Admirers 🌼 Yandere Goku x Reader x Yandere Goku Black🌹 pt 1

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About a year back, the whole story unfurled under the gaze of a pair of penetrating onyx eyes fixated on you. Initially, those eyes seemed innocent, belonging to an individual deemed kind and scatterbrained—a person brimming with an insatiable appetite and exceptional strength. But a shift occurred on one fateful day when those very eyes honed in on you, transforming into something akin to the sharp, predatory glare of a hawk cloaked within the guise of a golden retriever.

Month 1-3:
In a snug space, a scene unfolded between two counterparts, both sharing spiky hair yet distinctly different in demeanor. One, a spirited Saiyan named Goku, exuded unfiltered enthusiasm and an inability to contain his hyperactivity. His mirror image, Black, exuded suavity and intelligence, boasting a voice as enticing as his chuckle. Despite their shared hair, Black maintained a calculated and dangerous aura, the antithesis of Goku's unreserved nature.

Goku's fervent declaration about someone's perfection prompted a skeptical response from Black, the silver-eyed counterpart. Amidst their banter, Black's tolerance reached its limit, standing abruptly in their compact living quarters—a two-bedroom setup housing a kitchen, bathroom, and a living room. One bedroom stood impeccably organized with color-coded books, a testament to Black's meticulousness. The other room embodied chaos, strewn with clothes, discarded items, video games, and weights hidden beneath the bed. Black's frustrated grumble echoed through the space as practicality clashed with Goku's impulsive zeal.

The subsequent evening found Black reluctantly joining Goku on what the former considered a dubious "stakeout" location, where Goku claimed to have spotted you previously. To Black's dismay, the venue turned out to be an adult club—an establishment hosting nocturnal dancers, inebriated patrons, and moments far from savory. A grimace etched across Black's face as he assessed the undoubtedly unhygienic surroundings. "This is where you've been frequenting for food? This place?" Black hushed angrily at Goku, who shrugged sheepishly, defending the locale. "The food's incredible! And she's here! I've got her schedule down pat, and she's clean!" Goku innocently exclaimed, met with Black's doubtful huff.

Reluctantly stepping inside, Black found himself repelled by the environment—dirty glitter, the stench of alcohol and cigarettes, pulsating neon lights, and a cacophony of loud music filling the space. On stage, metal poles extended toward the ceiling as performers exhibited flexibility and more than a glimpse of bare skin. Ensuring his seat was clean, Black settled at an empty table, his irritation evident as he scanned the dimly lit room. The DJ's announcements of stage names, from Candy Apple to Snatchy Suzuki, incited a restrained laugh from Black at the absurdity.

Goku's enthusiastic pointing drew Black's attention to your direction, and his silver eyes widened in awe at the sight. There you stood, elegantly serving tables in an outfit both alluring and modest. Your natural makeup and the framing of your hair made your beauty stand out even more, a stark contrast to the other scantily clad and overly perfumed women, captivating both boys as you approached their table with a warm smile, effortlessly ready to take their order. "Welcome to The Cream Pony Cake shop! My name is Y/W/N, would you two like anything to eat or drink?" you inquired, prompting Goku's eager response while Black remained transfixed. Amidst the club's murky ambiance, you radiated a celestial aura, captivating Black despite the incongruity of your presence in such a sinful environment.

As you assured them of returning shortly with their order, Black found his gaze fixated on your departing figure, scrutinizing the natural contours of your body. Unaltered by any artificial enhancements, you exuded a serene acceptance of your physique.

Goku's knowing smirk indicated his awareness that Black had been captivated just as he had been, a fact that didn't escape Black's notice, provoking a scoff from him. "So, what do you think?" Goku prodded.

Narrowing his eyes before breaking into a smirk, Black begrudgingly admitted, "Fine, this might be the first time you've actually made a smart call." Goku grinned triumphantly. "Just wait until you try the food!"

After your shift ended, bidding farewell to your coworkers, you stepped out of the club, stretching wearily while readjusting your purse. Armed with keys and a small can of pepper spray, you headed toward your vehicle, ever cautious in this dangerous locale. As you settled in and started your car, the doors locking securely, a sigh escaped you, feeling the relief of the day's chaos dissipating. However, a split-second glimpse of a menacing, shadowy figure behind your car in the rearview mirror startled you, prompting a quick turn of your head, only to find nothing there. Your subsequent checks confirmed the emptiness, leading to a shaky exhale as you decided it best to head home, the early hours and impending sunrise urging your departure.

Throughout the drive home, unease crept in as you occasionally glimpsed what seemed like two specks hovering above your car in the sky. Frowning with concern, you focused on reaching your suburban abode, feeling far from at ease even upon arriving. Rushing inside, your ritual of securing doors and closing blinds brought a sense of relief, yet an underlying paranoia lingered.

In the dimly lit kitchen, illuminated by the stove's overhead light, you reached for what appeared to be a jar containing loose change and crumpled cash. Counting the earnings, you murmured softly, drawing inspiration from a cherished children's movie, "Well, Ms. Tiana, a tough night for tips, but every penny matters." The familiar quote served as a soothing mantra, resonating in the midst of your slightly unsettling night.

As the weeks passed, a familiar duo began frequenting the club three days a week, becoming regular patrons at your table. While accustomed to dancers gathering fans who lavished their attention and money, as a waitress, such consistent visitors were not uncommon.

Approaching their table with a welcoming smile, you greeted them warmly. "Nice to see you again, Goku, Black," you acknowledged earnestly, eliciting differing yet genuine smiles from the twins. Their presence had become a comforting routine, their company pleasant amidst the club's bustling atmosphere.

Tonight, however, their presence proved crucial. A patron at one of your tables overstepped boundaries, his inappropriate actions met with your swift rejection. Despite maintaining professionalism, the situation escalated in the shadowy confines of the club.

Reacting to your panicked tone, Goku and Black sprang into action, swiftly intervening to protect you. Within moments, they had neutralized the unruly man, preventing a situation that might have escalated further without their timely intervention, leaving you deeply grateful for their help.

As your shift concluded, Goku and Black offered to escort you safely to your car, even extending their help in ensuring your journey home. Moved by their kindness, you declined their latter offer, expressing heartfelt gratitude through teary-eyed hugs. "It's okay, thank you both for looking out for me," you murmured, your sincerity touching the depths of their hearts.

After bidding them farewell and driving home, unbeknownst to you, both men ascended into the sky, their expressions clouded with concern. Black's scowl deepened, while even Goku wore a frown. "Should we take care of that guy who attacked her? We have to, right? We can't let anyone harm her... We can't let her be with anyone else," Goku muttered rapidly, his concern evident. Black didn't refute Goku's words, a dangerous glint shimmering in his eyes.

"Yes, we'll handle those who dare threaten her. No one will have her except us. But... we must tread carefully. She's far too precious, and scaring her away is the last thing I want," Black whispered, acknowledging the delicate balance between protection and the fear of driving you away.

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