Normal Isn't Easy §Gohan x OC Female Saiyan Reader§pt 5

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After the meal, Goten offers to help ChiChi with the dishes, leaving you and Gohan alone in his room. You explore his space, trailing your finger along the rows of meticulously arranged law and physics books, your Saiyan tail swishing behind you. Settling down beside Gohan, you playfully remark on his impeccable organization, prompting a shared smile between you.

The room is bathed in a brief silence, interrupted only by the faint clinking of dishes from the kitchen. Gohan's eyes flicker towards the door, ensuring his mother and brother are occupied, before he tentatively places his hand over yours. His cheeks flush slightly as he stammers out an invitation. "Y-Y/N... Um... Do... do you want to try that again? The kiss, I mean... when no one's watching?" His request causes your cheeks to tint as you tease him about his eagerness, mentioning it might be his first relationship.

Gohan sheepishly grins before asking about your own experience, only to be met with a playful confession. "Well, I've never had a girlfriend either," you initially jest before admitting the truth, causing Gohan's relief to visibly wash over him.

With a subtle gesture, you gently push the door ajar, leaving it slightly ajar against the frame. Returning to Gohan's side, your hands find each other once more. The warmth in Gohan's smile is reciprocated as you both lean in, meeting in a tender and unhurried kiss.

Your lips connect in a more relaxed embrace than before, the gentle pressure bringing you closer. As the kiss deepens, you feel Gohan shift, his figure hovering over yours, the soft mattress beneath you.

The kiss becomes more passionate, your lips molding together effortlessly. Mid-kiss, a slight giggle escapes you, causing Gohan to break the kiss with a bashful smile. "What?" he asks, his gaze meeting yours.

"Just realizing you're a good kisser," you admit, prompting another shy grin from Gohan before you resume the tender exchange, your bodies naturally fitting together.

Before things can progress further, ChiChi clears her throat with a loud cough, startling you both and causing an intense flush of embarrassment. ChiChi interjects, smiling sweetly as she suggests it's getting late and it's time for Gohan to accompany you home.

Startled by the realization of the hour, Gohan hurries to check the time, realizing the lateness of the hour and the impending school day. "O-Oh!" he exclaims, a touch flustered.

You straighten up, offering Gohan a warm smile. "Your mom's right. I've got to get back for more studying before bed." Gohan nods in understanding, both of you bidding goodbye to ChiChi and Goten before summoning Nimbus once again to take you home.

During the ride, Gohan tentatively wraps his arms around your midsection, and you gently lean into his touch, your tail brushing against his lower back, evoking a shiver and a blush from Gohan. His hold tightens slightly as the unexpected sensation of your tail sparks a warm feeling within him.

Your tail continues to lightly brush against him, prompting Gohan to nuzzle your neck softly, his lips grazing the nape of your neck, eliciting a shy but pleasant response from you, causing warmth to spread through both of you.

Unexpectedly, Nimbus dips, jolting both of you back to reality. You share a bashful laugh before reaching your apartment complex.

Inviting Gohan inside, you guide him through the upscale complex to your apartment. As he steps in, his eyes widen in surprise.

The space is expansive, modern, and immaculate, though cluttered with books, papers, and academic materials. Gohan is drawn to the papers scattered about, essays, scientific theories, and more, intriguing his scholarly nature.

He chuckles softly. "You weren't kidding."

As you offer Gohan a drink, he notices a framed photo in a neat shrine-like setup in the corner. Intrigued, he approaches it, observing three individuals: you and two taller figures, all sharing smiles in a photo amid a heap of autumn leaves.

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