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Present Day- Forks, Washington


«Got the invite,

to your house,

told me that your parents stayin out of town»


Paul POV:

"Why didn't you tell me that you have two daughters with her?!" I whisper-yell at Sam, standing in the kitchen with the man. He stands with his arms crossed in front of his chest. The two girls, Luna and Stella, I think it was, are in the living room watching over their mother.

"It wasn't any of your business," Emily says, answering the question for her husband. I glare at her, annoyed.

"That the girl that I imprinted on has two kids with my Alpha?" I ask, sarcasm lacing my voice, Sam growls, apparently fed up with my attitude.

"I'm done listening to you whine, you're either her mate, or you're not. You don't just get to be hot and cold to her, she's been through too much bullshit to have to deal with yours too." His glare makes me avert my eyes, I look at his shoulder, "She hasn't done anything to deserve your disdain for her."

"She's killed people!" I yell, gesturing with my arm to the living room where the girl in question is currently sleeping.

"We've all done things we regret. She's probably saved more lives than she's taken anyway. And will continue to." Emily replies, her soft voice stark in contrast to mine and Sam's raised ones.

"She's literally the maker of the species that we're bred to hate, to kill!" I reply, trying to sway someone to my side.

"She isn't the maker, she didn't make herself what she is," Sam replies, Emily's face becomes sad, and I look at them, confused.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, annoyed at his vagueness.

"It's none of your business, dog." One of the girls (Stella, I think) says as the two both walk into the kitchen, having decided their mother was okay enough to leave on her own.

"Stella," Sam warns, I look at the girl, annoyed by her disrespect.

"What, it's not any of his business, if Mom feels like telling him, she will. Otherwise, it's none of his fucking business." Luna replies for her sister, Stella crossing her arms over her chest and nodding, approving of the girl's choice of words.

"I'll handle him, why don't you too go and practice the magic your mother was teaching you guys?" They both nod, glaring at me once more before turning and walking out of the room, moments later, I hear thumps, bangs, and giggles from upstairs. We're silent for a second before we hear glass breaking, even harder laughter following, Sam sighs as Emily chuckles, a knowing smile on her face.

"Damn their mother for teaching them telekinesis," Sam says, shaking his head. Emily outright laughs at this.

"She knew what she was doing." She replies, Sam shakes his head again, a smile creeping onto his face this time.

"She always knows what she's doing." The man replies, reaching out to pull his fiancé into his arms.

"You know that's a lie." I hear a familiar voice say from the entryway to the kitchen, I look over, seeing my imprint standing there, looking still tired but not pale anymore. She doesn't look at me as she enters the kitchen, making her way to the fridge and casually raiding it, acting as if she owned the place.

"I never lie," Sam replies, with Emily, rolling her eyes in his embrace.

"You're lying out your ass as we speak." Ginny's voice is mild as she responds, earning a joking scoff from Sam. She sets the massive amount of fruit that she'd stolen from the fridge on the counter, grabbing out a cutting board, knife, and six cups.

"Shit, could you grab me the granola, yogurt, the blender, some ice...basically everything else I need to make smoothies." She says, further proving that she doesn't always know what she's doing.

Emily and Sam make quick work of grabbing everything out for her. She begins washing the fruit and cutting it into pieces that will be easier to blend, eating some herself as she does. Sam goes to reach for a slice of apple, but she smacks his hand away, and he grumbles as Emily laughs. I'd never noticed how much they were like close siblings until now, even though she's had kids with him. It's like their bond changed when he imprinted on Emily, now he was like a twin brother, he was a part of her.

"Bite me, Ulley." She says I tune back in at this point, not sure what exactly had been happening moments before. But I do notice that Sam has that apple slice he'd gone for. He was chewing it smugly, looking her in the eyes the whole time. Ginny throws a strawberry slice at him, it slides down his face and onto the floor, his jaw hangs open and Emily launches into a fit of giggles.

"Fucking bitch," he mutters playfully under his breath, the girl rolling her eyes with a grin as he continues eating his apple slice.

"Em, music?" Ginny asks, Emily smiles before going over to her phone and connecting it to the radio through Bluetooth. She scrolls through songs for a moment before smiling knowingly and choosing one. It's a song that I'm very vaguely familiar with but remember liking the singular time that I'd heard it.

Hard drugs, cigarettes, high school, unprotected sex, the song sings, Ginny, Emily and Sam all singing along, smiling like idiots the entire time. I stand there, a third wheel for a moment before Ginny notices, stopping what she's doing to move around the island and grab my hands, not allowing me to pull away, and making me dance with her.

I'm fucked up, kicked me out now I'm sitting outside, the song comes to the bridge, and she and the other two begin yelling out the lyrics, all knowing the song by heart. I can't help the smile that begins to slowly form on my face as she continues to make me dance with her.

Maybe she wasn't so bad...

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