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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«Fuck a Princess

I'm a King»


It took a whole five minutes for Sam to regain consciousness, he'd shifted back into human form halfway through and there was blood all over his face and bruising from the beating that I'd given him, he had many other bruises and I think I might've broken one of his ribs as I heard a cracking noise that typically came with his speedy healing. I sat patiently beside him with Emily as I waited for him to wake, politely declining the offer of a damp rag to clean the blood and dirt off me, I was painfully hungry but had trained myself to keep it under control.

About a minute before Sam woke up, I looked around and saw Paul and Quil standing nearby, Paul looked at me like he wasn't seeing me, like he was looking right through me. I hated the empty feeling that it gave me, he seemed to think I was a monster, I didn't want to feel so hurt by this, by someone who didn't even care enough to have a full conversation with me before making a judgement on my character. At this thought, my blood boiled.

"Hey, what's going on?" Emily asks, noticing my sudden change in expression, I glanced at her before glaring at Paul, he'd made it seem like it was my fault he'd imprinted on me, like I'd chosen this for him. Well, fuck him, he could hate me all he wanted, he'd get over himself eventually and then maybe I'll tell him to go fuck himself and see how he likes to be ignored and treated like dirt. I'd been through too much bullshit in my existence to put up with this shit quietly.

I heard Sam groan quietly and glance over at him, his bruising has already gotten much better and there were no cuts on his face, or anywhere else, I move to his side, smiling down at him with Emily. He grins back through the pain he must be feeling right now. "Did I win?" he asks, I bark out a laugh at his question.

"Considering you're the one on the ground right now, I'd say no." His smile widens and he laughs, grabbing both mine and Emily's hands with his own, we pull him carefully off the ground, he winces slightly as we do so. "Sorry bout the bruises." I tell him, he laughs, shaking his head at me.

"No, that's what we came here to do." he tells me, I still feel a bit guilty. "Do you feel better?" he asks me, keeping his voice low as he glances at Paul over my shoulder. I glance behind me at the man who looks away and glares at the ground when he locks eyes with me, I turn back to Sam, my expression regaining the regal anger of the vampire queen, I see Sam's eyes widen slightly, he hadn't seen this look in a long time.

"Yes, and now, I'm fucking pissed." I tell him, clenching my fist, Emily gasps slightly when she sees how icy my blue eye has become, the frozen fire of pure rage blazing inside me. "I'm done going through bullshit silently, you both know I don't tolerate shit like this, soulmate or not, he will learn." I add, glaring behind me before turning back to Sam and Emily once again.

"Let's go get cleaned up." Sam says, I nod, my anger falling away into a smile, I follow Sam and Emily into the house, my hunger becoming a bit harder to ignore when I catch the scent of Emily's blood on the breeze, I almost can't stop myself, I nearly lunge but at the last second before I grab Emily, I bring my arm up and bite myself, hard, the venom in my fangs causing me immense pain and I whimper.

"Hey, hey, Gin, what's going on?" Emily asks, turning around and seeing me with blood flowing from where my teeth were still sunk into my own flesh. She goes to move toward me but I hold my other arm out, stopping her as I slowly walk back from her.

"She needs to feed, she bit herself to stop from hurting anyone." Sam explains, sympathy on his face.

"Why did she whimper?" Emily inquires, glancing at her mate before looking back to me.

"The venom in her fangs hurts her, for some reason the venom is something like poison for her, it slows her healing time and may even kill her if left untreated, she will need to go home now before it begins to take effect." Sam nods to me, I nod slightly back, closing the hand that I still held out and teleporting myself through the shadows to my home. When my feet hit the wood floor of my family's house, I remove my fangs from my arm, whimpering once again as I did so.

"Dad?" I call out, Carlisle quickly enters the room, his expression turning to concern when he sees the torn clothing and pure worry when he sees my bloody arm with the bite mark.

"Sparring, again Ginny?" he asks, walking toward me and gently grabbing my arm, I smile abashedly at him.

"Mayyybe." I tell him, he shakes his head, trying to hide his amusement as he leads me upstairs to begin my blood transfusion.

My father looks down at me, impatiently as I lay curled on the floor, my insides feeling like someone was trying to make butter out of them, I gag, blood flowing from my mouth and hitting the floor as I wretch again.

"Reacts badly with animal blood." My father mutters as he writes something down in a journal. I heave again, throwing up more blood, feeling more drained by the second. Father had just had me drink from an animal, a pig that he'd stolen from one of the people who lived near to us, it made me horribly sick. The wounds he'd inflicted on me were healing slower than they usually did and that wasn't making this any easier.

"Healing time slowed," he mutters again, writing in his journal, "Sickly pale." He scribbles something down.

"Pa, please, please, no more." I whisper, begging him to stop his experiments on me, he looks at me, the smile that form on his face was once kind and warm but was now twisted and cold as me places a freezing cold hand on my arm.

"Well, this is for your own good, Ginevra, you'll thank me for this someday." He says, drawing out another vial of the liquid that he'd been shoving down my throat for the last month, the stuff that had taken my humanity, that had slowed my heartbeat, that had made me a monster. I cry, trying to scoot backwards, trying to get away from him. I shake my head, begging him once again to stop, he smiles, sickeningly at me as he reaches out, grabbing my hair roughly and tugging my head back and making me open my mouth, he dumps the liquid into my mouth and forces it closed, making me drink it.

My nerves were on fire...

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