🐾Kid Goku x Female Neko Reader 🐾 pt 2

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Exhausted from her frantic escape through the wintry blizzard, Mio found herself in a dense and expansive forest, where towering trees obscured every glimpse of what lay beyond. Her adrenaline drained and limbs dragging, she longed for respite.

"I'm so hungry... but I wanna sleep forever... a really good tuna fish, or maybe some chicken... Those would be so scrumptious right now... I miss papa and mama... they made the best meals for lunch... I just wanna eat something and forget everything..." Mio uttered in a mixture of exhaustion and sadness. Trembling legs eventually gave way, and she collapsed on the forest floor, panting. "First... sleep... then... food..." she mumbled, eyelids growing heavy as her ears lay flat against the top of her head.

As Mio drifted into sleep, a formidable saber-toothed tiger, on the prowl for its next meal, caught sight of her vulnerable form. It crouched low, observing if she would notice the imminent danger, only to realize, with a content growl, that Mio must be injured or too young to recognize the looming threat. Licking its thick feline chops, the tiger stealthily advanced, poised to savor its effortless meal.

In close proximity, two figures strolled side by side. An elderly man, wearing a green cap and traditional Chinese attire, with a white mustache framing his kind face, carried a basket of fruit. Beside him, a much younger companion, a boy with unruly spiky black hair, a brown monkey tail, and onyx eyes, sported a blue karate Gi outfit with a white sash, black shoes, and wielded a red staff. He effortlessly bore a gigantic fish on his back.

The rustling of bushes drew the young boy's attention with his acute hearing, prompting a curious pause in his steps. The elderly man, named Grandpa Gohan, noticed the distraction and stopped as well. "What is it, Goku?" he inquired. Goku turned towards the rustling, setting the large fish down. "I hear something over there, Grandpa Gohan. It sounds like a predator," he replied, his curiosity driving him to sneak over before his grandfather could intervene.

As Goku peered through the thick bushes, he widened his eyes at the scene unfolding – a saber-tooth tiger poised to devour Mio, its large mouth agape, feline incisors dripping with saliva. In an instant, Goku reacted, using his red staff to bat the tiger away from Mio's smaller, defenseless form. "Get away, you!" he yelled, making the tiger roar until it sensed something off about Goku, perhaps feeling his energy or recognizing a greater threat. It scampered off into the thick woods.

Goku sighed in relief, holstering his staff, and gently picked up Mio to check on her. Another sigh escaped him as he found no injuries, and she was breathing. Unaware of her true nature, he spoke softly to her, "At least you're okay, but it's too dangerous and reckless to let you keep sleeping here all on your own." Goku cradled her in his arms and returned to Grandpa Gohan.

Returning to Grandpa Gohan, Goku immediately presented Mio to the elderly man. "The tiger was after this tiny cat. I think it's just really sleepy or something; it hasn't even woken up from anything," Goku expressed, a hint of concern in his voice. Gohan carefully examined the small kitten, deciding to shelter it until they were certain it could fend for itself.

Content with the decision, Goku and Gohan walked back to their nearby hut. Goku, with Mio in one arm and a large fish in the other hand, wagged his tail happily behind him.

Arriving at their humble abode, Goku gently placed Mio on his bed mat with a smile. He then assisted Gohan in storing the food and getting cleaned up. Throughout the day, they checked on Mio, allowing her to rest. Eventually, as night fell, both Goku and Grandpa Gohan retired to sleep.

With the morning sun casting its light, Mio awoke feeling hunger pangs and a growling stomach. Opening her eyes, she realized she was in a different environment but one that felt warm and familiar. Weak and unable to communicate, she peered around, spotting the two individuals who had rescued her still asleep—one in a wild manner and the other peacefully on his back.

Choosing to explore, Mio approached the window and marveled at the beautiful landscape. Soon, she heard rustling and turned to see the younger boy stirring awake. As Goku sat up with a yawn and stretched, he noticed the sounds of soft meowing, and Mio carefully approached him. Unable to speak, she licked his cheek and meowed, prompting a giggle from Goku. "Good morning!" he greeted, oblivious to Mio's true nature. Responding to her hunger, she meowed again, earning another smile from Goku. "I bet you're hungry, huh?" he chuckled.

The melodic meows from Mio and the clattering of Goku preparing breakfast stirred Grandpa Gohan from his slumber. With a gentle yawn, he sat up and cast a warm smile toward the two. Extending a light good morning greeting, he joined Goku in the small cooking area.

Mio eagerly devoured the meal, emitting contented mews that echoed the satisfaction of a hearty breakfast, eliciting light laughter from Goku and Gohan.

With energy replenished, Mio, now feeling completely fine, purred happily and settled into Grandpa Gohan's lap, a customary post-meal grooming habit she shared with her own parents. Unexpectedly, she transformed back into her human form, prompting shocked and surprised screams from Goku and Gohan.

Once the shock subsided, Grandpa Gohan explained the concept of a girl to Goku. Mio, now adorned in Goku's spare karate Gi outfit, expressed her gratitude for their rescue and the meal. However, she struggled to convey the fact that she had no place to return to.

"Why? Are you far from home?" Goku inquired, and Mio felt tears welling in her eyes instantly, her fists clenching on her knees.

"I... my home... my mama and Papa are..." Mio struggled, her lower lip quivering as she cast her eyes downward. "My entire village was wiped out by The Red Ribbon Army. A few other kids and myself were kidnapped, but... but all of them... they're... they're all gone... There were so many evil guys in white coats, and they did so many horrible experiments, so many tests, and it was always so dark," Mio recounted, tears streaming down her face as she delved into memories she'd rather forget. A sob escaped her throat, and despite her efforts to compose herself, she faltered. "I-I can't go back home. I-I don't even know where they took me to, b-but I got out and k-kept running. I-I don't want Dr. Gero to find me... I don't wanna be turned into an android!" she cried, fear vivid in her eyes at the thought of being forced back.

Gohan and Goku listened attentively, their expressions a mix of anger and protectiveness. Goku, driven by instinct, enveloped Mio in a tight hug. "Dr. Gero and those other bad guys won't ever hurt you again. I'll protect you from them," Goku vowed. Mio, overcome with emotion, hugged him back tightly, crying until exhaustion took over.

Grandpa Gohan rested a warm hand on Mio's shoulder, silently conveying his own protective stance. "You are welcome to stay here with both of us, for as long as you want."

Sniffling, Mio nodded softly in gratitude, wiping her eyes. Then, a realization struck her. "O-Oh, I never told you my name," she said, feeling a bit embarrassed after her vulnerable moment. "M-My name is Mio."

Goku smiled warmly. "That's a pretty-sounding name. I'm Son Goku, and this is my grandpa, Grandpa Gohan," he introduced happily.

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