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Christmas Day- Cullen residence


«I don't wanna die or fade away,

I just wanna be someone»


Its Christmas day, I've been sleeping on the couch these last few nights, getting up and down the stairs is incredibly hard to do right now. Alice enters the room, happy, Christmas is her favorite holiday.

"Merry Christmas!" she says in a sing-song voice, her happiness brightening my gloomy mood, I'd been awake for a while now, my stomach refusing to stop hurting.

"Merry Christmas," I say, slightly less excited than she is, standing slowly, I begin to make my way to the bathroom, Alice helps me along. "I gotta pee so fucking bad." I state as she continues to help me to the rest room.

When I finish up and wash my hands, I walk back out, Alice and I making our way to the kitchen, Esme is getting started on making breakfast for me and Sam when he arrives. I take a seat on one of the stools that are at the island and pull out my phone, scrolling for a bit as I wait for Sam to arrive. Carlisle grabs a blood bag out of the fridge and empties the contents into a cup with a straw. I thank him when he hands it to me, slowly slurping the blood as I would soda at a restaurant.

My stomach progressively gets worse as the day continues. The blood doing nothing to help. Sam eyes me concernedly throughout the morning, the pain reaches a climax when I stand from the couch a few hours later, we'd gotten done opening presents and it was about time for lunch, I stood from the couch, a stabbing pain hitting my stomach before I feel a pressure released, water running down my leg.

"Uh, guys?" I say, hands on my abdomen. They all glance warily at me. "My water just broke." A flurry of movement follows my words, Carlisle tells Sam to help me to the office where he'd set up a makeshift delivery room, not wanting to go to the hospital and raise questions. Sam has to carry me up the steps, the contractions are horrible, the worst pain I've felt ever, even when I was human and my father had begun his experiments on me.

"Sam, it hurts..." I mutter to him as he lays me down on the hospital bed that Carlisle had put in, he smiles understandingly at me.

"I know, you just gotta be strong, okay? I'm sure our little ones won't put up much resistance, I doubt they wish to prolong your pain." He tells me, kissing the top of my head as another contraction happens, this one far worse than the last, I whimper, hand resting on the part that hurt. Carlisle quickly enters, the rest of my family coming with him, they stand back, not wanting to overwhelm me.

"Alright, you're dilated the proper amount, now's the time you need to push." Carlisle tells me, I feel my eyes widen.

"Deep breath in," I inhale deeply, Sam's hand holding mine, "Exhale and push." I push along with the exhale, grunting with the effort of pushing an entire fucking living creature out of me.

That day two beautiful baby girls were born...

Momona Tamada as Luna Amara Cullen-The Moon

Momona Tamada as Luna Amara Cullen-The Moon

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«"I look a lot like my dad actually."»

Anna Cathcart as Stella Alyssa Uley- The Stars

«"No, my birthday's Halloween, yes it's fucking Christmas, dumbass

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«"No, my birthday's Halloween, yes it's fucking Christmas, dumbass."»

A/N: So, let's just pretend that Sam is a bit more Asian for this because I absolutely fucking love these two actresses and refuse to hear your concerns about this shit, thank you. Enjoy!

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