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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I'm lookin' at an angel

and believe me when I say

she's got the whole place glowing»


"So..." I begin, shuffling my feet, suddenly feeling awkward as Ginny stands in front of me. We were standing next to her Jeep, her wet hair somehow managed to look perfect as she looked at me, her eyes expectant. "I know you've got prom coming up in, like, a week..."

"Yes...?" she says, knowing what I'm about to ask, but wanting to torture me.

"I was wondering if...maybe...I could take you..." I barely get to sentence out before she's smiling, widely at me.

"Pick me up at eight, no later, no earlier. Wear a tux, preferably with some amount of blue-gray, or just black and white." She says all of this before leaning up to kiss me on the cheek, then grabbing my shoulders, turning me around, and pushing me to Quill's car. Before I can look back, her car door is slamming shut and her Jeep is revving to life, she peels out of her parking spot and drives off like her ass was on fire.

"What just happened?" I ask, mostly to myself, Quill comes up, dropping his hand heavily onto my shoulder.

"She likes you,"

I stand inside the door, tapping my foot nervously and fiddling with the collar of my tux, uncomfortable wearing something so formal...or anything besides just shorts...and maybe a t-shirt, if we were lucky. Edward keeps giving me dirty looks, probably because I'm tapping my foot incessantly, or maybe because I'm a shifter, or maybe because he can read my thoughts right now that are racing as rapidly as my foot.

He shoots me another glare. Oh, fuck off, mind molester. I hear him growl, annoyed with my existence and angered by my thoughts. I roll my eyes and continue tapping my foot just wanting to see Ginny.

As if God heard my prayer, she came walking down the stairs, practically glowing in a beautiful blue-gray dress. My jaw actually dropped when she smiled at me.

"Are you ready," she asks, or I think that's what she said, it didn't quite reach my brain, she approaches me and closes my mouth for me. I reply by nodding and swallowing before taking her hand. Esme and Carlisle, along with Alice, insist on taking lots of pictures before we leave for the prom, I don't take my eyes off her until we're in the car and it's necessary for our safety.

She truly was an angel...

Ginny P.O.V

When I heard Paul tapping his foot incessantly from downstairs, I had to hold my breath to suppress my laughter, he was nervous. That was adorable. Alice and Esme work around me, fussing with this or that to make me look perfect...well, more perfect.

When they finally deemed me fit to make my entrance, I walked down the first flight of stairs and paused for a few moments on the second floor, just out of sight, and took deep breaths to steady my racing heartbeat, placing my hand over my chest until it was steady enough. I huff out one last deep breath and hike my skirt up slightly before slowly descending the stairs. I see Paul standing there, looking handsome in a tux, a corsage clutched in his hand.

I smile at him, only to hold back a laugh once again when his jaw fully drops. I walk up to him, ignoring Edward (growl at him again, bitch) and using my hand to close his mouth.

"Are you okay?" I ask, not completely sure he'd actually gotten the question, all he does is swallow and nod at me, I let it go when he grabs my hand, fighting to keep a giddy smile off my face when he doesn't look away from me the entire time we're posing for pictures.

When we finally get into the car, Paul opens my door for me, he grabs my hand again and intertwines his fingers with mine as we begin to drive to the school.

It was going to be a great night...

Jacob P.O.V

I stand, waiting in the tree line for Bella and Edward to walk by. I wait there for what seems like years before they finally show, Edward having Bella lean on him, her cast making it tough to walk. How'd she manage to hurt herself? I shake my head, not wanting to lose directive and miss them when they come by.

Edward says something to Bella and she nods, he walks away for a moment, maybe to grab drinks or something. I decided it was time for me to move in.

"Bella," I say, taking a step out of the trees, trying to seem as non-creep-like as possible, though I was just stalking her from the trees, but she doesn't need to know that. The girl in question turns around on the bench she'd sat down on.

"Jacob," she says, the atmosphere slightly awkward "Hey," I try to find something to say.

"Nice," I say, gesturing to her, she glances at herself, awkwardly before looking back at me.

"You too," she begins, "Are you crashing the prom or something? Did you come with a date?" she asks, blinking rapidly.

"No," I say, shaking my head slightly before pushing off the tree I'd been leaning on and taking a seat next to her on the bench. "My dad paid me to come talk to you. Twenty bucks,"

"Let's hear it," she says, shaking her head slightly and looking at me, expectant.

"Just don't get mad, okay?" Great way to begin, Jacob, "He wants you to break up with your boyfriend. He said, quote, we'll be watching you."

Her face morphs into a slightly creeped out confused expression and I laugh, awkwardly at the situation, and she joins in.

"Well tell him thanks." She says, obviously trying to find something to say after that. "And to pay up."

She begins to get up, I go to offer help with this seeing as she is in a cast. Her boyfriend appears out of nowhere and wraps his arm around her lightly, possessively.

"I'll take it from here." He says I glare at him, the guy who took Bella from me before I even had a chance with her. He glares right back as if challenging me to try and snatch her back.

"Guess I'll see you around, Bella," I say, backing away slowly, ready to go home.

"Alright," I hear her say from behind me as I turn, walking home, just wanting her to be with me instead of that guy.

"I leave you alone for two minutes, and the wolves descend." I hear Edward say as I step into the woods.


There you have it, folks. The end of Act I. We're going to be picking it back up for Act II in the New Moon movie. Super excited to learn where we're going to go next. Just an FYI, I'm writing this story one chapter at a time, I have pretty much no idea what I want to do until I do it, so I know only slightly more than you guys do about where this story is headed.

We're riding this rollercoaster together. 

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