Multum Magna Stella

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A few weeks later- Cullen Residence


«Turn your face towards the sun,

Let the shadows fall behind you»


I had to stop going to school two weeks later, not wanting people to see I was pregnant and to wonder how the fuck I had the kid after like four fucking months of being pregnant. I was already as big as I would be if I were to have been pregnant for about four months, my stomach noticeably larger than it used to be. I had to drink about five times more blood than usual, Carlisle needing to keep the fridge stocked with blood bags from the hospital, unfortunately, I have B- blood. He has to go looking for O- blood or other B- blood bags, B- is extremely hard to find.

When I'd sat on the beach with Sam a few weeks ago, I had no idea how hard this would be...then I found out it was twins...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I yell, smacking my forehead with my palm repeatedly, Sam grabs my hands, holding them between his to keep me from continuing to hurt myself. I'd heard another heartbeat but didn't want to believe it, it wasn't until Edward told me he could hear their thoughts that I'd been willing to actually admit it to myself. I wasn't sure how to handle having two vampire-shifter children in me. no wonder I'd been needing so much fucking blood recently.

I wasn't angry that I was having kids, I was just really fucking scared, I wasn't sure what was going to happen, that scared the hell out of me.

"They don't like it when you yell. It makes them scared." Edward tells me, hearing their thoughts clearly. I try to calm myself down.

"Can you tell what gender they are?" Sam asks, Edward looks at him, a soft smile on his face that I knew meant he wasn't going to tell us.

"I think that we should save that for the Ultrasound tomorrow night." He replies, standing from his crouched position and quickly making his way out of the room before I could say anything.

"I guess we're having twin then..." Sam says, still holding my hands.

"I guess we're going to have to choose two names..." I reply, leaning into his side and closing my eyes, thoroughly exhausted. He hums in agreement, leaning back against the couch, allowing me to fall asleep against him.

"I was thinking..." I say, sitting with Sam in the kitchen a few hours later, we were munching on some chips and bullshitting back and forth. "If they're both girls, Luna and Stella." Sam turns to me, a chip halfway to his mouth.

"Why those names?" he asks, not as if he dislikes them, simply as if he's curious.

"They're Latin for moon and star, my mother used to call me 'Multum Magna Stella' or 'My Little Star'. Latin was a pretty common language among the lower class in my century, it was my first language. And I've always loved the moon, the way it can shine without the stars but it isn't complete without them..." I tell him, staring off into space, a picture of my mother's beautiful face clouding my mind, tears prick my eyes.

"I think its beautiful."

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