🪶Valkyrie🪶 Winged Reader x Gohan

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Gohan moved through the currently silent corridors of his high school, a tinge of disappointment coloring his expression. The lunchtime atmosphere, usually a moment to relish his mother's carefully prepared meal, was instead marred by a trail of ants devouring the remnants of his lunch. Videl's antagonistic attitude had stirred chaos, leading to an unnecessary squabble, ruining what was supposed to be a peaceful break.

With a resigned sigh, he carried his now-empty and soiled lunchboxes towards the home economics classroom to wash them. As he trod the familiar path, a sudden waft of delightful scent brushed against his senses, prompting him to quicken his pace. Intrigued, he followed the alluring aroma, finding its source seemingly originating from the home economics classroom itself.

Peeking in, his eyes widened in surprise. There you were, someone vaguely familiar from shared classes, skillfully preparing a specific dish with a cheerful melody humming from your lips. Clad in an apron, you effortlessly maneuvered, expertly folding eggs over a bed of steaming rice. Startled by his sudden appearance, you turned, meeting his gaze, which caused him to freeze momentarily. "Oh, hello!" you greeted, your voice catching him off guard, considering your usual quiet demeanor in class. "U-Um, Gohan, right?" you asked hesitantly as he recovered, his cheeks warming at the sound of your voice. "Yes, I'm Son Gohan!" he responded with a hint of eagerness, bowing respectfully before meeting your gaze. "And you're Y/L/N Y/N, R-Right?" he inquired, observing the endearing bob of your head as you nodded in affirmation.

His stomach chose that moment to loudly protest its emptiness, much to Gohan's chagrin, intensifying the flush in his cheeks. Concealing a smile behind your hand, you gestured towards a nearby stool. "It seems you haven't eaten either. Let's share." You offered, prompting a shy smile from Gohan as he accepted your invitation. "Thank you. I had a lunchbox that my mom made, but... well, it's sort of scattered across the grass outside," he explained, prompting a sympathetic expression from you. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure your mom poured her heart into that meal," you sympathized, placing a portion of your cooked dish onto a plate for him.

Gohan's eyes shimmered with excitement as he eagerly eyed the meal before him, only diving in once you settled down to eat alongside him

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Gohan's eyes shimmered with excitement as he eagerly eyed the meal before him, only diving in once you settled down to eat alongside him. The first bite was a revelation, and Gohan couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Wow, this is really good!" he praised, causing your cheeks to flush as you bashfully smiled. "Thanks," you replied, savoring the meal in the company of each other.

Amidst bites and shared conversation, you both peeled back layers, gradually revealing more about yourselves while still guarding certain aspects. Remarkably, the exchange wasn't awkward, and time slipped away unnoticed, swallowed by the easy flow of conversation. "Wait, you fight?" Gohan's query interrupted the amiable chatter, prompting a slightly nervous shrug from you. "Y-Yeah, but only a little bit. Can't exactly focus on that when I have to study, ya know?" you explained, Gohan nodding in empathy. "Yeah, tell me about it."

A sudden intrusion shattered the moment. "Gohan!" The voice pierced the air, snapping both of you from your conversation. A classmate with black hair and piercing blue eyes barged into the room, her gaze fixated on you as Gohan hastily rose. "Oh, Videl!" he greeted, but before introductions could proceed smoothly, you interjected softly. "Y/L/N Y/N. It's nice to meet you," you said, offering a polite bow.

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