New Girl

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Present day- Forks, Washington


«Might catch me at the award show,

Eating popcorn in the back row»


"Mom!" I hear the almost-unrecognizable voices of my daughters from behind me, they'd just walked into the kitchen. I whip around, almost dropping the glass of water that I'd been drinking at the sight of them. They were so big! And mature, they looked to be about my age. And they were so beautiful...

"Stella, Luna, you've gotten so big!" I exclaim as I pull them both into a hug, wrapping my arms around both my beautiful daughters, blinking rapidly to keep tears at bay, I'd missed them so much...

The drive to school was fucking awesome, Sam had taught both Luna and Stella to drive and Carlisle had taken them to get permits, I let Luna drive, promising Stella she could drive on the way home, we drove in my Jeep, the music turned up to a ridiculous volume, Conversations by Juice WRLD blasting through the brand-new sound system Rosalie had installed while I'd been away. I was glad my daughters had the same music taste as me, and were mature enough that we were on the same page with most things so I could be a friend and a mom.

I reach over and turn the music to a slightly more reasonable volume as we pull into the parking lot (still loud enough to hear clearly across the parking lot) drawing attention from people all over, they recognized my Jeep and knew I was finally ...

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I reach over and turn the music to a slightly more reasonable volume as we pull into the parking lot (still loud enough to hear clearly across the parking lot) drawing attention from people all over, they recognized my Jeep and knew I was finally back. People stared in confusion and awe when three people hopped out of my car, the two girls drawing attention from others when they got out, people couldn't help but stare...

"Who're they?" I hear a girl's voice ask my friends, they were sitting at their table at lunch, my family had walked in, couple by couple, attempting to make an entrance. We succeeded. As Rosalie and Emmett walked past their table, I heard one of my best friends Jessica and Angela giving the new girl the run-down of our family, I hadn't told them I was coming back, I wanted it to be a surprise.

Stella and Luna walked in behind Jasper and Alice, chatting with them as they walked. Jessica explaining that they were new and the Carlisle had adopted them sometime in the summer.

I walked in with Edward, my arm linked with his in a friendly manner. Edward and I had made up after our little argument a week ago and were back to our perfect brother-sister relationship. I was making idle conversation with him about surfing when I heard the girl ask who I was.

"Oh my God, why didn't she tell us she was coming back?!" I hear Jessica squeal in excitement, we'd gotten really close. I heard people all over the cafeteria yell greetings to me, I waved or yelled back as Ed and I continued to our table.

"Okay, but who is she?" the girl asks.

"That's Ginny Beaumont-Cullen, she's Dr. Cullen's niece, she's from Europe, her accent is fucking amazing. She's basically the queen of this school, and our group's best friend. Everyone loves her, she's really the only one who socializes with anyone who isn't her family." Angela explains to Bella, Edward had leaned in to whisper her name to me halfway through the girl's explanation.

"Are they together?" Bella asks, obviously noticing that I'd sat closer to him than the rest of my siblings and that he'd leaned in and whispered something to me. I hear Jessica giggle at the oblivious girl.

"No, we've asked a million times, but they're not together. She's known him for a long time and she's very comfortable with him but if you even suggest that they're a thing, she gives you the most disgusted look, as if even the thought of it revolts her." Jessica tells Bella. Stella and Luna chuckle at her statement. I place my elbow on the table and lean my head onto it, turning to face Edward with a mock-seductive look on my face, my hair curtaining us off from the rest of our family. When Edward raises his eyebrows, I wriggle mine suggestively and he chuckles, bemusedly before ruffling my hair, I laugh at him and shove his hand away, holding it in mine on the table. I had no problem with this as he had been my best friend for nearly a hundred years.

"She seems like a bitch..." I hear Bella say from her table, my entire family, including Edward and I tense, the comment angering each and every one of us.

"Excuse me, did I just hear you talk shit about Ginevra Cullen? No, sweetie, one thing you should know, never talk shit about her, you will regret it. Not only will her family bring heavenly fire down on you, but everyone else will personally make your life a living hell for being a bitch." Eric tells her, I hear Mike quickly back Eric up. I relax, happy that my friends had my back just as much as my family did, I really did love them.

Edward smiles at my thoughts, he was happy that I was happy. I leaned into his side, eating the carrots Esme packed for me and stealing food off the others' trays, with my daughters, enjoying the time I had with my family.

I sat at the back of the biology classroom, watching Edward and Bella, there was a bond between them, but it wasn't one of soulmates. She wasn't his mate, she was his blood-singer, there was a difference of auras when this happened. I'd seen it before, vampires who meet their blood-singer and don't have the heart to take their life, usually, they will form a relationship with that singer. Typically, these relationships don't end well, the vampire finds their true mate and the singer is left behind, with a completely irrational obsession with the vampire who left them. These singers usually need to be put down, their obsession quickly turning dangerous for everyone around them, including themselves. I could tell Edward was reading this in my thoughts, he looked back at me, his hand over his nose, desperation in his eyes. He didn't know what to do...

And I didn't know how to help him...

Qotd: Favorite song?

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