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Present Day- LaPush Beach


«Your worst mistake of your life

Must've started that night

You'll be just fine

While I'm traumatized»


"Do you even know what that means?" I ask Sam, he'd just used the word 'riz' and sounded completely stupid while doing it.

"Yes, of course I know what riz means." He replies, rolling his eyes at me as we walk along LaPush beach together. I put my hands up, as if to surrender.

"Okay, okay, you know what it means. But you sound like and idiot when you use it." I tell him, putting my hands back down and raising my eyebrow, waiting for him to respond. He merely rolls his eyes once again, signaling I'd won.

"Anyways, how're things going with Emily, is her face healing up?" I ask, he'd lost his temper a couple weeks ago and ended up hurting her, I could tell it was eating away at him. His shoulders slump slightly when I mention this.

"She's healing alright, she says that it's not my fault. She says that I couldn't control it, but it is my fault, if I had just tried to control my emotions." He begins to beat himself up for what happened. I stop him with a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face me.

"Hey, it's not your fault what happened, you've only been a shifter for a few years, you've had no one to help you through this fucking ginormous change in your life! You were bound to have a slip-up at some point. At least it was at home with someone who understands than out at a bar or in a fucking grocery store. We don't want a bunch of nosey fuckin soccer-moms comin' around askin' questions, do we?" He laughs at my joke. I laugh with him for a moment before becoming serious again, I cup his face with my hands and make him look me in the eyes.

"Everybody has slip ups, do you know how many times I accidentally killed people because I couldn't stop myself once I'd started feeding? How many times I had to magically alter someone's memory because Ephraim accidentally shifted in front of a human? Everyone makes mistakes, alphas aren't perfect, nobody is. That's the beauty of it, all of us have something wrong with us, everyone's a bit crazy, everyone is allowed to slip up. It's how we make up for it that counts, Sam." I tell him, giving him a small smile before moving my hands to his shoulders again, he pulls me into him and almost crushes me in an emotional hug.

"Thank you, Ginny. Maybe nobodies perfect, but you're probably the closest thing." he tells me, only letting me go when we hear someone clear their throat behind him, even then he keeps me close to him as he turns to face the person.

"Hey, Sam, I've been looking for you, here's the new recruit you wanted Ginny to meet." Quill tells Sam, smiling briefly at me before turning and revealing one of the most handsome guys I think that I've ever seen, the boy doesn't look at me, instead staring at his alpha, almost refusing to look at me.

"Right, Paul, this is Ginny Beaumont-Cullen, she's one of my friends and an important figure in our pack." Sam attempts to introduce me to the other shifter who still refuses to look at me, I place my hands-on Sam's arms that are around my shoulders, holding me in front of him, when I feel them loosen to stop him from moving.

"Hello, Paul, it is very nice to meet you." I tell the man before me, he finally looks at me once I speak to him, his eyes widen when he locks eyes with me, I can feel an invisible cord form between us, Sam's arms loosen once again, I pull them tighter, knowing that Paul is probably going to be the one who hates being tied to me.

"You're fucking kidding me." is all Paul says before glaring at me and turning around, storming away across the beach. I feel the cord around my heart tug uncomfortably with every step he takes away from me, it's painful and I place my hand over my heart as if I could hold it inside my chest. That glare he'd given me, like I was less than dirt to him, it hurt more even than the tugging at my heart. Quill stands there, watching me watch Paul walk away, his expression unreadable.

"Well, go talk some fucking sense into him!" Sam yells at Quill, clearly angry at the situation, I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's not Quill's fault, don't be rude to him." I tell Sam, Quill smiles and nods to me before racing off after Paul. I sigh, leaning backward into Sam and trying to ignore the sudden urge I had to cry, he hugs me from behind, burying his face in my shoulder, I close my eyes and relax into the familiar embrace.

"What do you wanna do?" Sam asks, his voice slightly muffled by my shoulder, I sigh only coming with three options.

"Surf, cliff dive, or spar." I give him the three options that would help take my mind off what just happened, he laughs into my shoulder before lifting his head and staring ahead with me for a moment.

"There isn't much for waves today, spar?" he asks, not choosing to cliff dive probably due to the fact that its usually an initiation for the newest shifter to cliff jump. I nod and he grabs my hand, leading me with him toward my Jeep, he drives us back to the pack house and we prepare to spar...

Hey guys, I might not be posting anything until after Christmas break is over, I'll be working most (if not all) of it and might not have time, I promise I'll be right back after its over though!!

Merry Christmassssss!!!! (If you celebrate it, if not, Happy Hanukkah, if not that, HAVE AN AMAZING DAYYYY)

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