Jr!" You exclaimed with delight, relishing the taste of the hot, flavorful lunch.

As you savored each bite, 17 watched you, a soft smirk playing on his lips. Several bags containing newly purchased clothes and other items surrounded you. He was grateful he could maintain his composed exterior; witnessing you adorned in such adorable clothing would've made him blush uncontrollably. Your eyes shimmered with a sense of wonder at the things you had missed out on, and it stirred something in his own heart, but he kept that feeling to himself.

You also relished your time at the mall, playing games and exploring a Bath and Body shop that brought joy with its varied scents of soaps and candles.

Eventually, it was time to return, and soon you found yourselves back in your cozy abode on the island. You made sure to share the pizza with the Jrs, their faces lighting up from the delightful meal, before you stowed away your newly acquired possessions.

Noticing both Jrs gazing at him as you disappeared into your room, 17 raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Grinning mischievously, both Jrs responded, causing 17 to huff and look away.

With you still needing rest for another day, 17 decided to keep watch over the island that night, allowing you and both Jrs an uninterrupted rest.

However, 17 was taken aback by what happened next. As you bid him goodnight, you stood on your tiptoes and planted a warm kiss on the corner of his mouth, expressing your gratitude fondly. Your cheeks flushed immediately afterward, and you retreated into your home to settle down for the night with the Jrs.

Momentarily stunned, 17 stood there, a sense of surprise sweeping over him. An hour later, he realized you hadn't directly kissed his cheek, but rather the corner of his mouth. A light smile tugged at the corners of his lips as the realization sank in.

As you rested peacefully throughout the night, aided by the nurse-prescribed cold medicine, Cell Jr remained by your side while Vegeta Jr joined 17 on the routes. Amidst the day's tasks, 17 found himself oddly preoccupied, trying to dismiss the significance of the kiss you'd given him. Inwardly, he rationalized it as a mere gesture of gratitude, yet his own heart betrayed his resolve, dancing with fleeting excitement.

Frustration brewed within him; he had cultivated an image of a detached, unconventional individual, not someone entangled in emotions like some lovesick pup. He tried to convince himself that he couldn't afford to consider the kiss as anything beyond what it was—a friendly gesture. But persistent thoughts kept nudging at him, suggesting there might be more to it.

His concerns broadened, delving into Blanke's apparent interest in you. While Blanke was just the boss, his involvement seemed excessive to 17. He acknowledged he shouldn't stake any claim over you, fearful of jeopardizing the friendship with emotions he couldn't unravel.

Despite his resistance, 17 couldn't shake off the thought of Blanke pressuring you into a date. The prospect of it irked him deeply, knowing it was something you wouldn't want either. Confronting Blanke directly could result in dire consequences, risking either his or your position. The predicament haunted him; perhaps he was overthinking it, but he couldn't ignore the sense of responsibility and protectiveness he felt toward you, his partner.

His Partner.

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