🪶 Valkyrie 🪶 Winged Reader x Gohan pt 6

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It had been a transformative month since that tumultuous incident. Bulma had taken a monumental step, officially adopting you. The weight of uncertainty and the fear of returning to the bleak foster system dissolved, replaced by tears of relief and profound gratitude.

Physically, you had healed completely from the injuries inflicted, and your relentless efforts studying with Gohan paid off as you successfully passed your final exams.

With school out for a few weeks, time opened up for your training sessions with Goku, yet your heart lingered with Gohan. Secretive, romantic rendezvous became a frequent part of your life, each encounter a step deeper into the realm of adulthood, shrouded in the necessity of secrecy.

Though your studies persisted even outside the classroom, moments of intense makeout sessions with Gohan in covert hideaways seemed irresistible. The fear of ChiChi's wrath if discovered loomed, while Bulma's reaction, though stern, was anticipated to be less severe.

In a lush, forested area with bags of fresh fruit nearby for Gohan's mother, the intimacy between you and Gohan blossomed. With you hoisted up against a tree, your legs secured around his waist, and his firm grip on your waist, the affectionate exchange intensified.

Amidst breathless kisses, Gohan's playful side emerged as he lightly tickled your sides, eliciting a soft giggle from you. Breaking the kiss momentarily, he leaned his forehead against yours, confessing his love with a tender warmth that flushed your cheeks. In response, you nuzzled your nose against his, reciprocating the affectionate gesture with a shy smile. "I love you too, Gohan," you whispered before delving into another series of affectionate kisses, lost in each other's embrace.

Throughout the second week, you settled into the rhythms of life at the Briefs household, particularly the dynamics involving Trunks. He subtly yearned for attention and connection from someone older. Bulma, though well-meaning, was perpetually occupied, while Vegeta remained profoundly aloof, solely focusing on his intense training sessions. He occasionally pushed you and Trunks into sparring matches, seemingly reveling in the idea of Goku's student getting defeated by his son. But as the realization of your newly adopted status settled in, Vegeta's pride collided with his frustration at your perceived lack of strength. Nevertheless, he appeared to acknowledge your desire to savor life before being consumed by adulthood.

During the third week of your school break, Bulma encouraged you and Gohan to have a date together, which led you to an unexpected place—a book fair. Amidst the lively event, both of you indulged in browsing through books and collecting accessories, including adorable plushies resembling characters from your favorite stories. Gohan graciously carried most of the haul, while you managed some items, along with the plushies and both cups of iced strawberry coffee.

Seated at a table, taking a break, Gohan inquired about your wings, prompting you to gingerly touch the area, where a slight, lingering sensitivity lingered. You mentioned the peculiarity of feeling sensitivity but being able to wear clothes comfortably, inadvertently leading Gohan to shift his focus, albeit discreetly. Your teasing giggle caught him off guard, prompting a bashful reaction, his cheeks turning warm as he averted his gaze, realizing his unintentional attention.

Regaining composure, Gohan suggested returning to your place, concerned about any discomfort you might be experiencing. Grateful for his consideration, you agreed, softly asking if he could spend the night. Gohan, already flustered, stumbled over his words in a mix of excitement and nervousness, agreeing with a hint of awkwardness.

After returning to the Briefs Household and settling the newly acquired books in your room, Gohan dialed his mom to inform her about staying over at your place. ChiChi agreed, mentioning their visit the next day for some joint shopping with Bulma. Upon rejoining you in your room, Gohan noticed your slightly hunched posture, prompting him to kneel before you, worry etched across his features.

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