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1911- Columbus, Ohio.

Carlisle has been working at the local hospital recently as the local doctor is currently away. I visit him often, the nurses at the hospital believe that I'm his niece, they don't question much, when I or Carlisle are around, they can't exactly think straight. I walk into the hospital and quickly head to the front desk, I felt that something was going to happen today, I wasn't sure whether what was going to happen was good or bad, I simply knew I needed to be here for it.

"I'd like to see my uncle please; what room is he attending to?" I ask, taking care to keep my voice polite though it wasn't really a request. The nurse looks up as if to yell at me but then realizes who I am and smiles.

"Room 13 Honey." She tells me, I thank her before turning around and rolling my eyes at the use of the child's pet name. God, I hated this century. I proceeded to the room I'd been given and let myself in. I saw Carlisle attending to an older patient, he seemed to have fallen and fractured his wrist. I smile kindly at the man when he notices me before I turn to Carlisle.

"Hello Uncle, how goes your practice?" I ask him, he smiles at me in a fatherly way, I love that he doesn't treat me any different than he would an adopted daughter.

"It's going well. I was just finishing up telling this man to be more careful." He has mastered the 'American' accent, it is taking me a long time to figure it out, I'm tempted to give up, my accent will never be American enough to really pass as anything more than an orphaned niece from overseas. I smile brightly at him and turn to his patient.

"Yes, I would be very wise to take some time to rest sir." I tell him, lacing my voice with honey as I smile sweetly at the older man.

"Yes, yes, well, I suppose a little rest couldn't hurt..." he says, unable to really say much else. Carlisle smiles happily at the man before allowing him to leave the clinic.

"So, why'd you come here today?" Carlisle asks as we walk down the hall and toward the nurse's station for him to get the room number of his next patient. I follow him through the hallway.

"I felt that something important was going to happen today and I wanted to be here for it." I tell the man who glances confusedly at me.

"Well, your feelings are typically right, if you weren't a shapeshifter, I'd say that it was a superpower." He replies as we reach the nurse's station and he receives his next clipboard of information from the smiling nurse.

"I have many powers Carlisle, I might be a vampire, but I was taken in by a witch for quite a while after I was created, she taught me everything she knew, before she was burned at the stake trying to protect me." I'd never told anyone about this time in my life, I felt Carlisle's eyes on me but continue to stare straight ahead, not wanting to see the pity in his face.

We continued walking along the hall, a feeling of anticipation was building in me as we drew closer to our destination, this was when it would happen. The feeling came to a climax as Carlisle opened the door and stepped inside with me following him. There was a girl on the bed, she'd broken her leg, she was younger than my physical age of seventeen maybe fifteen or sixteen. I studied her as she and Carlisle spoke about her condition, I could sense the bond between them instantly, a smile formed on my face when I realized.

They were mates...

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