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Present Day- Forks, Washington

"You know you shouldn't keep things pent up," Stella tells me, clearly wanting to know what happened at the beach today and why I was so upset when I got home. I shake my head with a small, fake smile, pouring some milk into a measuring cup.

"I'm not keeping anything pent up, I'm baking it out," I say, passively though there was a tornado of emotions thrashing about inside me. Jessica shakes her head with a small eye roll.

"You can't cover up your problems with the smell of fresh-baked cookies," Angela tells me, grabbing the bowl of chocolate chips and eating a few, smiling cheekily.

"I'm not covering anything, we had a little disagreement, nothing more." I lie, just then I hear footsteps approaching from the drive, we all prick our ears up, listening. The footsteps grow louder and closer until they stop suddenly at the front door. It's silent for a moment, I share glances with the girls around me.

"Do I go to the door," Luna mouths, although no human would hear her if she talked in a normal voice. We all shake our heads, signaling that no, she shouldn't do that. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. It was silent for a few more moments before three knocks finally rang out, almost making us all jump.

"Okay, now you can go," I tell Luna, she rolls her eyes again before wiping her hands on her apron and exiting the kitchen.

"Maybe it's Paul coming to apologize," Stella says, I scoff, that guy needs at least a week to cool off before he can even consider apologizing for something.

"Maybe he was standing there for so long to get his ego ready, giving himself a pep talk," Jessica says, a split second later, she's covered in flour, I dust my hand off behind me, attempting to make it seem as though it wasn't me.

"Oh my God..." Angela mutters, looking at Jessica horrified.

"You little shit!" Jessica yells, grabbing a handful of flour and flinging it at me with lightning speed. Soon we're all covered in flour, along with the kitchen.

"Ginny, there's a boy here for you!" I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion, who the hell would this be if she wasn't calling me mom?

I share glances with the other three before Luna appears in the doorway, her shoulders slump when she sees the state of us and the kitchen. "You're all children." She mutters, shaking her head with a barely concealed smile as she crosses the kitchen to take a look at the cookies that had been shoved, unceremoniously into the oven a few minutes ago.

I make my way to the door, seeing it was open and a familiar-looking guy was standing there, looking awkward. He looked like most from the rez, long hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. But he looked different than most of the boys that weren't in the pack, he looked as if he was probably coming up on his first shift. He seems a bit old to just now be reaching the first shift.

"Oh, hello, you're that guy that was walking with Bella, right?" I ask, realizing where I knew him from. I hold my hand out to him, waiting for him to shake it. "I'm Ginny Cullen."

"Jacob Black," he says, I try to keep my face indifferent when I hear the name, so this was the second, the one who was destined to be my mate and the alpha of the pack. I'm afraid I might've let a little of my surprise slip as his eyebrows drew together slightly. He wipes his hand off on his jeans after I let it go and I realize as I watch the white powder come off his palm that I still had flour all over me.

I wipe my hands off, hastily on my apron as I search for something to break the rather awkward silence. "Sorry about Luna, by the way, she doesn't like this whole baking thing. she'd rather paint. She's an amazing painter, horrid baker." I say with a small chuckle, he nods his head in acceptance.

"I heard that!" I hear Luna call from the kitchen and smirk, knowing full well she would hear that.

I fix the boy in front of me with an expectant look, his face morphs into one of confusion in response. "I've only just realized I didn't ask why you're here." Apparently, I have to spell it out for him. I hope he is just nervous because it is going to get annoying if I have to explain everything to him for the rest of eternity.

"Oh, right, uhm...I saw that you left your phone on the beach earlier today and...wanted to return it." He holds up my phone, I didn't realize he'd been holding it this whole time.

"Oh, thank God, I thought for a second that I'd left it with Paul, I was not planning on attempting a rescue mission." I realize I've said too much and plaster a smile back onto my face. "Sorry, thank you for bringing it over, that was very kind of you."

I take the phone from him, letting the rather awkward silence drag out for a moment, wondering if he was going to leave or not. He didn't and I heard the timer on the oven beep, I made a split-second decision. One that could end in happiness or disaster.

"Do you want cookies?"

Hey guys, it's been a few days, sorry 'bout that! It has been a pretty stressful time with high school and college and everything, somewhere in this past week I turned sixteen, which is an accomplishment. I'm going to be updating more regularly soon I hope and will be working on my other ff's as well!

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now