🍼Soon To Be🍼 {Fluffy}Goku Black x Preg! Reader

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So many things have transpired up to this moment in your life. You never thought especially that, despite all the craziness in times you shared with your best friend Goku and the others, that you'd end up going down this kind of path.

You had met Black during one of Bulma's infamous parties when she had invited Jaco and some of his time cop friends, including an infamous duo that had been known to get the job done in rather pointed and sometimes scary manners. They had gone by the names of Zamasu and Goku Black. At first you were on edge when they were introduced, especially towards Goku Black more than anything, but you were finding yourself glad to have listened to Bulma and give Goku's unofficial and more serious lookalike twin your number. And now, you were almost living a fairytale lifestyle, just without all the royalty and other princess style gimmicks. If anything you would compare your lifestyle to Princess Tiana's, she didn't just live off of money after all, she ran a literal and very popular restaurant!


You were humming along with your music playlist as you cleaned up your home, being alone at the moment and left to your own devices. With dinner also cooking in the oven, you had a few busy hours until you'd be free of the voluntary chores. As you vacuumed the den room, you heard the front door being opened and then firmly slammed shut, a smile appearing on your face before you continued on with cleaning. At least until the vacuum was unplugged. "What do you think you're doing?"

You look over your shoulder to find Goku Black walking up towards you, his gaze filled with irritation as he takes the vacuum from you, and you sigh with a soft eye roll. "Cleaning, can't let the house get messy." You say, trying not to giggle as Black scoffs and kisses your temple lovingly. "You don't need to be doing anything but resting. I thought I made that clear." He says, and you stare up at him. "But the movement is good, and I got bored. Plus, the house was getting dusty too, and I'm by myself, Sooo." You say playfully, making Black sigh heavily before he cups your face and places a soft kiss on your lips, making you have butterflies erupt in your stomach as you kiss back.

Gently breaking the kiss, Black moves one hand down to your rounded stomach, stroking his thumb over the side of it slightly. "Bored or not, you need to be resting. How can I keep you safe and healthy if you're up and about while I'm gone?" He asks, and you rub his biceps lovingly, smiling softly. "I'm always going to be safe, cause everyone knows not to mess with you. Plus, I'm still a sturdy tough cookie, I can knock out anyone who dares to try me." You grin, making Black smirk as he looks away while touching his face in remembrance. "Yes, you still have quite the mean hook when you're angry.. But it's different now." He states afterwards, continuing to rub your protruding belly. "I want both of you to be safe, I can't have anything happen to you.."

Your gaze softens as you listen to Black, rubbing the scars on his arms tenderly before you reach up and cup his face lovingly. "The only thing that's going to happen is that we're going to be an official family once the baby is born. And by then, everyone's definitely going to try and stay on our good sides, because they know if they upset us, they might as well dig their own graves and jump in." You say, giggling.

Black snorts softly under his breath, kissing both of your open palms lovingly before he kneels down carefully so that he can rest his cheek and ear against the front of your stomach, his eyes closing. "It's just that... I never believed that someone like me, as divine as I am, would ever be able to have this life with such a perfect goddess. Creating our own utopia together, and now creating life.. After so many things that have tried to get in our way.." Black mumbles, relaxing as you run your fingers through his hair lovingly.

Black suddenly looks up at you with wide eyes, making you blink and giggle. "What is it?"

"The baby.. it kicked me." Black mumbles, his eyes gleaming a bit. You grin. "Oh? Then they're saying hi to you already." You say, resting your hands over Black's gently. "You should say hi back to them, they'll be able to hear you, and I'm sure they want to know what their daddy sounds like. They should get to know you." You inform him, and Black turns his head to look at your stomach. "What if... They don't like me?" He asks quietly, and you smile playfully. "Well to be fair, I didn't like you either when we first met., and then I fell hard for you, and you fell hard for me, and then we ended up being around each other so much that we moved to a quaint cabin in the woods just outside of the city just so we could have really loud--" "--Y/N." "--But there's a good chat that they'll have your attitude more than mine. They are going to be a miniature version of you, after all. Or me. Or a perfectly balanced us if we get lucky." You finish, grinning mischievously as you see the pink tint across Black's cheeks.

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