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1936- Forks, Washington...

"Damn, this place is nice..." I muttered as I stared up at the beautiful house Esme had built on this property in Forks, Washington. The nearby pack of wolves were to be meeting us later to discuss our treaty with them, I'd been very close with many tribes of wolves in my life, they liked me because I was gracious and I can't feed on people properly due to certain reasons (to be discussed later, don't worry, yes, I'm making a bit of a change). I looked around the surrounding area, the trees were dense, we were far from any life (other than the pack, just across the river) there was plenty of space to run, running was my favorite thing to do.

The newest member of our coven, Emmett, throws all our shit on his shoulders and begins quickly making trips inside the house, Emmett was found by Rosalie, he'd been mauled by a bear, she carried him over a hundred miles back to where we'd been staying for Carlisle to change him, I muttered prayers under my breath for his safe changing as I held tightly to a shaking Rosalie and a worried Esme. God provided that day...

I look around me as I hear crackling in the woods around me I take a slightly defensive pose, preparing for the off-chance that it wasn't the wolves. When the scent of the pack hit me, I relaxed from my stance, I stood in front of my family with Carlisle, signifying our joint leadership of our coven. The wolves drew closer, I noticed one move behind a tree for a moment, the sound of bones cracking came from behind said tree and a half-naked man came from behind the trunk a few moments later. As the man came closer, I tapped Carlisle's arm, signaling that he should stay put, and began carefully walking forward, meeting the native man between his pack and my family.

"Hello, my name is Ginevra Beaumont-Cullen. Carlisle and I are the leaders of our family or coven as you might call it." I tell the man, gesturing to the blonde man whose side had been joined by Esme in my stead.

"My name is Ephraim Black, I'm the alpha of my pack and the chief of my tribe. We've been waiting a long time for your arrival, Ms. Beaumont." He tells me, going to one knee in front of me and bowing his head. I looked behind me at my family in confusion, Carlisle shakes his head, just as confused as I was. "It has been prophesized, that one Ginevra Beaumont will come to Forks, and that one of my descendants and another wolf shall imprint on her, she will become our Luna and make that descendant the immortal Alpha of the Quileute tribe and the pack will be strong for eternity by God's hand." I stand there, attempting to process the cluster-fuck of information that's just been dumped, unceremoniously on my head.

"This is a prophecy?" I ask him, using my queenly voice, asking and yet demanding an answer.

"Yes, this prophecy was given to my great-great-grandfather and passed down through the generations, to me." I nodded, silently, processing I believed wholeheartedly in prophecies, I'd had many of my own in my life. I already knew what imprinting was, I'd known wolves before, I wasn't sure how I felt about the prospect, though.

"Do you know the name of this descendant?" I ask, making my voice as conversational as possible, my annoyingly present accent making me still sound regal.

"All we have been able to decipher is that he is to be born on January 14th in the year 1990..." he tells me, trailing off.

"And the other?" I ask, wishing to know as much as I could.

"Four days earlier, he will be born on the 10th of January on the same year." I nod, leaning away and looking at his pack, they weren't standing in their initial defensive-stance any longer. I look down at the man in front of me, wondering why he was still kneeling. I realize I haven't told him to stand, I'm a little rusty with this 'Queen' thing, I haven't been to Volterra in nearly a hundred years.

"Oh, you may stand, sorry." He nods, smiling at me when he reaches his feet. I reach my hand out for him to shake, instead he grabs it and pulls me into a hug.

"Welcome to the pack, Ms. Beaumont. And welcome to my family." I smile softly at him as we pull away, I could tell we were gonna be good friends. I turn to my family and motion for Carlisle to join me, he does so, placing his hand on my shoulder in a fatherly way when he reaches my side.

"I believe that I should allow you two to decide the terms of this treaty, I'd like to take everyone else and begin unpacking. Maybe we could make arrangements for me to come and meet your pack properly, Alpha Black?" He nods to me with a soft smile before turning to Carlisle, all business again. I walk to my family, herding them back to the house as Emmett resumes taking things into the house. The strict yet fair terms for the treaty were set into place that night, the next morning I went across the border river (being the only one allowed to cross the river) and met the pack, they were very welcoming, especially when they learned of my condition that makes me unable to feed properly. They told me their histories and I told them a few tales of my life, starting with the fact that I started the species that people call


A/N: Yes, yes, this chapter is kinda shit, BUT it is merely a filler in order to give you guys a bit more background info before we really get into it (Yuh). I know you guys prolly wondering why diz bitch was prayin when she s'posed to be 'damned' or sum shi-. I decided that I wasn't gonna have her be all Edward about shit, her belief system is going to be explained later in the book (Don't worry 'bout it, Sweetheart). Also, her 'condition' is finna be explained in excruciating detail by Egg-ward later to Bitchella so don't worry 'bout that either.

Also, I know that a lot of people don't particularly appreciate the 'Bellabashing' trope. I'm making this book based off the movies soooo, sucks to suck. I very STRONGLY dislike Kristine Stewie or whatever the fuck her name is. And movie Bella is a manipulative bitch, you gotta admit. But, DON'T WORRY, this isn't gonna be one of those books where Bella is just there to be a bitch, or has no reason to be a bitch other than the author wanted her to be. She will have depth, I guess.

Also, I've got some really fuckin' funny shit ready for Ginny to pull so be prepared to teehee a bit, maybe don't be sippin nothin whilst readin this shi-.

Qotd: What you guys thinkin' so far?

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