Do You Understand?

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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I'm a Bitch

I'm a Boss»


It almost seemed like we were to get out of this exchange unscathed for a moment, then a gust of wind came through and blew Bella and my scent to James, the tracker. He inhales the smell deeply and his eyes lock on me, my scent must be more enticing to him than Bella's...interesting.

"You brought a snack," he growls as he speeds in our direction, my family crouches in a protective stance, most focused on Bella. I see James's eyebrow lift slightly when he sees the odd distribution of power.

I keep my eye trained on James as Laurent pulls him away, glancing at the redhead when I feel her calculating gaze on me. Our eyes meet and instantly we're thrown into a battle of will, I stand straighter, taking on my authoritative stance, showing my power through my posture. She looks away when James gives her an excuse, he pulls her away, draping his arm over her shoulders as they walk from the field.

"He's a tracker and a good one, we just made this his most exciting hunt yet," Edward says, anxiety oozing out of his voice as he speeds down the road. "He's very interested in Bella because of how much we protected her, but he's also intrigued by you, Ginny. He wants to know why we didn't protect you as much, why you didn't seem scared. Victoria is also very interested in you, she'll be the one coming for you."

"Oh, I can handle her," I say, smirking, excited to finally have someone to fight that I can kill should I feel the need. Edward chuckles and shakes his head slightly, a smile on his face.

"Wai, you're not going to help us?" Bella asks, turning around in her seat to look at me, I blink at her, confused for a couple of moments.

"Help you?" I ask, urging her to clarify.

"You're not going to help your family to kill James? You're the most powerful out of all of them, you should be there, helping to keep me safe." I blink, slowly at her, wondering just how stupid this bitch is.

"I don't-" I begin, she cuts me off.

"You haven't done a single thing for me, the least you could do is help to keep me safe." She continues, I feel the urge to bash her head against the window.

"I keep you safe every day, Bella. The only reason you're living right in this very moment is because I choose to let you live. I don't owe you shit, stop acting like I do, you entitled little shitstick." I tell her, I hear Edward snort from the front seat at the nickname, Bella looks at him, her eyes wide in offense, before scoffing and turning back around in her seat. We pull up to the house and I can smell one of the nomad vampires from the field, I enter the house quickly to see what's going on.

"And the girl, Victoria, you should not underestimate her," Laurent says, looking directly at me when he says this, I smirk, crossing my arms.

"Oh, I think I can handle her," I tell him, his eyebrows knit together in confusion, I decide to take the moment to introduce myself. "Ginevra Beaumont-Cullen, at your service." At the name, his eyes widen and he throws himself down to one knee, bowing his head in respect.

"My apologies, My Queen. You're not what I'd expected." He says, his face pointed to the floor. I nod, realizing he can't see me.

"It's quite alright, you may stand." He does as he's told, avoiding my eyes when he reaches his feet.

"Is there anything that I can do to help Your Majesty?" Laurent asks, probably willing to do anything to stop me from killing him. I think for a moment, was there something he could do?

"I want you to head to Alaska, search for the Denali coven, tell them what's going on, and let them know that we will give them a call if we need further assistance." Laurent looks up at me, almost as if to ask if that's all he has to do to keep his life.

"What are you waiting for? Go." I tell him, gesturing to the door with my hands, telling him to leave. He does so, after thanking me multiple times. It's silent for a few moments after he leaves.

"What was that?" Bella of course has to ask, her incessant need to be in business isn't hers getting on my nerves.

"I believe that it's called noneya. As in noneyabusiness." Emmett answers for me, I snort and give him a high-five. We walk into the garage with the rest of my family, who are currently gearing up for war.

"Alright, so I'm going to go east, toward New York, I know some people there that might be able to help me out should I need it. I'll draw Victoria away, hopefully long enough for you guys to kill James." Carlisle looks at me, worried.

"And what happens if you don't make it to these friends in time?" he asks, I give him a reassuring smile.

"Then I guess it'll be a good old-fashioned fight to the death," I say, almost giddy with the excitement of it, Carlisle grimaces slightly.

"I don't relish the thought of taking a life." He begins, "Even a sadistic one, like James."

"I know, Carlisle. Let's hope you aren't the one who has to finish the job." I tell him, patting his arm.

"And why would I do that?" I hear Rosalie ask, Edward had just attempted to get her to wear one of Bella's coats.

"What's she to me?" Rosalie adds Esme begins reasoning with her, Rosalie not being receptive. Before she and Edward get into an actual fight, I climb onto a toolbox, making myself taller than everyone but Emmett.

"Oi, fuckheads!" I yell, getting their attention, "Everyone will be helping, whether they happen to like the specimen or not. This isn't about her, this is about supporting our family, this is about protecting each other. Edward is willing to sacrifice himself to keep this girl alive, you are going to be there to make sure it doesn't get to that point. Nobody is going to die tonight. Do you understand?" I ask, demanding an answer, they all avoid my eyes, nodding.

"Good, let's get to work."

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