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Somewhere in her mind...

When I got my vision back, I looked around myself and saw that I was back in my childhood home I began to panic as I crawled across the dirt floor to the corner before slowly standing, using the wall to help support my shaky body. I scanned the room, I wasn't in the back room, which was where he kept me when he was conducting experiments. But, by the looks of the rest of the house, it was around the time he began his experiments, that you could see a clear lack of the warmth my mother brought to the home.

I was just beginning to calm myself down when I heard the door to the house opening and my father waltzed into the home. there was something off about him, he still looked just the same as he always did, but he didn't have the dead look behind his eyes that he'd gained after Mother died. I watched him silently as he set his things down on the small kitchen table, either my ears deceived me or he was humming as he did so. I shifted my weight to my other foot, this caught his attention, his head whipped up and when he caught sight of me, he smiled.

He actuallysmiled...

"Ginny, I've been wondering how long it would be before you visited me here...I take it my little experiment worked?" He said the malice that I would've expected to accompany a question like that wasn't there. He said this as if he were asking how I liked the nice weather. I think it would've angered me less had there been malice, that would mean he knew what he did was to hurt me, that what he'd done was wrong, but he didn't, and he still doesn't.

"Your little experiment? You mean the torture you subjected me to for months? The random concoctions and poisons you pumped into my body day after day using me as a fucking lab rat? You mean 'little experiment'?" my hands shook at my sides as I fought the urge to lunge forward and strangle him...slowly. The look of sadness and regret that settled on his face took the wind from my sails and snuffed out the flame of anger in my heart. something had changed about him...he was...different.

"I know, Ginny...I'm so, so sorry for what I did. I'm your father it was my job to keep you safe and happy and healthy and I threw all of that away for something that I thought would change the world. But I didn't realize that you are my world Gin." He begins to take cautious steps toward me as if unsure how I would react to him being close to me. I try in vain to fight back the tears that cloud my eyes as he speaks these words, they begin to fall on my cheeks as he continues.

"I thought that my life was over after I lost your mother, I didn't even think about how you must've been feeling. You must've been so scared, must've felt so alone, I know that I did, and I'm so sorry for everything I put you through. For hurting you, for breaking you over and over again, and for not seeing that I had the perfect specimen standing directly beside me, that you didn't need to be changed because you were already the most amazing person I'd ever met. I'm so sorry, My Star." He reaches me and pulls me into a tight hug, I sob uncontrollably into his chest as he holds me, rocking back and forth like he always used to when I'd had a nightmare.

It takes a while before I can calm down enough to speak, I pull away slightly so my words won't be muffled by his broad chest. "Where are we? I thought you were dead." He chuckles at my bluntness before sighing and pulling away and looking around us.

"Well, I am dead...and this isn't heaven, I've lived in heaven for quite a while now...I think we're in your memories right now. God sent me here to communicate with you." My jaw dropped at the fact that my dad just mentioned God like they were best friends and hit the bar every Friday after a long week of work. "Yes, I've met God. He wanted me to talk with you about your potential, you've made amazing progress so far, you've accomplished things most people wouldn't even dream of, but you're not done just yet."

"Once you wake back up in your world, you're going to begin seeing things, these things may scare you, but I'll be with you every step of the way guiding you, helping you to reach your full potential. To fulfill the prophecy of God. I'm not sure why I couldn't just tell you all of this in the real world and why we had to be brought here, of all places...dramatic effect maybe...but I was told it was important that I tell you this before we head back to your world and you begin the next phase of your life as Luna of Jacob Black's pack."

"Wait, we? Like you're going to be coming with me back to my world?" he nods, a small smile on his face as he does so. "But you're dead."

"That is true, I can't explain everything now, we're nearly out of time, you're waking up, but I promise you that everything will make sense very soon. I love you so much Little Star." He pulls me close to him again and kisses the top of my head, the last thing I felt before being slammed into the metal wall that was reality was the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

Then I heard the panicked voice of Jacob, begging me to wake up.

And so I did...

Panic Room... (Paul x OC x Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now