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I laid there on the floor, the blood from my wounds pooling around me, mixing with the dirt floor of my father's hut. He'd done another of his experiments, he was trying to make the perfect species, he was using his own daughter to do it. I laid there in my own blood, knowing it would stop soon, the gashes would seal, the blood would dry, and then the hunger would set in...

Just as it always did...

That time was different, that time, instead of aiming my hunger at the poor, helpless boys my father would drag in from the street, I turned on him, instead of drinking from the frightened teenager in front of me, I leaped over him and pounced on Father. I drank from him till there was nothing left to drink, then I rounded on the terrified boy cowering in the corner of the room. In my haze, I was unable to stop myself from latching onto the boy and beginning to feed from him. I tore myself away when I heard him beg for my mercy, I threw myself across the room, trying to allow him to leave...but something was terribly wrong.

The boy crashed to the floor and began to writhe like a maggot on the rotting, plague-dead flesh of the poor fools who believed God could save them from the Black Death. I watched in horror as the boy, not far from my age, began to scream in agony, his hands clawing at himself as if trying to tear something out of his body. After what feels like an eternity, the boy's screams quiet to whimpers and his movements slow, more time passes and his breath ceases altogether. Fearing the boy has died, I slowly pick myself off the floor and cautiously make my way across the room towards his seemingly-lifeless body.

Halfway across the room I stopped, had his hand twitched or was it just my imagination? I step closer, there it was again, his hand twitching. I took three more steps before he rocketed backwards into a defensive, crouching stance, he looked much like me now, except so different. I studied him, the pallor of his skin was much more corpse-like than mine, his eyes were a deep shade of crimson, his skin looked hard, like the rock they used to make many of the statues that I used to admire in the streets.

The boy narrowed his eyes at me, still looking frightened as he had before, I hold my hand out, as if calming a wild animal, and carefully took another step forward. The boy launched himself at me with incredible speed, I swiped him out of the air, he was no match for my speed. He hit the ground hard, his skin seemed to crack on impact with the ground underneath him. After a moment, the cracks were gone and he was slowly climbing to his feet and preparing for another attack.

I ducked and dodged with ease, his grace and speed and strength would've killed any mere mortal, but Father had made me into something else, something far stronger than the world has ever seen. I was faster, stronger, and more graceful than any being on earth, and I was not about to allow myself to be beaten by something I'd created. Whether I'd meant to or not.

I grabbed the boy's arm when he made for his next punch and twisted swiftly, the arm came off easily, I tore the boy to pieces swiftly and tossed the pieces into the fire burning in the grate, I watched as the boy burned, I would soon make another, I would create my own species...

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