Android 17 x Healer Reader 🌲Rangers In Arms🌲 pt 1

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For nearly ten years, you'd called Monster Island your workplace, a haven where rare and endangered creatures roamed freely, safeguarded from the clutches of poachers. Your days were a ceaseless whirlwind, yet your devotion to these creatures surpassed everything else. Aged twenty-five, your competence in managing the island's affairs was undisputed. Even in the face of sickness or injury among the animals, your knack for swift recoveries remained unparalleled. It was a unique power you possessed—Healing—an ability that seemed innate, existing long before your birth. Its origins traced back to safeguarding your mother's health while you were still in her womb. But this gift, a blessing in its own right, bore the weight of a curse, aligning your plight with the rare minotaur bulls hunted for their horns, much like you were sought after for your blood. Yet, your seclusion from civilization from an early age had shrouded you in obscurity, a fact you hoped remained unchanged.

Unexpectedly, your eleventh year as a Ranger brought a new addition—a partner. Initially wary of this newcomer, you couldn't help but harbor doubts about a man with jet black hair, piercing blue eyes, undeniable handsomeness, and a penchant for cynicism. His demeanor struck you as an immature attempt at being cool, despite his actual charm and style. Those traits, however appealing, set off alarm bells within you. His name, 17, added to the mystery, but you refrained from probing further, focusing resolutely on your duties. Perhaps he aimed to usurp your role, you surmised.

Over time, his presence became familiar, despite 17's penchant for startling you at every opportunity. "Hey there, Skitty," he'd jest, christening you with that moniker, drawing parallels to a skittish rabbit. Your response was a habitual eye-roll accompanied by muttered greetings as you loaded your truck with repair equipment and sacks of feed. "Morning, 17," you grumbled, begrudgingly acknowledging his playful antics.

"Aw, come on, crack a smile," 17 prods, hands casually tucked into his pockets as he gazes intently at you, a height advantage that irked you, albeit momentarily. Did his towering presence bother you? A tad. But your agility, speed, and fiery nature when provoked compensated for any disadvantage in height.

"Why don't 'you' give me some breathing room?" you retort, a hint of snap in your tone. Unfazed, 17 sports a smirk, leisurely strolling around the truck toward the passenger's side. "Hard to do that when your backside occupies most of the space. Surprising you even fit in this truck," he teases, causing you to gape before firing back, "Your ego seems to inflate your head enough to make you fly effortlessly." With that, you leap into the driver's seat, igniting the truck's engine.

17 snorts, relishing your irritation as he casually reclines, absorbing the island's picturesque landscape passing by.

This banter was the norm between you two, yet in moments of crisis, your synergy shone when fending off poachers. 17 exuded strength, but you held your ground, capable of dealing with any intruders while 17 handled those at a distance.

It wasn't until later that 17 uncovered your extraordinary abilities. Witnessing your energy surge when saving endangered creatures, he felt the swell before witnessing your healing prowess. The sheer potency of your energy mesmerized him, its warmth offering an unexpected sense of solace. Naturally, 17 would never admit this to you, but he found himself closely observing your every move. The creature's injury wasn't minor, yet you mended it effortlessly, as if a mere scratch needing a bandage.

As nightfall blanketed the surroundings in serene tranquility, you and 17 remained wide awake, camping in close proximity to the minotaur bulls. Hovering over your tablet, you meticulously scanned the security cameras while 17 lounged across from you. His gaze lingered on the starry expanse for a fleeting moment before shifting to observe you. He watched as you immersed yourself in scrutinizing each camera feed, the campfire's dance casting an otherworldly radiance, lending a warm glow to your eyes.

"Why are you always here?" 17's sudden question disrupts your focus momentarily, prompting a blink before you resume your scrutiny of the tablet screens. "I won't spill the beans. You're just a name and a fashion sense to me, remember? Not about to divulge my life story out of the blue," you respond, casually reaching for a thermal cup filled with steaming coffee. Despite its bitterness, the unfiltered caffeine was a necessity.

A faint smirk graces 17's lips before his gaze drifts back to the sky. "Fair point. So, what's on your mind about me? I've caught you eyeing my hair. Fun fact—it's all natural," he remarks.

Your glare meets 17's, unappreciative of his egotistical banter. Almost cracking a smile, you swiftly hide any hint of it. "Why did you take this job? You don't strike me as the 'I love animals more than people' type," you challenge.

Shifting slightly, 17's attentive blue eyes lock onto yours. "Hate to burst your bubble, sugar cube, but that's exactly who I am," he responds with unexpected seriousness, momentarily catching you off guard before his trademark smirk resurfaces. You huff and roll your eyes, returning to your tablet. "Jackass," you mutter, a brief silence enveloping the air until you gather the courage to reveal a part of your past.

"I used to be hunted as a kid. Carried this whole 'miracle blood' label. That's what the scientists and doctors kept pushing whenever they tried to capture me," you admit softly, though 17 hears every word.

As 17 observes you, a pause lingers in the air before he remarks, "That's where your healing prowess comes in, huh? Not that I'm impressed, but you seem to handle injuries that would have even the most seasoned surgeon sweating bullets." His unexpected comment draws an incredulous gaze from you. Did he just compliment you?

"But your attitude sucks."

With a sigh at 17's biting remark, your shoulders slump, and an exasperated huff escapes you. Temporarily shutting your tablet, you rise and stride toward your truck, unaware of 17's prolonged, albeit quickly averted, stare fixated on your figure. "You never answered my question," you remind him, grabbing a blanket to drape around your shoulders.

17 emits a soft hum before responding, "Technically, I did. But I'll simplify it for you. I don't enjoy mingling with people who can't keep up. They lack purpose, and it becomes tedious swiftly," he elucidates as you settle back into your usual spot.

Your lips purse in contemplation. "No family? Friends? Just went with a whole runaway teen vibe?" you inquire, prompting a quick retort from 17. "Quite rich coming from a literal 'runway' teen," he snaps back, eliciting a growl from you. "Fine, Mr. Sensitive," you mutter, both of you sinking into a less tranquil silence.

Eventually, a sigh escapes you. "Sorry, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers," you apologize, gazing up at the sky. 17 steals a glance before lifting his gaze to the night's expanse. "Yeah, well... I'm sorry too," he concedes before rising to his feet. "I'll scout around, try not to panic," he teases, earning an irritated eyebrow twitch as you watch him take flight. "I'm not scared of the dark, dumbass!" you retort, your voice trailing after him into the night.

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