Normal Isn't Easy §Gohan x OC Saiyan Female Reader§ pt 2

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Upon being introduced to your new classmates, you settled into a seat beside Gohan, more out of necessity than choice. Yet, this proximity seemed to unsettle him as his nerves began to amplify. Catching his lingering gaze, you responded with a subtle smirk and a teasing whisper nudging him to focus on the professor's imminent lesson. Your words snapped Gohan out of his reverie, acknowledging your point about the importance of paying attention, especially to avoid drawing attention to your Saiyan heritage.

As the professor unveiled a complex equation on the board for the first lesson, the call for volunteers to solve it arose. Gohan was about to raise his hand, but you preempted him. The professor graciously invited you to the front, handing over the marker with an encouragement to take your time. With a sweet smile, you accepted the challenge.

However, what ensued left the class dumbfounded. You effortlessly presented three distinct methods to solve the equation, ranging from the simplest to the most intricate. The collective astonishment was palpable, with wide-eyed gazes fixated on your remarkable display. Even the professor couldn't help but be thoroughly impressed by the correctness of all three approaches.

In a moment of flustered admiration, the professor stumbled over his words, acknowledging your potential as a scholar, jokingly implying that a traditional degree might not even be necessary for someone of your caliber. Your bashful grin revealed your ambitions: to become the foremost scholar.

Gohan's heart raced with a mix of surprise and excitement at discovering someone else as dedicated to scholarly pursuits and, astonishingly, also a fellow Saiyan. It felt surreal to him, as though he might be dreaming, but he swiftly refocused as you returned to your seat, radiating pride. Though jealous glances were directed your way for effortlessly showcasing your intellectual prowess, you paid them no heed, diligently immersing yourself in the professor's lecture. Gohan, too, found himself absorbed in the lesson, his initial nervousness about your Saiyan nature giving way to a newfound curiosity about your approach to studies. He couldn't help but be captivated by your academic fervor.

The rest of your first day of high school seemed to pass by in a blur, and you noted that your notebook was already a third full with all of the notes you had taken. When the bell rang for school to end, you wasted no time in gathering your belongings and going to find your locker. Gohan had wanted to follow, but for a moment he was stopped by Videl and her friends, asking if he wanted to hang out. Politely declining, Gohan gave an apologetic smile before he gathered his own books and such before heading out of the class to find you before you went home.

As you got your locker set up, you put your books into the backpack you had so that you could study back at your apartment. As soon as you closed and secured your locker, you heard your name being called. Turning your head, you notice Gohan jogging up to you, catching his breath for a second before he spoke up. "I was wondering if we could go somewhere and talk, privately?" He asks, and you raise a brow. "But I barely know you, sir." You joke in a teasing tone, before slugging your bag over your shoulder. Gohan cleared his throat a bit. "W-Well um, then why don't we get to know each other? The school library shouldn't be too packed, I would think.." He suggests, and you watch him before shrugging nonchalantly. "Alright then. But no funny business unless your profession is be a clown." You teasingly retort, and Gohan cracks a smile.

The two of you walk to the library together, and Gohan keeps glancing down at you a few times, trying to mentally prepare himself for how he could bring this topic of being a Saiyan up the correct, non offensive way.

As you make it to the library, you nudge him and nod towards the back, despite there already being a scarcity of individuals. You weren't surprised that the library looked abandoned, first day of school and all, but this was a treasure trove of knowledge. You definitely were going to find the more reserved, higher learning books soon.

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