Holy Shit!

859 41 3

Present Day- Seattle

Surprisingly enough, things went well and Jacob seemed to get along quite well with my family and friends. We sat around and ate cookies and told stories, keeping to more recent times so Jacob wouldn't suspect anything. It was surprisingly easy to keep our secret around him as he didn't seem to wish to pry, possibly just wanting to mind his business.

Anyway, I'm driving up to Seattle today because Riley hasn't been answering me back anytime I contact him. I'm afraid something horrible has happened to him. He's never gone silent on me for this long in the three years we've been friends. I turned the music down and began to drive slowly as I reached his house, there was one light on somewhere deeper in the house and I could barely hear someone, or maybe two people inside as I shut the engine off and took the key out of the ignition.

As I slowly made my way up to the house, I caught the scent of two people I didn't recognize, humans, odd. I decided to use my key to enter the house but made sure to make enough noise as I did so to alert them to my presence. When I open the door, I see a bat quickly swinging at my head and I duck out of the way just in time for it to sail right above my head and smash into the front door, leaving a sizeable dent.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, throwing up my hands to try and get the people swinging at me to calm the hell down.

"Who the hell are you?" A man's voice yells out, clearly startled by my presence.

"I'm Ginny, I'm Riley's friend!" I say quickly, not wanting a bat to the side of the head, "I came to check on him, he hasn't been answering my calls. Who the hell are you?"

The man lowers the bat, looking relieved. I slowly lower my hands, seeing a woman standing right behind him as if she'd been cowering just a moment before. It takes me a moment to recognize the pair.

"Oh shit!" I shout, slapping a hand over my mouth in apology for my cursing, "You're Riley's parents!"

"Yes, we've been trying to get ahold of him as well, he hasn't been answering our calls either." He glances over my shoulder at the dark street behind me, moving to the side to permit me into the house. "Come in, it's dangerous out there at night."

I do as instructed and make my way into the house, standing there slightly awkwardly as I've never met Riley's parents. I'd always expected that the first time I would, he would be present.

"So you're Ginny?" His mother meekly asks, I smile at her, being as nice as I can after nearly having my head caved in by her husband.

"Yes, I've heard so much of you guys from Riley. He really seems to admire you guys." I tell her and her eyes fill with tears, she practically tackles me in a hug, surprising me with her strength as she was a rather small woman. I looked at her husband with wide eyes and he shrugged, unsure of what was happening. I slowly hug her back, letting her cry into my shoulder for a few moments until she pulls away, gathering herself.

"Sorry, its just...he talked about you so much...I just want to find him..." She looks down, her eyes still leaking tears. Her husband gingerly pats her shoulder, as if she'd break if he pressed too hard. I nod, looking down as well, not completely comfortable with the woman's open display of emotion, although I understood it.

"Do you guys want hot chocolate?" I ask in an attempt to lighten up the mood a bit, they share a confused glance as I gesture for them to follow me to the kitchen where I instantly began heating up water for hot chocolate.

"When was the last time you guys heard anything from him?" I ask as I portion cocoa powder into three mugs. They think for a moment before answering.

"About four weeks ago, he had talked about a party or something he was planning on going to the next night, I tried to call him a couple of days later and he wasn't answering." I nod, that was pretty much the same as what happened with me.

"Have you guys contacted the police yet? I was thinking about doing so, but I wasn't sure if he had just broken or lost his phone."

"Yes, but they haven't done jack shit." His father states. Bluntly as I pass out the hot chocolates.

"Bret, they've been doing all they can." Riley's mother says in a scolding tone to which Bret rolls his eyes, taking a big swig of his hot chocolate and no doubt burning his mouth in the process.

"I might have some friends that could help, my dad is a doctor and he knows some detectives." I lie through my teeth. They both look appreciative of my offer to help. I couldn't help but feel responsible, guilt began to eat at me as Riley's mother smiled at me. if I had just gone to the damn bar with him, he might not have gone missing.

"Something the matter?" The ever-receptive Mrs. Biers asks, noticing the change in my expression. I frown into my hot chocolate for a moment before replying.

"He asked me to go with him, a girl was going to be there that he wanted to ask out and said he wanted his wing woman to be there to encourage him...I said that I couldn't, I was helping another friend move houses...if I had just gone with...maybe he wouldn't be missing right now." I say, not looking up as my eyes slowly begin to fill with tears. I hear rustling for a moment and then feel Mrs. Biers' arms wrapped around me. She hugs me for a few moments before letting go and stepping back to grab hold of my face. My oddly cool temperature didn't seem to bother her as she looked straight into my eyes.

"We're going to find him. And it isn't your fault, whatever happened would've happened even if you were there. Only, it would've been both of you missing and not just him." She didn't realize that what she said was complete bullshit, nothing would've happened had I been there, but her belief that it wasn't my fault made me feel slightly better.

"We were about to head out when you showed up, we've got a room at a hotel nearby. You should stay here tonight, and drive back home in the morning." His dad tells me, giving me a pat on the shoulder, much as he'd done with his wife about ten minutes ago. He places his now-empty mug of hot chocolate in the sink.

I put Mrs. Biers' hot chocolate in a travel mug for her to take with her, she thanks me as she takes it, giving me another hug before they both disappear out the dented front door, calling goodnight over their shoulder, his dad has to force it closed behind him, I hear him tell his wife that he'd pay for it to be fixed in a few days. And not to tell Riley that he'd almost taken my head off with a bat when they found him.

Let the investigation begin.

This was actually a really fun part to write, although we see a lot of emotions, I liked to add some funny stuff to lighten it a bit. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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