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Present Day- Forks

(Picture is her loft apartment in their house)


«Dear God, please

Hear me out, I know its been a couple years»


"Surprise!" Alice's sing-song voice exclaims when I walk in the door of our beautiful Forks home. She engulfs me in a hug before I even get to register what exactly the surprise was supposed to be. I wrap my arms tightly around her petite frame, I feel more pairs of arms wrap around us, my family gathered in a massive group hug, completed when I feel Emmett throw his ginormous arms around the lot of us, we stand there for a few moments, savoring the moment, before breaking apart, grins on everyone's faces. We were a family again.

Sam and Emily would be arriving tomorrow with Stella and Luna, I couldn't wait to see my daughters.

"So, how was Volterra?" Carlisle asks not long later, he and I were standing in his office, discussing recent events and ones to come, I had a new feeling, one that I couldn't tell was good or bad. I'd put a spell in place to stop prying ears from overhearing our conversation.

"It was nice...I guess, I missed everyone while I was away from Volterra. But when I'm there...I don't know...its like I'm losing myself all over again. I slowly become who I was when you came to us, lonely, cold...numb." I look up at my father figure, he looks sadly back at me.

"You have something to come back to now, you won't become her again, don't worry Gin." I smile weakly at the man who gives me a grin in return.

"I do think I'm gonna need Alice to keep tabs on Aro though, he nearly executed an entire clan without my consent. He's acted out before but this, this is something else, its almost like he believes I won't do anything about it, like he believes I've grown soft. I won't tolerate his disloyalty." I tell the man, Carlisle nods, seemingly deep in thought.

"I'll have a talk with Alice about it," he tells me, his soft smile returning, "Its great to have you back, Ginny."

"Its great to be back...Dad." His smile grows into a grin again, he pulls me into him, we stand there, hugging for a long time.

"Okay, now, I have something very important to discuss." I tell the man, pulling away from him and gesturing for him to sit at his desk chair, he does so and I lean against the desk in front of him.

"What is it, Ginny-bug?" he asks, using my nickname given to me by Esme a long time ago.

"I've got another feeling, I've been having dreams too...has Alice seen anything about a girl with brown hair?" I ask him, he nods in response.

"Yes, Alice has been seeing visions of a plain girl with brown hair, she is to be arriving in Forks sometime this week." I nod, encouraging him to go on, "We don't know much, just that she's going to be important to Edward."

"Ooh, is Edwin finally going to receive a mate, perhaps?" I ask, using one of the many nicknames I have for Edward.

"I'm not so sure, there seems to be something wrong with Alice's visions, she also said that you're not going to like her."

"Oh great, just great. I guess we'll see when she gets here if there's a bond between the two." I reply, Carlisle nods, solemnly at me, as if he can read what I'm thinking...

This girl is gonna be trouble...

"Hey Ginny?" I hear Edward's voice call from the other couch.

"Yes, Edmund?" I ask, turning to the next page of the book I was busy reading.

"Do you think that prophecy will come true?" He asks, I close my book, keeping on finger in between the pages to save my spot as I look at him, pondering my answer.

"I'm not sure, I hope it does...but at the same time...I'm not sure if I'm ready to be the queen of vampires but also the eternal Luna of a pack of wolves. Also, I'm afraid that one of my mates isn't going to be very taken to the idea of imprinting on a vampire. I've had a feeling about it, the other is to be more understanding, but I don't want to feel the pain of one of my mates loathing the bond, even if it'll only be for a little while..." Edward nods, pondering this.

"What did that Alpha mean when he said that you would make them immortal "by God's hand"?" He asks, doing air quotes.

"There's a way, its very difficult to accomplish, to make someone immortal without a spell and without becoming a vampire. This requires a special blessing from God himself, he doesn't give immortality out to just anyone, its extremely hard to acquire such a blessing, but, I've been a very loyal disciple of God since my birth. I have a very close relationship with God." I hear Edward scoff.

"We're vampires, Gin, we're damned. Remember?" He says in a condescending manner.

"I realize that you happen to believe you're to end up in Hell, Edward," he flinches at the use of his real name, "But I don't happen to share the same pessimism, God created us for a reason, if you don't wish to believe this, be my guest, but don't drag me for believing that my existence actually has a fucking purpose." I get up from the couch and make my way to the attic, Carlisle had let me use my magic to turn it into a loft apartment, I turned off the lamp next to my bed and flopped down, staring through the skylight at the stars...

I was not damned...

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