Cuddles New Broly x Lycan Reader pt 3

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You were trying to distance yourself from your housemates today, especially Broly.

Well actually, you've been trying to stay distanced from them for a few days now. And the reason for that was--

"-Choo!!" You sneezed loudly into some tissues, your tail fluffed out completely. You curled back up into the loveseat you kept in your room for when you wanted to read, groaning to yourself and curling up into the cushion.

Cheelai knocked on your door carefully, peeking in. "Y/N, come on, you can't just isolate yourself from all of us just cause you have a cold. It's not that bad." She complains, and you sigh a bit nasally. "But it is, and I don't.. I don't want any of you getting sick." You complain, sneezing roughly again into some more clean tissue, whining with your ears pinned back.

Cheelai rolled her eyes and smiled. "You do know Broly's worried about you." She says, eyeing the tall Saiyan who was literally right next to her, but trying to respect your wishes as best he could.

You whined more. "I knoooow, but I cant--" You sneezed loudly, whining loudly for a second. "I can't get him sick, especially... Being a Lycan with a bad cold is just.. it's not going to be pretty if I get any of you sick, too.. Plus, the rain isn't helping me feel any better.." You complain sadly, glancing over to the heavy downfall of cold rain coming down against your window.

Cheelai sighed, before getting an idea and closing your door, smiling at the taller Saiyan. Broly stares at the closed door, clenching his fists carefully. He had been working on controlling his emotions, but it was so much harder when you weren't able to help him. Cheelai gently nudges him, whispering. "I know how we can help her feel better."

Broly looks down at her quickly, and Cheelai giggles. "It's so cute to see you caring about your girlfriend. C'mon, we can make her some soup."

Broly blinks, following Cheelai to the kitchen after a moment.

Unfortunately, Cheelai didn't exactly know how to cook, but she was surprised to see Broly start taking over. The only thing he needed help with was actually using the utensils that were too small for his own hands.

"Here." Broly says simply as he hands Cheelai a good stalk of celery and some carrots. Cheelai takes whatever he gives her to put in the soup, a smile on her lips. "Wow, you're pretty good at this. Did Y/N teach you?"

"Yes." Broly says, looking back towards the stairs as he hears you sneezing again. He's quiet for a moment, thinking quietly. ".. Tea.." He says a bit thoughtfully, Cheelai smiling. "Good idea!" She blinks when Broly goes to the living room, watching him for a moment as Broly grabs extra pillows and blankets.


You glance up a bit as your door opens, but you're taken off guard as Broly walks in and starts doing something for you that you weren't expecting;

He makes a nest of sorts for you, your eyes widening a bit when you realize what he's doing. Broly walks over to you afterwards and scoops you up bridal style, carrying you over to the nest of pillows and blankets. You stare up at him shyly, sniffling as your tail curls around your waist. "B-Broly, you're gonna get sick." You mutter.

"I won't.. I'm not leaving you. We promised." Broly says gently as he lays you down. Your cheeks flush more before you smile shyly, curling up in the blankets a bit.

Broly strokes your cheek softly before he leaves again, and you watch his tall form disappear. A few moments later he's already returning, having both a bowl of soup and a cup of tea on a tray. You feel yourself flushing more, but you feel a bit better now thanks to Broly's care.


Broly watches as you sleep rather soundly, snuggled up into the nest with your head resting on his arm. He touches your forehead gently with his free hand, relaxing as the fever you had was already fading. He didn't care if the position he was in made his arm sore, he was just relaxed to be next to you, caring for you.

"Broly.." You mumble softly, causing the Saiyan to look down at you curiously. You were obviously still asleep, were you thinking about him at the same time? His heart skipped a beat, as you didn't seem to be in any pain or anything else bad.. Did he truly make you that happy?

But.. what if he wasn't good.. What if he had another bout of anger or stress that made him lose control? What if he couldn't control himself next time, even with you there?

What if he hurt you?

Broly shuts his eyes, trying not to let the intrusive doubts in his mind win.

Just breathe, and count the number of times my heart beats. You'd always tell that to him, and then you'd place his hand to your chest, letting him feel the steady rhythm of your heart, and count each one.

Gingerly, Broly pressed his palm to your chest, feeling your heartbeat, and counted in time with it in his head until he calmed down.

Cheelai peeks her head in to check on the two of you, quietly awwing at seeing such a sweet moment before she went back downstairs.

After another few days, your fever breaks and you're feeling much better, but you insist to Broly that you need to clean up and disinfect your room and yourself. The large Saiyan helps you despite your slight protests, but you don't complain as much when you find yourself in the bathtub with him a while later. You were so glad to go with a luxuriously spacious bathroom, as you usually used the big tub for when you wanted to relax in your wolf form, and now it was being used for moments like this.

Broly gently held you in his arms as you had your back to his chest, his face lightly nestled into your dampened hair. You sighed in content as you felt refreshed from the steam and bubbles, your tail brushing back and forth against Broly's lower stomach. You gently trailed your fingers over Broly's arms, being more gentle when you trace over an old scar.

But you squeaked in surprise when something slightly taps you between your legs, and you shy up when you already know just what it is. You let out a soft gasp next when Broly's fingers slightly press down on your chest around your buds, your eyes fluttering closed from the feeling. You weren't going to stop him, in fact, you were going to give him some well deserved love.


Lemo's face slightly flushes as he can hear the bath water being splashed around, as he already knows why, but he just sighs and dismisses it, muttering about how his old heart wouldn't be able to handle it if he stayed here any longer.


Broly had become much more tame the longer he stayed with you. Perhaps it was your calming aura, or your love and kindness.

Maybe it was also all of the times you two would mate, too. He felt less stressed from it, and more loved than anything else. He had never had such love...

Until today happened, though.

The both of you had been sparring together in an open field when you had suddenly halted and turned away from him, your ears fluttering back and forth wildly as your tail bristled. Though there was nothing around that either of you could see or feel, your ears had picked up a specific sound. You both touched back down to ground level and you had told Broly that you were going to transform just to get a better read on things, considering you may just be picking up on random hikers or even a hard headed dinosaur, so Broly nodded and went along with it. He enjoyed your transformation into a wolf, after all. Your fur was always so thick and soft, and warm.

You give a gentle murr as the taller Saiyan does what he always did when you transformed, and that was nuzzling himself against you with his head on your chest. Your tail wagged happily and you gave a gentle lick to his cheek when he let go of you, making him smile.

You then did your cautious run around of the area, but found nothing in particular that had set you off in the first place. Broly watches you as you come back calmly towards him, but in the instant that he blinked, a loud, sharp hiss went through the air, and you collapsed into a heap on the ground so suddenly that Broly couldn't register what had happened.

".. Y/N..?" Broly asked slowly, fearfully, in disbelief, stiffly approaching your frame. This couldn't be happening, right? He was finally having peace of mind. He finally found someone whom he loved, who loved him back. So why...

The instant that he saw a pool of red gathering at your chest, Broly's eyes went blank, his mind overly silent. And then, a very rageful, vivid amount of energy exploded from him.

Broly snapped.

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