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In which she watches...

It has been over two hundred years since that day, there are more than two hundred covens scattered across the world. Only about ten covens have ever actually seen me, these are the covens that I hand-crafted, carefully picking my victims out of high-society and making the world a safer place for vampires. The rest know of me, they've heard the legends passed from vampire to vampire of a great queen, her hair as dark as night, her strength unparalleled, her speed like nothing else. Most of all, though, they knew that I was cold, indifferent, some would say that I was broken, damaged. They also knew that if I caught word of people saying these things, their execution would be less than swift, it would be agonizing.

The Volturi were like my Parliament on cocaine, they performed executions, made new laws (approved by me of course), and got involved in conflicts between clans, every now and then I would need to involve myself as well. They quickly gained the respect (and fear) of every clan, this doubled when word spread that I was leading them.

I sat on my throne, the three men at my side, I'd grown somewhat fond of the three, they were the first three that I'd found satisfactory after creating and allowed to continue existing. Eventually, I'd made others who began making others and those others made others who made others, the cycle may go on and on till right this very day, right this very hour, right this very minute...

As I looked upon my three companions feeding on the humans at the foot of the steps I slowly begin to realize, they believed themselves to be above the very things that kept them alive. They believed humans to be at their mercy and not the other way around. They hadn't seen the horrors that the human race could commit. I began to mentally trace the scars on my body, even the scars left to me by my father added to my beauty somehow, I found it sickening that something so horrific can look so magnificent. I continued to gaze upon the feeding frenzy at my feet, the scent of fear and blood permeating the room, making my stomach turn, sometimes the heightened senses were a curse more than a gift, actually, they tended to always be a bit of a curse even when they were a gift.

I watch the feed until there is nothing left for them to feed on. The three men, plus the other members of the Volturi, stand from their position, blood covering their clothes, I turn my nose up at the sight. "Clean yourselves, we are not barbarians." I tell them, the heavy accent and the sternness of my voice making them obey me, they quickly clear from the room, leaving me alone with the corpses of the poor commoners they'd lured in from the street. They'd promised all sorts of things to the people who would enter the palace.

As I sadly contemplate the scene of death before me, I fail to hear the nearly-silent approach of another vampire, I look up only when I hear the awkward clearing of a throat from the other side of the hall. A kind-looking blonde man was standing there, his hair styled perfectly to match the times. I silently dissect him in my mind, taking apart every aspect of his personality and his thinking as I watched him. He shifts uncomfortably under my hard gaze, he avoids eye contact, much like a wolf will avoid eye contact with an alpha. It is a sign of submission.

"State your name and your purpose." I command, when he looks up at me, I notice the odd coloring of his eyes, his eyes were golden, what does this mean?

"I am Carlisle Cullen, I've come to request to join the Volturi." He tells me, the firmness and confidence in his voice momentarily surprising me I was impressed that he could be confident while in my presence, typically, people drop to their knees and beg forgiveness for even speaking. It was refreshing to not be treated like someone to be feared, I might be the creator of all vampires, but I'm still a teenager, I never asked for this life, nor did I truly want it.

"Why are your eyes golden, Carlisle?" I question him, taking care to soften my tone, attempting to make my existence less intimidating. I could tell my attempts were not going unnoticed by the man in front of me, he seemed to gain even more confidence as he explained to me his appetite and how it worked, answering all my questions to the fullest, I could easily tell that he was very well-educated.

That day, Carlisle Cullen walked awkwardly into my cold, loveless life and began to warm it with his fatherly acts and his inexhaustible empathy and kindness. Two decades later, I would leave Volterra with Carlisle and create a new coven, this one a loving family...

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