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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I met you in the dark,

You lit me up»


"Who were you talking to earlier?" I hear the ever-so-unwelcome voice of Isabella Swan behind me as I make my way out of the school.

"I hardly see how that's any of your business, Isabella." I respond, not slowing my stride, continuing straight out of the double-doors and begin to make my way to my Jeep, until I feel Bella grab my arm.

"It is if it puts your family in danger." She tells me, I feel my eyes widen in anger at her accusation.

"Listen here, Swan. Edward might like the idea of keeping you around, but I don't. I actually grasp the gravity of keeping you as a pet, the consequences of having you around. Don't even think for a second that I would put us in danger." I tell her, my voice almost a growl.

"After everything Carlisle sacrificed to create you, to give you a family to go to, you're just going to put that at risk?" Bella asks, I look at her, confused. Who does this bitch think she is? Does she actually believe the shit that's coming out of her mouth right now? Edward best come put a leash on his pet right fucking now.

"Don't talk about things you know nothing about, it makes you sound dumber than you look. I kinda thought that'd be hard to do," I look her up and down, "Apparently not." Then I turn away from her, leaving her behind me, angry and confused, and walk calmly to my Jeep.

When I hop in and look back, I see Bella having an argument with Edward, I strain and hear her telling him to tell her my backstory, what the fuck was my problem? Who the fuck was I talking to? Why does he treat me like some sort of queen? Why am I such a bitch? Why do I look different from them?

I roll my eyes, best keep that leash tighter, Edward. I don't tolerate disrespect, especially when I'm the only reason she isn't dead right now. I see him look up at me and nod, Bella following his gaze and seeing me, I nod back to him. Also, you're taking Stella and Luna home, I have to take Jess and Ange to the diner. He smiles and rolls his eyes before nodding again, just then Jessica and Angela open the passenger door, Jessica moving the passenger seat up so Angela can hop into the back.

"Seatbelts on? Alright, let's get this party started." I throw the Jeep into gear and we speed of towards the Diner for some food and to talk about the group project. Jessica picks the music, South of the Border blasting through the speakers, the three of us scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs as we rocket in the direction of the little diner across town. They quiet down when it gets to Camila Cabello's part, they like to hear me sing that part. They like to hear my voice, partially because I use my powers to make them happy and partially because I've always had a nice voice. I used to have to sing for my food way back when I was a child...I used to have to do a lot of things for my food...

We pull into the parking lot a few minutes later, I turn the music down to an actually reasonable volume and we sit there for a moment, allowing the song to finish before I turn off the Jeep and we head into the diner. The waitress greets us, not needing to ask for our orders (we come here a lot) and points to our usual table, telling us our food would be right out. we thank her and plop down, tiredly in our seats, school sucks.

"So, what was Bella harassing you about earlier?" Jessica asks, Angela looking interested. I roll my eyes at the thought of the bland girl.

"Wanted to know who I was texting at lunch, and probably why I'm going to Seattle but it didn't get that far. I told her it was none of her business and walked away. Wish the bitch would learn to keep her abnormally-large nose out of business that isn't hers." Jessica nods along to my words, wholeheartedly agreeing, Angela just giggles at the insult, probably not wanting to seem like a bitch for agreeing.

"So who were you texting?" Angela asks a moment later, I smile at her caution when asking the question.

"Riley, the friend from Seattle? Yeah, I've been wanting to do another stayover in Seattle for a while now, just haven't really had the chance. You guys should totally come to the next one, I know you have plans this time around, but next time, it would be so fucking fun." I tell them, they both agree with me, the food comes, us three each having ordered a salad and some pie and we continue to talk about everything and nothing at the same time. I loved these two, I don't want to outlive them...

Maybe I should talk to Carlisle...

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