Home Again

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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I don't need your opin-ion

(I don't need it bitch)

Do what I fuckin' want»


Do I really have to fuckin do this? I would really rather not deal with this bitch right now, I can already hear her annoying-ass voice in the house. I sigh as I turn my Jeep off, knowing that Carlisle would be disappointed if I were to avoid the house until Bitchella took her ass out of it. I take the key out of the ignition and grab my duffle bag from the seat next to me and swing myself reluctantly out of the car, slowly making my way to the front door and letting myself in.

I hear Bella upstairs with Edward and my family in the kitchen, cleaning up from their failed attempt at making food for the human, I decide on the kitchen as the safest option and make my way there, dropping my bag by the door.

"Smells delicious, Esme." I say as I enter the kitchen, I see her look up and smile at me from the stove where she'd just completed her Italian dish. She makes me a plate and hands it to me. "When are my kids gonna get here?" I ask as I place my plate on the table, as if on que, I hear a truck pull up outside, I smile to myself, happy to see my family.

Luna and Stella laugh at each other as they walk into the house, they walk straight to the kitchen, smelling the food. "Mom, its been so loongg!" Stella says dramatically as she makes her way over to me, giving me a hug Luna does the same with less moaning and groaning before they take the plates handed to them by Esme and sit on either side of me.

"How was Seattle?" Esme asks as she sits at the table across from us. I hold up my hand and finish chewing my food before I answer.

"It was good, Riley got the day off work so we went and took pictures of the city. I'll show them to you guys later." I tell her, she nods, smiling before we hear someone coming down the steps, I roll my eyes as I hear the breathing of the human coming closer.

"I- kin..." Stella tries to say something to me through a mouth stuffed full of food.

"Chew with your mouth closed, Little Star." I tell her, she smiles sheepishly at me and continues chewing for food before attempting to talk again.

"Mom, I fuckin beat Dad at Black Ops 3 multiplayer three times in a row yesterday." She tells me, I've been wanting someone to knock Sam off his BO3 pedestal for the longest time now.

"Hell yeah," I say holding out my fist and bumping it against hers. She smiles proudly and Luna laughs at the two of us.

"It was really close on the last one, Dad was so mad when she finally got the last kill." Luna informs me, I laugh, Stella looking smug.

"Emily baked me a cake when I won the third time." Stella adds, I laugh at the fact that even Emily wanted Sam to lose.

"Of course, she did. Man, I wish I was there, I wish I could've seen his face the first time he got his ass kicked." I say, imagining the awestruck look he must've gotten.

"It was priceless, I took a picture." Luna tells me, pulling out her phone, just then someone clears their throat behind us, I smell the human over the sent of the delicious food before me and roll my eyes, exaggerating the motion of turning in my seat to give Bella and Edward a sarcastically exaggerated expectant look.

"Is there something you need?" I ask, my voice void of emotion and dripping with sarcasm.

"Ginny, I wanted to introduce Ella and Loony to Bella." I glance at my girls, they have the same annoyance on both of their faces.

"We're not interested, and don't call us that. Our mom gave us our names for a reason." Luna tells Edward, hating his nickname for her, Stella doesn't like hers either, she prefers her full name.

"Sure did," I tell her, smirking proudly at her as Stella glares daggers at Bella.

"Wait, you're their mother?" Bella asks, disgust in her voice.

"If you're about to give me a lecture on how I'm 'too young' to start having sex or some stupid shit like that, I'm older than everyone in this room by centuries so don't even fucking start. Also, take the disgust out of your voice and the judgement off your face before I do it for you." I tell her, the judgy look on her face morphs into one of surprise and then into anger. She opens her mouth, probably to say something stupid but Edward interrupts her.

"Ginny, you shouldn't be so rude, you don't even know her." Edward tells me, attempting to stand up for her. I glare into his eyes, practically begging him to challenge me again, he looks away, suddenly finding his shoes very interesting. Bella notices this but decides not to comment for now, probably saving it to be nosey about later.

"She didn't decide to get to know me before calling me a bitch, now did she?" I ask, tilting my head to the side as I look at her, making my mismatched gaze creep her out a bit. (she has one blue eye and one green one, to be important later).

"Well-" Edward goes to respond but I put my hand up, silencing him.

"I think we're done here, I don't owe you or her anything." I turn back around in my seat and continue eating my food but not before I see Edward lower his head again, almost like the weight of my presence and my anger were walls closing in and he was claustrophobic. I continue eating my food, Stella and Luna following suit as Edward and Bella leave the room, I hear Bella quietly throw question after nosey question at Edward with my extremely heightened hearing, nobody else could hear her questions.

If you tell her shit, I will kill you. I say calmly in my head, taking my walls down for a moment and allowing him to see all the ways I can (and was perfectly willing to) kill him.


Hey friends, I meant to update this on Thanksgiving but I ended up cooking the entire fucking meal so I didn't have really any time and I worked all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be able to update on More Than I Should tomorrow, so be sure to keep an eye out.

Love you guys!

Qotd: Anyone else wanna petition for First Kill and/or The Society and/or The Unlisted to be renewed for second seasons?

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