I Believe You

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Present Day- Forks, Washington

"Holy shit, Ginny, you scared me!" Jacob half-yells at me when I finally wake up, I'm splayed out across his lap, my back in a rather uncomfortable position. I began to sit up, my head a little clouded but I was otherwise fine.

"Sorry, kinda scared myself there too." This statement earns me a confused look from Jacob. "I had an...odd experience just now..." I trail off as I catch sight of my father floating in midair about three feet behind Jacob's shoulder. The translucent form of my father looks at Jacob curiously, as if studying him.

"Is this one of the boys that have been chosen? Seems like an okay guy I suppose." He mutters, my vampire hearing picking up on every syllable and I glare at him before realizing Jacob has been trying to say something to me.

"...Are you okay...Ginny?" His concerned look warms my heart and I smile at him reassuringly.

"Yeah, sorry, I'll explain everything later...could you drive me to Sam and Emily's? I gotta talk to them and I'm too tired to run there right now." I smiled at him again, trying to convey that I really was going to explain everything later.

"Yeah, sure, let me help you up." He assists me with standing and we make our way to his father's car, I climb into the passenger seat as he jogs into the house to let his dad know what's going on. He comes out holding the keys a few moments later. My father floats in and settles himself in the middle seat in the back of the car.

"Well, I suppose I don't need a seatbelt seeing as I'm dead and all." I shake my head slightly and purse my lips to fight back a laugh at my father's dumb joke. I didn't need to creep Jake out by laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. Jake slams his door shut and starts the car, the engine revving to life. He puts the car in drive and we take off, driving the short distance to the pack house.

When we arrive, I get out of the car and motion for Jake to follow me as we make our way to the already-open front door. I see that there are a few other pack members seated around the table, they greet us with childish jokes and vulgar noises as we enter, all of them knowing he'd just imprinted on me. I spot Paul sulking in the seat he had been in when I left about fifteen minutes ago, he seemed to have been waiting for me to return.

"Where are Sam and Emily?" I ask, ignoring the dumbass comments from a few of the members and focusing on Quill when he tells me they're out back. I grab Jake's hand and drag him through the house, grabbing Paul by the back of his shirt and dragging him along behind me too. I hear howling laughter when Paul falls out of his seat but I continue along, dragging him across the floor.

My father leads the way outside, using some of his energy to throw the back door open so I wouldn't need to use a hand to open it myself. I hear Jacob comment on the door moving by itself but choose not to acknowledge it and continue trucking along. I walk through the doorway onto the back porch where Sam and Emily are swinging serenely on the faded red bench.

The two of them glance at us, probably wondering why I'm currently dragging my mates around. My father makes himself comfortable, pretending to lean against the railing of the porch, looking out on the backyard pensively.

"Listen," I start as I drop Paul on the floor and use my now unoccupied hand to close the door behind us, "Something a little strange just happened..." I trail off as something catches my eye, another translucent person is floating across the yard almost listlessly. I watched their progress for a moment, slowly realizing what my dad was trying to tell me about.

"I can see spirits," I say, almost to myself, my father nods, watching the ghost as he continues across the yard, seemingly with no destination in mind.

"What are you talking about?" Paul asks, incredulously, his tone makes me want to slap him. Instead, I roll my eyes and ignore his question.

"When Jacob touched my hand after he imprinted on me, I fainted for some reason and when I woke up, I was back in my childhood home...then my father came in and told me some rather extraordinary things..." I glanced over at my father, he was turned around now, paying me his full attention. "He's here now, standing right over there, listening."

"But Ginny...your dad is...dead," Emily says, glancing over to where I'd pointed. I fight back a sigh, I had so many other powers and they were finding it hard to believe that I can see spirits now too.

"I know, he's a spirit, I can see spirits...apparently, I'm part of another prophecy and God sent him to communicate with me and act as my guide for the next phase of my life." I could still tell that they were having a hard time believing that I was telling them. I suppose I couldn't blame them, though I wanted to, if it were me in their shoes, I'd think I was a lunatic too.

"Listen, you don't have to believe me, but don't look at me like I'm crazy, it's infuriating," I tell them, their concerned looks irking me. They fix their faces but continue to stare, causing me to feel like I am something being viewed under a microscope, I shift uncomfortably but stand my ground, looking at each of them in the eye.

"Well, I believe you."

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now