🍋Vegeta x Yamcha's Sister Reader🌸

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"Alright, come at me!" You yell with an excited shout, a confident smirk on your face as you were in a defensive stance against Vegeta of all people. But other than Goku, he was the only other person you could go to to actually get yourself stronger without worrying about a schedule. Even though you were a full blooded human, you could hold your own, even stronger than Krillin nowadays.

Vegeta scoffs but smirks back dangerously, instantly charging you. Of course the Prince is holding his power back enough not to kill you, but he's still brutal with the attacks. You can hold your own for a good moment though, as you aren't a complete pushover like your older brother when it comes to fighting.

As you block and parry some of Vegeta's attacks, the prince stares at you with a focused glare. It was a wonder, how someone like you was related to such a weakling like Yamcha. It would make more sense for you to be the fighter in the family, not that clown.

"I'll kill you!" You yell at the Saiyans who had attacked your group when they had first come to earth for the battle with Goku. You mainly yelled at Nappa, having a fire that caught the Prince's attention as you were ready to throw down despite your weak little power level.

Vegeta finds himself chuckling under his breath at the memory, causing a scowl to appear on your face as you pick up on it. But despite you trying to get in a decent enough surprise attack, Vegeta's caught your leg and literally body slams you onto your back in the ground, making you let out a loud gasp of winded pain.

Smirking, Vegeta stands up, grabbing you by the front of your training shirt instead of helping you up in the normal way, which would be taking your hand and pulling you up. "You're still way too open with your attacks, Y/N. Your chances of surviving a battle are smaller than you getting run over by a runaway car coming down a hill."

You groan in both pain and annoyance, steadying yourself for a second before flipping him off. "Fuck you, Vegeta."

"You always do, Y/N." Vegeta responds as he lets you go. You scoff, stammering a bit before crossing your arms and turning away from him. "You don't have to be a jackass! Ow.." You wince as your head hurts worse than you thought it would, running it tenderly. "Ugh, you might've given me a concussion this time." You whine, feeling Vegeta tug you closer by the back of your leggings and plant a kiss to your neck. "You've had worse, suck it up."

You pout, trying to get away from him now. "I hate you." Vegeta chortles lowly, letting you get as far as your stretchy leggings could handle before letting go, causing a loud snap and you to yelp in surprise from your leggings rubber banding your butt. "Dick!" You shout at him, turning to face him angrily. Vegeta smirks, resting his fists on his hips. "You make it far too easy to tease you, Y/N. What am  I going to do with you?" He asks, but is taken off guard when you suddenly lunge at him, capturing him in a full Nelson hug from the front. "I'm going to cling to you and shout how much I love you to the entire world! Let's see how much your pride can handle if everyone knows you're a super soft boyfriend!" You threaten with a grin, as Vegeta scowls and tries to pull you off of him.

"Dammit, don't you dare!" Vegeta threatens back, both of you arguing and threatening each other until someone is clearing their throat.

You stop from climbing over Vegeta like a koala bear with a fistful of his Saiyan hair in your hold, as Vegeta is gripping your upper thigh and backside tightly. You are quick to let go and get off of Vegeta as you see your older brother standing there with a stern expression, trying to dust yourself off. "Hey Yam Yam." You say casually, knowing that your brother and Vegeta didn't get along in the slightest. Of course that was pertaining to Yamcha getting killed by Vegeta in the beginning, but that was a while ago, and you were forgiving under the terms in which that had occurred.

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