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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«I won't beg for you my dear

these knees have bleed, pull out my hair»


"I finally figured the best course of action." I tell Carlisle and Esme, again in Carlisle's office with a silencing charm.

"You did? And it won't be as painful?" Esme asks. I smile proudly at her, nodding my head.

"Yep, it won't even be as painful as a normal transformation, I've already begun to gather the needed ingredients and equipment...I do feel like if I'm going to do this...I should talk to everyone else about it first." I tell them.

"Let's call 'em in them." Carlisle says, standing from his desk chair and making his way to the door, he opens it and I see all my siblings (minus Edward) standing outside, pretending to not have been trying to eavesdrop. "Come on in guys." Carlisle says, shaking his head, attempting to suppress a smile.

" you all know. I've been wanting to tell Jess and Ange about us. I also want to give them the option to become one of us." I hold my hand up when Rosie goes to protest. "Let me explain. I still have the notes from the experiment my father did on me. The one that made me a vampire...but different. They'll be like me, able to eat, sleep, have children. Just will live forever and will be fucking awesome, like us." Rosalie nods in understanding.

"I didn't want to make such a large change without consulting you guys first, seeing as we already know what Edward thinks of it all, he doesn't need to be here." They all nod, agreeing. "I figured we'd take a vote. Rose, what do you think?"

"Honestly? I'm a bit...jealous of them, I know that when I was turned I was about to die, there wasn't any time for you to do this with me...but I've always dreamed of being able to raise my own children, live my own life...but, I vote yes, if they have their own choice in this matter, then there's no reason why I shouldn't vote yes." Rosie tells me, I fight the urge to jump up and down in happiness, resigning myself to hugging her tightly.

"Okay, Em?" I ask, turning to Emmett who is already smiling at me, giving away his answer.

"Hell. Yes." He tells me and I actually squeal, happy to have my brother on my side.

"Jazzy?" He rolls his eyes at the nickname but nods his head.

"Yes, Darling, I'm all for it." he replies, his southern drawl apparent in every syllable.

"What about you Allie?" She looks grim for a moment, almost making me worry, before she breaks out into the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face and squeals, I squeal with her and soon the tow of us are jumping up and down, holding onto each other.

"Okay, sick. I've already asked the girls and they said they're good with it. really the only person that has anything wrong with it is Edweirdo and that's just because I do not approve of his...relationship with that human." I say, getting annoyed when I mention Bella.

"Alright," I begin, clapping my hands together and looking around at everyone, "I'll begin gathering the ingredients and I will speak with Angela and Jessica before the weeks out, hopefully, we'll have two new sisters soon, or at least have a set date when we will complete the transformation." The all leave the room, looking satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, only Carlisle and Esme stay behind, they watch me as I pace for a few moments once again.

"I'd say that went well." I say, turning to them, they both smile at me.

"It sure did, I don't think I've seen Rose be that open about her emotions in a while, it was refreshing to see that she's still able to open up to us." Esme tells me, a thoughtful look on her face. I smiled at her, we had a short conversation before they left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I conjured my father's notes in front of me as I took a seat of Carlisle's desk, poring over them once again, wishing to make absolutely sure that I hadn't missed anything.

That night when I went to bed, it was with a smile on my face...

I giggled with Stella and Luna, Edward was bringing Bella over today and we had a little surprise waiting for him should he decide to listen to music with her again today. Stella and Luna have learned how to close certain parts of their mind off from the walking-probe that was Edward Cullen. We ran back down the stairs after setting the stereo onto the correct part of the song and turning it all the way up. The girls and I rush into the kitchen, stifling our laughter with our hands, making it into the kitchen just as the front door opens, admitting Bella and Edward.

Edward doesn't waste his time bringing Bella into the kitchen to see us, they head straight up to his room and we could hear them talking almost as clearly as if they were right in the room with us. We slowly walk over to the stairs and stand at the end of them, looking up as we hear Bella mention the stereo, we share a look when we hear Edward cross the room, holding our breath and waiting.

"GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME, DRIP DOWN THE SIDE OF ME!" Meghan Lee Stallion's voice booms down to us from the speakers in Edward's room, the girls and I laugh until we hear his bedroom door open. We use our vamp speed to get to the living room before Edward sees us. We grab books and magazines from the coffee table and take seats around the room, pretending to have been reading.

Edward enters the room a split second after I'd sat down. He assessed the three of us, I was shaking with suppressed laughter.

" would seem that your book is upside down." Edward tells me, I glance at his grinning face and burst out laughing, he laughs with me. I typically prank him as a way to ask for us to put things behind us and go on like brother and sister again. Bella enters the room to see all of us howling with laughter, I have to hold my stomach, Stella is on the floor, having fallen out of her chair.

"I'll get you back for that one, little sister, don't even worry about it." he tells me, pointing at me before taking a deep breath and shaking his head. He turns around and grabs Bella's hand and pulls her from the room, she glares at me once more as Edward drags her away. The girls and I glance at each other before breaking into laughter once again. I high-five each of them as our family enter the house, coming in after a hunt.

"Was that you guys laughing?" Carlisle asks, coming to the living room, looking confused, the girls and I laugh again before picking up our magazines, mine still upside down. Carlisle heaves an amused sigh before going to Esme in the kitchen.

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