Blind Reader x Goku Black: Blind Date pt 1

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From the moment you were born, you had to go about your existence with lifelong blindness, you were told that a peculiar circumstance had caused your eyes to never develop the ability to see. An additional layer of skin had covered your face since birth, preventing your eyes from perceiving the world around you.

However, amidst this belief, there existed a superstition among some that those who had experienced what you had possessed a different kind of sight. Despite your physical inability to see, it was believed that you could still perceive the world through unconventional means. Some individuals could see through sound or touch, but you possessed the extraordinary ability to see through energy. The life forces of both people and animals were visible to you, creating an outline of their presence. The intensity of their energy determined the brightness of their silhouette.

Although at times it was painful to be engulfed in the radiant light of energetic beings while already being blind, you cherished this gift. You found solace in observing the vibrant essence of life, even if you couldn't fully partake in its true essence.

Yet, even in the midst of such beauty, people had a knack for tarnishing it. Bullies, incessant noise, and the constant interference of others overwhelmed you on numerous occasions.

Tracing the faint scar on your forehead, a reminder of the doctors' intervention during your infancy, you navigated the familiar streets of your city. The scar, marked by a slight bump, served as a tangible reminder of the extra skin that had once concealed your face.

Despite your visual impairment, you followed the same path each day. From the comfort of your home, you ventured to a cozy café, then to the serene park, before finally returning home. Rarely did you deviate from this routine, unless absolutely necessary, but you always carried a walking stick as a precautionary measure.

Unlike some, you chose not to conceal your eyes behind glasses. While you couldn't fathom what others saw, you noticed that your presence often made people uneasy, granting you a wider personal space.

Today, as the sun's warm rays caressed your skin, you made your way towards the park. Skillfully maneuvering through what you perceived as energetic clusters resembling bustling crowds, you encountered numerous obstacles along the way.

Eventually, the distinct scents of nature mingled with the artificial fragrances and chemicals that permeated the air, signaling your arrival at the park.

With a contented smile gracing your lips, you continued your steady stride along the nature hike within the park. This particular trail was seldom frequented by the city's inhabitants, save for the occasional cyclist or jogger.

Unfaltering, you pressed forward, relying on your walking stick to ensure a smooth and obstacle-free journey. Your steps remained unwavering until the distant sounds of other people faded into a mere whisper, and the scents of pinecones and moss enveloped your senses. Perhaps you had veered off the designated path long ago, but it mattered little to you. This secluded haven brought you tranquility.

Settling in a serene spot, you would spend hours immersed in the vibrant energies that surrounded you, especially those emanating from the delicate flutter of butterflies. However, your focus had recently shifted towards the life force of the plant life that thrived in this sanctuary.

One particular bush had captured your attention. Its blossoms, described by others as flowers, had previously pricked your fingers with their thorns when you attempted to touch them. But now, armed with your ability to perceive energy, you knew that they were roses. The fragrance and texture of the petals confirmed this revelation, allowing you to appreciate their beauty in a way that transcended physical sight.

Engrossed in conversation with the rose bush you affectionately named Serenity, you remained oblivious to the presence of an unseen energy.

"What exactly are you doing?" A deep, soothing voice suddenly interrupts, causing you to startle. You turn your head in search of the source, but the energy remains invisible. "Hello?" you call out tentatively.

Returning your gaze to the radiant energy emanating from the rose bush, you notice that one of the flowers is glowing intensely. Unbeknownst to you, someone is actually holding it, and your gasp escapes involuntarily.

"Serenity? Did you just... speak? No, that can't be right... Unless you possess consciousness!" you exclaim, unaware of the man holding the rose, his sharp black eyes reflecting confusion.

It is then that he notices your eyes. You were blind...

"I'm afraid not," the man responds, prompting you to blink your eyes rapidly and lower your hands to your lap. "Then... then what are you? Are you a ghost?" you cautiously inquire.

The man observes you, a smirk playing on his lips. "I am a higher being, mortal. Soon enough, all you mortals will experience the presence of a true God."

Confusion furrows your brow as you reach out for the rose, handling it with care. "If by 'true God' you mean peace and tranquility, then count me in. But if you're some kind of creepy pervert, I kindly ask you to move along. I may be blind, but I'm not foolish."

A soft smirk lingers on the man's face as he allows you to delicately take the rose from his hand. He rises to his feet and departs, leaving you alone.

Or so you believe. In the following days, you continue with your usual routine, blissfully unaware of the man who shadows you from a distance.

Until one day, he reappears beside the rose bush.

As you spend more time together, you learn that his name is Goku Black.

Goku Black cherishes the moments of solitude he spends with you, appreciating your unique perspective of the world through your own distinct lens.

One day, he musters the courage to ask if it would be alright to touch your face. Though a hint of wariness lingers within you, you grant him permission, understanding that his curiosity lies more in exploring your eyes than anything else.

As his warm and calloused hand gently brushes against your cheek, you instinctively flinch, caught off guard. However, Black remains patient, allowing you to relax before continuing.

You find yourself captivated by the energy he exudes, feeling the delicate touch of his fingertips tracing your cheeks, followed by the gentle glide of his thumb over your lower lip.

A rush of warmth floods your cheeks as you suddenly feel the press of warm, soft lips against your own. In that moment, you realize that Black is as uncertain as you are, unsure of his own emotions. Yet, he is drawn to you enough to want to explore this newfound connection through the act of kissing.

After that initial kiss, the desire to share more intimate moments with Black becomes a constant longing each time you meet.

And each time, he willingly indulges in this shared affection.

With each encounter, the physical closeness between you intensifies, and meeting up with Black becomes an integral part of your daily routine.

Being with Black evokes a range of emotions within you, each experience feeling different and new.

However, there is one lingering regret that tugs at your heart - the inability to actually see him, and it saddens you.

Upon revealing this to Black, he gently pulls you into his embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "Would you truly be willing to regain your sight, just to see me?" he whispers softly.

You hesitate, your fingers finding solace in playing with his hands. "I... I don't know... I've never... I mean, I've only ever seen energy, but yours must be so pure that I can't even discern a silhouette of you. Yet, I feel you... And I... I want to see you," you stammer shyly, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.

Black hums softly against your skin, his voice filled with reassurance. "I'll help you."

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