Admirers 🌼 Yandere Goku x Reader x Yandere Goku Black 🌹 pt 3

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For several months, an unexpected camaraderie had blossomed between you, Goku, and Black, gradually transcending the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship. Initially, your encounters were more nocturnal than diurnal, yet this pattern was gradually shifting. Your off days became opportunities to bond with either one or both of them, revealing the surprisingly harmonious interplay of their contrasting personalities.

However, amid this burgeoning friendship, a complex dilemma quietly took root within you. The affection you felt for Black had burgeoned into something deeper, but simultaneously, your heart still harbored a palpable admiration for Goku. This emotional entanglement became a cause for concern. You feared that acknowledging your feelings might incite conflict between the two friends, a scenario you vehemently wished to avoid at all costs. Preserving the sanctity of your friendship with them was of utmost importance.

Then, a bitter turn in the weather brought an unforeseen twist. As cold winds swept in, fate intertwined your lives further. Both Goku and Black faced an unfortunate situation—a deluge caused by ruptured, frozen pipes had rendered their apartment uninhabitable. In an instant, your home became a sanctuary, a temporary refuge for both men. Of course, you readily agreed to shelter them during this predicament, silently vowing to conceal your inner turmoil, shielding your feelings tightly beneath the surface to prevent any disruption to this newfound harmony.

As the relentless winter storm persisted, its freezing rain held the three of you captive indoors. Fortunately, your well-stocked pantries and diligently insulated house pipes provided a semblance of comfort and security. With cautious measures to ensure a steady drip from the faucets, you sought to shield your home from the chilling onslaught.

In the cozy sanctuary of your kitchen, the aroma of a hearty stew permeated the air, promising warmth to combat the biting cold. Amidst the crackling fire in the den, you devoted yourself to preparing a meal that would comfort and thaw the chilled souls within the house. As pots simmered and flavors mingled, a symphony of savory scents danced around you, the perfect accompaniment to the storm raging outside.

Your attention was consumed by the task at hand, until an unexpected sensation, a warmth enveloping your back, shattered your concentration. Startled, you turned to find Black's commanding presence towering close behind you, his gaze intense and inscrutable. Flustered and bewildered by his proximity, your cheeks blushed in response to the unspoken tension that crackled in the air.

"Black...?" Your voice faltered in surprise, only to be interrupted as Black's gentle touch guided your chin upward. Before you could fully comprehend the situation, his lips met yours in a fervent and unexpected kiss. Shock surged through you, setting your heart ablaze, a wild fluttering echoing the frantic beat of a caged bird.

As the kiss deepened, your initial surprise morphed into a sweet surrender. Black's tender exploration, his teasing touch tracing the curve of your lip, sent a rush of warmth cascading through you, melting your resolve. Before you could grant consent in your own way, Black's thumb exerted a firm yet gentle pressure, coaxing your lips to part, allowing his tongue to delicately slip into the tender embrace of your mouth.

In that stolen moment, the world outside ceased to exist. Your senses were consumed by the heady intoxication of the kiss, leaving your thoughts adrift in a blissful haze, captivated by the dizzying whirlwind of emotions that surged between you.

In the aftermath of the fervent exchange, a subtle flush adorned Black's cheeks, contrasting with the overt flustered state that enveloped your entire being. A fleeting moment of silent connection lingered as you both locked eyes, the atmosphere pregnant with unspoken emotions.

Breaking the culinary reverie, Black gently diverted your attention from the stew preparation. Unexpectedly, he swept you up by the hips, effortlessly seating you atop the kitchen island. Standing between your legs, he fervently reclaimed your lips in a deep, consuming kiss, igniting a fiery passion that surged between you.

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