🪶 Valkyrie 🪶 Winged Reader x Gohan pt 4

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(mild lemon warning ⚠️)

As the days melded into weeks and a whole month raced by, you settled into a routine that felt oddly comforting. Weekdays revolved around schoolwork and various activities, interspersed with shared lunches in the home economics room with Gohan on alternate days. After crafting energizing snacks for Gohan's 'secret vigilantism,' you'd head back home, establishing a familiar rhythm.

Weekends dawned with an early rise, greeting the day before the sun graced the sky. Mornings were dedicated to training sessions under the guidance of your newfound mentor, Goku. With the first light, you'd assist ChiChi in chores, executing tasks with the ease of familiarity until the evening descended. These weekends became so routine that spending nights at Gohan's home seemed as natural as your daily rituals, flying back to school alongside your now-closest friend every Monday.

Unbeknownst to you, Gohan found himself entangled in emotions that were spiraling deeper. His strides at school drew him closer to you, almost deliberately brushing hands or shoulders, a subtle yet undeniable connection. In quiet moments during class, his gaze would often linger on you, lost in contemplation or admiration. His vexation peaked when Videl would intrude, redirecting him to assist her study group, inevitably separating you from your shared time.

His irritation swelled as he witnessed other guys from school taking an interest in you, noticing the physical transformation that accompanied your increased fitness and radiance. It was evident when some overly confident fellows openly flirted with you, causing discomfort rather than delight. Gohan's internal fury surged during a confrontation in the hallway when a larger student cornered you, pouring on excessive charm. Gohan, observing the scene, intervened with calculated precision, using minimal force to physically separate the two of you, the guy recoiling in surprise.

Concerned, Gohan asked if you were alright, but the moment his eyes met yours, something shifted within him. Your proximity, your scent, the rhythm of your heartbeat—it all became overpowering, leaving Gohan momentarily spellbound. His subconscious pull towards you caused him to unwittingly lean in, losing himself in your presence until your voice, tinged with confusion, jolted him back to reality.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of his burgeoning feelings, Gohan withdrew for the remainder of the day, attempting to grapple with the burgeoning emotions he struggled to contain.

The sun had barely kissed the horizon when your morning commenced, dedicated to another grueling session of martial arts training alongside Goku. Despite his affable demeanor, Goku's teaching style bordered on intense, delivering robust instruction that pushed your limits. Encouraging and reassuring, his presence tempered the rigors of the session, offering a sense of comfort amidst the physical exertion.

With ChiChi abstaining from seeking your assistance that day, the extra time allowed for an extended lesson with Goku. However, the atmosphere felt more like an open class with an unexpected audience in attendance. Alongside Gohan and Goten stood two additional spectators: Vegeta and Piccolo. Vegeta's ire stemmed from Goku's refusal to train with him, which immediately piqued the Prince's interest, albeit in an agitated manner.

Piccolo's surprise visit served as an opportunity to assess his student's progress, granting you a chance for an introduction. Unlike the typical reaction of fear or shock upon encountering the green Namekian, your response was one of utter admiration. To you, Piccolo exuded an aura of coolness that left you in complete awe, a sentiment that almost teased a smirk from him, though he maintained his stoic countenance.

As the training session with Goku concluded, you found solace in the gentle breeze, luxuriating in the calm after the exertion. Piccolo and Vegeta had noted the presence of your wings, but their attention was presently elsewhere.

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