Valkyrie 🪶 Winged Reader x Gohan 🪶 pt 8

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After the intimate night spent with Gohan, the pull between you two was magnetic, drawing you together like clockwork regardless of the setting—school, training sessions, studying, dinner—none of it mattered; you gravitated towards each other effortlessly. However, your closeness with Gohan didn't go unnoticed, especially by Videl, whose jealousy brewed vehemently.

Driven by envy, Videl plotted to thwart and disrupt your time with Gohan, setting out to sabotage your moments together. Her first attempt came during your free home economics period. To your surprise, the teacher reprimanded you for cooking without supervision, throwing you into confusion. Yet, Gohan, always supportive, assured you that he'd help prepare snacks either at his house or yours after school, offering solace amidst the unsettling incident.

Videl seethed at the sight of Gohan comforting you, fueling her resolve for her next sabotage: Gym class.

During your post-PE shower, Videl had intended to sabotage your clothes by dousing them in musky oil, ensuring you'd have to wear old, unpleasant garments for the day. However, her scheme backfired when you arrived in brand-new attire, courtesy of emergency capsules gifted by Bulma. Videl's shock and anger simmered as you entered the classroom unfazed, Gohan's smile amplifying your radiant disposition.

Undeterred by her previous failures, Videl forged ahead with her third sabotage—tampering with your class assignments after hours to affect your grades. The shock of receiving a B on a subject you knew well left you reeling, plagued with self-criticism. Yet again, Gohan's unwavering support uplifted you, gently pointing out the flaw in your paper, reassuring you that your answer was correct, albeit in the wrong sequence according to the teacher's preference.

Frustration mounting, Videl's simmering resentment bubbled over during lunch break. Grip tightening on her chopsticks, she glared at her untouched bowl of rice. Erasa, noticing her friend's distress, inquired about her well-being, only to receive Videl's growled response about Gohan's alleged infatuation with "that stupid girl." Angered and feeling rejected, Videl stormed off towards the school doors, leaving her friends bewildered at her jealousy and refusal to acknowledge Gohan's rejection.

As Videl grumbled and headed toward the staircase leading to the rooftop, she noticed the door ajar, a sign that someone else was already there. Muttering to herself, she halted upon hearing a faint noise echoing from just beyond her sight.

Videl, consumed by jealousy, couldn't resist peering through the door, only to be met with a scene that flustered and enraged her. She was struck by the sight of you and Gohan, sharing a moment of ease and laughter, indulging in snacks and casual conversation. But what truly shocked her were the magnificent wings sprouting from your back, visible as you wore a halter top.

Her shock soon transformed into boiling anger as she witnessed Gohan's affectionate gestures, planting kisses between your shoulder blades. The intensity of her frustration peaked when she witnessed the two of you embracing tenderly.

Unable to contain her rage any longer, Videl stormed out into the open, causing both you and Gohan to startle at her abrupt appearance.

However, in an unfathomable turn of events, Videl, driven by her overwhelming emotions, roughly shoved you towards the edge of the roof. The sudden force sent you teetering, and Gohan's horrified yell filled the air. But before you plummeted, panic etched across your face, your wings unfurled instinctively, halting your fall mid-air.

Shock gripped Videl as she watched your wings in action, momentarily forgetting the severity of her actions. However, the reality of her actions struck her hard as she observed you carefully ascend back to safety, floating up with an air of disbelief.

While Gohan rushed to check on you, concern etched deeply into his features, Videl finally made eye contact with him. The fury blazing in Gohan's eyes was palpable, reflecting his anger at her reckless behavior.

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