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Present day- Forks, Washington


«There will come a soldier,

Who carries a mighty sword,

He will tear your city down,

Oh le oh lie oh lord»


"I just gotta go, I'll visit the Denali's in Alaska, don't worry, I'll be back soon. I just gotta get away for a bit..." Edward tells me, I'd insisted that he let me go with him multiple times but he refused. I huff in defeat.

"Fine, call when you get there, I swear to God if you drop off the face of the earth again, I'll end you myself." I tell him, he'd gone radio silent on me once before, I nearly killed myself trying to find him. He smiles softly at me, ruffling my hair before taking off in a flash. I flopped down on the couch, putting my earbuds in and playing my playlist (given a couple chapters before) I close my eyes and let the music take me away for just a few moments.

Narrator P.O.V:

"She's been laying there for hours, I think she's broken..." Alice whispers to Carlisle, staring at the girl worriedly.

"She's alright, Alice, she gets like this sometimes when she's stressed. Haven't you ever wondered why she has an entire apartment upstairs? She gets overwhelmed very easily, she has many thoughts all stuck up in her head, she's lived six centuries without the ability to forget anything, can you imagine?" Carlisle responds, taking a blanket off the back of the sofa and throwing it over the girl who looked angelic laying there on the couch, they all swore they saw just a quick flash of a halo for a moment before the blanket blocked their view, when it had moved, there was nothing.

"Did you guys see..." Emmett asks, confused.

"Yes, I think I did..." Esme responds, knowing what her son was referring to.

"What does this mean?" Alice asks.

"I guess it means that Ginny is right, maybe we're not as damned as Edward likes to believe..." Carlisle says, carefully moving a strand of hair out of the girl's face.

"He always was a bit dramatic..." Rosalie responds, holding her husband's hand and staring at the angel of a girl before her, she'd never seen anything more beautiful than her sister. She'd do anything for her...

Jacob P.O.V:

Bella was finally here, I threw my shirt on quickly, my dad calling for me to hurry as I rush out of my small room. I'd had the biggest crush on Bella when I was little, now she was older, I was older...maybe...just maybe...

After helping my dad get in, I hop in the ancient orange truck that I'd been enlisted to fix up as a welcome-home gift for Bella, I was excited to show off my handy-work. Dad drove to the Swan's house, Charlie meeting us outside the house, I hopped out and grabbed my Dad's wheelchair out of the back of the truck, wheeling it over to my Dad's door and helping him out of the truck. My dad and Charlie start talking about the baseball game they'd watched on tv the other day, I looked up when I heard their door open. The girl of my dreams walks out of her house and joins her Dad's side. She greets my dad, shifting her attention to me.

"We used to make mud pies when we were little..." I tell her, only kind of awkward.

"Right, no I remember." She tells me, I chuckle awkwardly, she glances at our dads who were currently having a fake fight in the street, "Are they always like this?" she asks.

"Its getting worse with old age," I joke but the only thing in my mind...

She remembers me...

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now