🪶 Valkyrie 🪶 Winged Reader x Gohan pt 7

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Gohan had remained by your side for the last couple of days, attending to you since the onset of your illness following the emergence of your new wings. Bulma, with her scientific prowess, had taken samples from your wing's bone marrow for thorough analysis, diving into intricate tests to understand the composition of your body's structural nervous system. Meanwhile, she hunched over her computer, deep in her research.

In the lab, Trunks peeked in, his eyes falling on the expansive wings sprawled across the floor, their grandeur unable to retract. It seemed incredibly uncomfortable for you, the wings looming over like oversized blankets, yet immovable.

His gaze then shifted to Gohan, observing the older teen tenderly resting his forehead against yours. Trunks felt an unfamiliar pang, a sudden unease brewing within him. You were his elder sibling now, and as the younger brother, Trunks couldn't shake off the discomfort he felt seeing Gohan so intimately close to you.

Trunks, contemplating whether to intervene between Gohan and you, was interrupted by the commanding voice of Vegeta, which immediately redirected his focus. "Boy, Kakarot's smaller brat is here for you," Vegeta's deep voice echoed through the space, prompting Trunks to sprint off to greet Goten.

Meanwhile, Vegeta, unlike Trunks, didn't just peek into the lab; he strode in, his every step cautious around your majestic wings. Gohan glanced up as he sensed Vegeta's approach, his posture slightly tense with uncertainty in the presence of the elder Saiyan. "U-Uh, hey Vegeta—"

Before Gohan could finish, Vegeta gripped him fiercely by the shirt, yanking the teen upwards so abruptly that Gohan staggered, his eyes widening in surprise.

Bulma, alerted by the commotion, swiftly rose to her feet. "Vegeta, what the hell?!" she exclaimed, moving to intervene.

Ignoring Bulma, Vegeta's intense gaze fixated on Gohan. "You better not have impregnated her," Vegeta accused bluntly, causing both Gohan and Bulma to stare in shock. Bulma quickly interjected, attempting to make Vegeta release his hold on Gohan. "Vegeta, don't be absurd! They haven't done anything other than cuddle!"

Vegeta didn't respond, but his steely stare remained locked on Gohan. "You haven't done anything consequential with Y/N, have you?" Bulma interrogated, her eyes shifting to Gohan, who stumbled over his words in response, his face flushing with embarrassment.

"W-We haven't... I mean, not entirely... we haven't crossed that line, I swear!" Gohan stammered, but Bulma's incredulous expression made him shrink in discomfort.

Bulma scowled before addressing Gohan firmly. "I hope not! You'd better make sure to keep it that way! Otherwise, you'll have more than just us to worry about." Gohan's flustered state intensified as he attempted to explain further, but Bulma cut him off, emphasizing the importance of being careful in the future and ensuring protection.

Vegeta, grunting in annoyance, added a menacing threat directed at Gohan before departing. Gohan let out a sigh as Bulma left as well, returning to sit beside you, his gaze fixed on your flushed face as you slept. Taking your hand gently, he reassured you softly, "You'll be okay..."

Goku strode into the lab, his eyes widening in wonder at the sight of your enormous wings. He approached Gohan's side, observing your flushed state with a calm assurance that contrasted with everyone else's worry. He believed you'd pull through just fine.

"She's pretty strong. This reminds me of the first time you went Super Saiyan," Goku reminisced to Gohan, who looked up at his father, somewhat taken aback. "Really?" Gohan inquired, seeking clarification.

Goku nodded, his smile reassuring. "Yeah. You couldn't control how much your energy was fluctuating for a good couple of hours. Your whole body was shaking."

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