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Present Day- LaPush Beach


«I try to be tough,

But I wanna scream»


Paul P.O.V

When Quill had told me of the leech that was some sort of an 'honorary member' of the pack, I'd felt nothing but disgust, down to my bones.

"Because she's different." Was all Quill had responded with when I'd asked him why the hell the elders would allow her anywhere near our pack or our tribe.

"What do you mean, 'she's different'?" I ask him, feeling angry at his vague responses, he simply shakes his head and places another set of clothes next to a tree, we'd been assigned to clothes duty, when we shifted, our clothes tended to be shredded. I'd been in the pack for a few weeks now, living with Sam and Emily, she had stitches on her face, I guess Sam lost his temper a few weeks ago and almost killed her or something.

Quill's phone starts ringing as I'm placing a bundle of clothing next to another tree.

"Hey Sam, what's up?" I hear Quill ask as I straighten up, I can't hear what's being said on the other end of the line due to my being a few feet away but Quill's face suddenly becomes serious and slightly anxious, I wonder what's going on. Quill eyes me for a moment before nodding and hanging up.

"There's someone the Alpha wants you to meet." Is all Quill tells me before turning his back to me and walking briskly back in the direction of the pack house, I ran after him to catch up, he ignored every question I threw at him, walking silently to the house and throwing his bag of bundles inside, gesturing for me to do the same before closing the door and climbing into his car, unsure of what was going on and annoyed from being ignored, I slammed the car door behind me as I got in, Quill started the engine and began driving, my confusion only grew when I realized this was the direction of LaPush beach.

Where the hell were we going? Who did I need to meet?

Quill pulled the car into the parking lot and quickly turned it off, he glanced at me again, his face betraying his anxiety, before opening his door and climbing silently out of the car. I had to speed walk to keep up with him as he walks quickly across the beach, after about one minute of following behind him, I see Sam and some girl standing there, talking to Sam, she smiles at him before becoming serious. The girl says something, kicking her feet out awkwardly as she says it, Sam's shoulders slump, Quill and I make it into earshot before Quill holds a hand out to stop me, not wanting us to interrupt their conversation but wanting me to hear it.

"She's healing alright, she says that it's not my fault. She says that I couldn't control it, but it is my fault, if I had just tried to control my emotions." I hear Sam say, his voice full of self-hatred and defeat. I feel pretty horrible for him, surprising myself.

"Hey, it's not your fault what happened, you've only been a shifter for a few years, you've had no one to help you through this fucking ginormous change in your life! You were bound to have a slip-up at some point. At least it was at home with someone who understands than out at a bar or in a fucking grocery store. We don't want a bunch of nosey fuckin soccer-moms comin' around askin' questions, do we?" Her melodic voice carried an accent that was something like British but older, she attempts at a Brooklyn accent for the last sentence, it almost sounds convincing, but not quite. I feel my wolf melt at her voice and coo at her attempt to make Sam feel better. She cups Sam's face with her hands and the gesture is so personal and borderline intimate that it makes me almost growl out of jealousy. I wanted to punch myself, what is going on? Who is she?

"Everybody has slip ups, do you know how many times I accidentally killed people because I couldn't stop myself once I'd started feeding?" At these words, I knew, this was the leech, this was the bloodsucker that had become and 'honorary member' of the pack, I clench my fists in disgust and rage, how could Sam let that thing touch him?

"Everyone makes mistakes, alphas aren't perfect, nobody is. That's the beauty of it, all of us have something wrong with us, everyone's a bit crazy, everyone is allowed to slip up. It's how we make up for it that counts, Sam." I tuned back in for this sentence, how to you make up for killing people? What the hell was wrong with Sam? He hugs the leech and I see him say something to her, Quill walks forward, motioning for me to follow, when we are about a foot from Sam, he clears his throat. Sam pulls slightly away from the leech but doesn't take his arm from her, my wolf growls at him in my head, I can tell he hears it but he doesn't react. I stand behind Quill as he talks to Sam for a moment then Quill moves to the side, I refuse to look at the leech who Sam has his arms wrapped around from behind.

"Right, Paul, this is Ginny Beaumont-Cullen, she's one of my friends and an important figure in our pack." Sam tells me, I continue to refuse to look at the girl, Ginny, that's a beautiful name. I wanted to punch myself in the face for that thought. I see Sam straighten and loosen his hold on her as if to walk towards me, but the girl's hands reach up and keep him there.

"Hello, Paul, it is very nice to meet you." The beautiful, melodic voice entices me to look at her, I finally give in. the visions that flash rapidly through my head when my eyes lock onto hers are thrilling, but once they're over, I only feel anger towards her, toward the invisible string that has tied us together.

"You're fucking kidding me." I all I say before giving her my best death glare and walking away, my heart trying to pull me back and my wolf howling in agony in my head. I hear Sam yell at Quill behind me and the Ginny come to Quill's defense, I hated that she was kind, I hated that she was beautiful, I hated those mismatched eyes (we're making this a lil different, one eye green, one eye a light blue, to be explained later), and...her tan skin? Wait, hold on, her eyes?

I stop in my tracks, Quill running into me from behind, not expecting the sudden brake. I whip around to face him.

"Why does she look different?" I demand, I wanted to know why she didn't look like the other leeches, Quill sighs and I hear him ask Sam something through the pack link but I haven't quite mastered the ability to access the link so I couldn't quite make out the question or the response.

"Okay, lets get to the car and I'll tell you the story, you might want to be sitting down." Quill says, heaving another sigh, I roll my eyes, following him to the car, wondering only one thing.

What is Ginny Cullen?

AAAAAANNND we're back, happy new chapter!!!! Anyways, I'ma be pumping these things out as fast as my frozen fingers can type them!

Love you guys, have a great dayyyy

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